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New PDFs From Steve: Control Powers; Dark Champions Templates; Ghouls

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I've been busy lately finishing up a few old projects lurking on my hard drive, and Jason just put them up in the Online Store. Please check 'em out:



Control Powers -- an article on simulating "controller"-type characters from computer games in the HERO System, derived from my attempt to help one of the guys in my gaming group build such characters to his satisfaction. ;)


Dark Champions Templates for 6th Edition -- all the Package Deals from Dark Champions for 5E converted into 6E Templates.


Books of the Undead, Volume 5:  Ghouls -- all sorts of undead corpse-eaters for your campaigns. Throw your heroes for a loop with a Blood Ghoul, Ghoul King, or Nachzehrer!



Get 'em now while they're hot off the digital game forge! ;)

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Picked up Control Powers, think it's rad. 



Quick question, though. Absolute Effects. Is there a guideline that I'm missing somewhere on how high that should be? Specifically, I'm not sure where the numbers for Immobilize come from, they seem a lot lower than the others.


All in all, I think it's a useful little pamphlet on how to get that character type translated into any RPG, not just Hero. Nicely done, mate.

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It's covered in 6E1 133. I don't see a reference in CC, which is what I seem to remember you have. Short version--build a power to block or overcome the highest level effect you will allow in your campaign (if no one can have more than 10DCs normal damage, 60 DEF blocks that). Then you declare that to be an absolute effect.


Anything using an Absolute Effect has to be evaluated against your own campaign limits if you want to price it correctly for your game.

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Quick question, though. Absolute Effects. Is there a guideline that I'm missing somewhere on how high that should be? Specifically, I'm not sure where the numbers for Immobilize come from, they seem a lot lower than the others.


Typically I follow, more or less, the guidelines laid out above. Sometimes I'm a little more forgiving in the interest of keeping costs down or for some other reason. That's the case for Immobilize, where the large amount of Advantages would make it cost-prohibitive to try to follow the standard guidelines.


Similarly, I have to confess that the Entangle 1d6 for Paralyze is partly a little in-joke. Years ago a friend of mine was running Champions for our gaming group, but he was, let us say, a little distracted from his GMing because he'd recently me the woman who'd go on to become his wife. I was playing Captain Chronos, and I convinced him to let me take an NND Entangle as a "Stop Time Bubble." He questioned it at first, but I said, "Hey, c'mon, it's only 1d6" -- and he bought it! That lasted for exactly one use of the power, after which he wisely changed his mind. But we still chuckle over it. ;)


Glad you like the PDF!

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I convinced him to let me take an NND Entangle as a "Stop Time Bubble." He questioned it at first, but I said, "Hey, c'mon, it's only 1d6" -- and he bought it! That lasted for exactly one use of the power, after which he wisely changed his mind. But we still chuckle over it. ;)


Wait...how does an NND Entangle even work?  There already is no defense against Entangles. I'm wondering how that was adjudicated in session that it was never allowed to happen again.

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Wait...how does an NND Entangle even work?  There already is no defense against Entangles. I'm wondering how that was adjudicated in session that it was never allowed to happen again


Sure there's a defense:  breaking out of them. It's not a defense in the "standard" sense, but given that a character can break out of them and potentially still have a Full Action, it's close enough. An NND Entangle is one which you cannot breakout of, period, full stop, unless you have the defined defense (in which case you're just not Entangled at all).


When it came up in the game, the GM stopped, paused, thought about it for a second, realized what he had on his hands, and Retroactively Just Said No. ;)

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Sure there's a defense:  breaking out of them. It's not a defense in the "standard" sense, but given that a character can break out of them and potentially still have a Full Action, it's close enough. An NND Entangle is one which you cannot breakout of, period, full stop, unless you have the defined defense (in which case you're just not Entangled at all).


When it came up in the game, the GM stopped, paused, thought about it for a second, realized what he had on his hands, and Retroactively Just Said No. ;)


Yeah, I wouldn't have fallen for that either.  Breaking out is not a defense in my opinion, so NND on an Entangle would just be wasted points, like Reduced END on Life Support.  But nice try!

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Many years ago, the GM hit us with an NND Entangle, with enough area to cover the entire Earth.  The defense was, "not having super powers".  I was playing a powered armor guy who, while his armor was Entangled he wasn't.  The only problem was that for a variety of reasons he was stuck inside...

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Many years ago, the GM hit us with an NND Entangle, with enough area to cover the entire Earth.  The defense was, "not having super powers".  I was playing a powered armor guy who, while his armor was Entangled he wasn't.  The only problem was that for a variety of reasons he was stuck inside...

Reminds me of Dr. Abnormal's Fiendish Deathtrap. The defense was either having or not having Normal Characteristic Maxima, depending on how she set it.


Lucius Alexander


My palindromedary is my defense.

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