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Hardened Defense - clarification request



Per 6E1 147, all of a defense must be Hardened; you can't Harden part of it. However, a character can have some defenses that are Hardened, and some not. So a character could have 10 PD (not Hardened) and then buy Resistant Protection (10 PD), Hardened. That's perfectly legit. But you can't have 10 PD with 5 of it Hardened and 5 of it not Hardened.


I have always assumed that this applies to a specific purchase of a power.  If a person buys resistant defenses twice, they could hardened one power and not the other.

Ex:  Kevlar suit - 6/6 Resistant Defense -18 points

       Steel inserts - 6/6 Resistant Hardened Defense - 22 points

      The character has 12/12 resistant.  Against an AP attack, it would be 9/9.

Am I correct or misunderstanding the rule on pg 147?

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