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Building Clairvoyance



Hi, long question short: I'm building a character with clairvoyance, and I'm struggling to understand a few things.


There's two main ways I've been trying to do it, the first is using detect. I've defined the detect as 'atomic matter' (physical objects essentially), along with analysis, 360 arc perception, range, penetrative and passive. My main problem is that I'm unsure what the range is, and how I might define it.


The second way I'm attempting to build it is using clairsentience. It's built using the sight group, with analysis and penetrative again tacked on. If I go with this method, will the analysis work with my clairsentient sight?



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1 answer to this question

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1. Re: the Range of Senses, see 6E2 7.


2. Per 6E1 179, Characters can purchase "appropriate" Sense Modifiers for Clairsentience. If your GM considers Analyze an "appropriate" Sense Modifier, then yes, Analyze will work with your Clairsentience-based Sense. That's an interesting idea; I don't recall ever seeing that before. :thumbup:

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