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Another Question!

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This may be my best question yet. I have a summon with side effects yet I don't want it to be a different being, maybe the same person with different powers like multiform. The problem is that I don't really know if this is multiform due to the nature of the spell. I want to still have an ego roll to control "the summoned" in which "the summoned" has the same ego as the base character. I want the side effect to be that he loses control of himself and can't control his actions "Enraged/Berserk". I don't know what to build this as. What do you think?




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Actually, I thought of something. Built it as a multiform with both Requires an Ego Roll and Side Effects (If Ego Roll Fails, Enraged/Berserk is put on my character until I recover the body)! The AI idea is a good one, but what do you think of this one? If you think of anything else, please put it on here because your idea was gold!

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This may be my best question yet. I have a summon with side effects yet I don't want it to be a different being, maybe the same person with different powers like multiform. The problem is that I don't really know if this is multiform due to the nature of the spell. I want to still have an ego roll to control "the summoned" in which "the summoned" has the same ego as the base character. I want the side effect to be that he loses control of himself and can't control his actions "Enraged/Berserk". I don't know what to build this as. What do you think?

What do I think? I think you have expressed yourself so obscurely that after reading this several times I am still not sure I have understood what you are trying to say. I'm going to try restating what it is I think you said and you can tell me if I seem to understand.


You have said (I think) "I want my character to have a spell that causes him to be possessed by, or to be in contact with and accessing some of the powers of, an Other Entity (God, ghost, spirit, demon, or just another aspect of himself that he experiences as separate from his normal waking consciousness.) While in this state the character may exercise certain powers and abilities otherwise unavailable, but must struggle with 'the Other' for control of his own actions, a struggle similar to the way someone using the Summon Power must engage in a contest of wills (EGO vs EGO) to compel the summoned being to perform a set of tasks. The character's Self and the Other are equal or near equal in terms of will (same EGO score.)When the Other is in control it may compel the character to commit violence."


Assuming I have understood, here are some suggestions.


The simplest, if you only want to have a few Powers involved, is to give the Powers a Required Roll (if you imagine an EGO vs EGO struggle between two equal EGOs then essentially you're imagining something close to a straight roll of 11 or less) and with Side Effects: Enraged/Berserk.


Another option, if you are wanting Attack Powers, is to use Variable Limitation with one set of Limitations being extra END cost (the effort of will) plus a Roll of 11 or less, and if the roll fails default to the alternate Limitation of No Conscious Control at the -1 level, as the Power activates but does what the Other wants, not what the character wants.


I also thought of the Limitation Only in Alternate ID. That Limitation requires there be something problematic or inconvenient about changing identities, and having to argue with yourself about what you're doing seems problematic to me.


And finally, look at Multiform with the Limitation of Personality Loss, if you want your character to risk getting completely lost in and subsumed by the alternate personality. It might be a good idea in that case to also take Reversion, so you can revert to normal if knocked out, or give the alternate form some kind of Accidental Change Complication (perhaps when you are called by your True Name) or otherwise insure your character doesn't become an NPC permanently.


If I haven't understood what you're talking about, none of this may apply.


Lucius Alexander


Invoking a palindromedary

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Actually, I thought of something. Built it as a multiform with both Requires an Ego Roll and Side Effects (If Ego Roll Fails, Enraged/Berserk is put on my character until I recover the body)! The AI idea is a good one, but what do you think of this one? If you think of anything else, please put it on here because your idea was gold!

Now I think of it, just use Multiform without Personality Loss, and just put Enraged as one of the Complications on the alternate character sheet.


Lucius Alexander


Invoking a palindromedary

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I once build a voodoo priestess whose powers came from being possessed by different loa (spirits). For the most part she didn't physically transform, but each loa gave her a different set of powers along with some changes to personality and some minor changes to appearance. Since most of her stats stayed the same, instead of Multiform I threw it all into a VPP. The slots were all predefined and grouped together by loa, with a Limitation that you couldn't mix-n-match: if you're possessed by Agassou, you get that group of powers and no others. Each grouping came with a Side Effect that was different for each loa: mostly Psych Comps, Distinctive Features or Susceptibilities. The build was kindof complicated to put together, but with a little customization on the character sheet it played pretty well. 

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