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Create A Hero Extra: Jet Justice And The Defenders Of Sol


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I had a bit of an idea, and I'd like to bounce it off of you as a possible addition to the DoS:


While the Defenders themselves are a fairly skilled and powerful group, the forces and resources

available to Diabolon and his ilk are considerably greater than their own, meaning that they could

find themselves in a situation where they'd find themselves being overrun and captured. To avoid

this possibility, Admiral Farragut suggested to the Defenders that a group of agents be selected

from the ranks of the FBI and U.S. Special Forces personnel -- Army Rangers, Marine Force Re-

con, and Navy SEALs -- cross-trained in the others' specialties, and armed with the most advanced

weapons possible. These agents -- who would be known as Justice Rangers -- would provide

support to the Defenders when necessary, and would also provide any after-action assistance

(most likely emergency first-aid procedures) to any victims unfortunate to be caught in the vicinity.


Farragut turned to the scientists of Project Trident for aid in this endeavor, and -- with the help of

Jet Justice, who was able to provide the necessary technological knowledge for them to work with --

they were able to create the equipment and weaponry for use by the Justice Rangers.


The uniforms worn by the Rangers -- designed to resemble Jet's own uniform -- are a hybrid mix of

Kevlar and Nomex (for protection against bullets and fire), plus a network of microtubes which can

provide cooling or warmth (depending upon both the particular chemical pack installed and the

climate where they may find themselves operating in) for up to six hours; there is also a mesh of

wiring which serves as the projection grid for a protective force field, which can block all but the

most powerful hand-held (or crew-served) energy weapons. Both the microtube and projection

grid systems are concealed beneath the outer layers of the uniforms, and are powered by a thermo-

conversion energy source, which converts the wearers' body heat into usable electrical power; part

of the TC system is a step-up transformer, which amplifies the electrical energy produced by the

wearers' body heat to levels sufficient to power both systems at once. A set of backup capacitors in

each uniform provides emergency power in the event of main power failure. The helmets, in addition

to the armor protection provided to their wearers, have built-in secure communications gear as well

as hybrid infra-red/low-light vision capability.


As for weapons, the scientists were able to duplicate the Justice Blaster (in function if not form), even

if the results of their labor weren't quite as powerful as the original (at least a DC or two lower than

Jet's weapon); as for heavier weapons, the Rangers make use of weapons such as the USAS-12 12-

gauge semiautomatic shotgun (using beanbag, flechette, and high-explosive antipersonnel rounds as

needed), with heavier weapons -- antiarmor rockets, for instance -- used on an 'as needed' basis.


The only piece of Jet's gear that the scientists haven't yet been able to duplicate is his flight pack.






Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Sounds good, Major. Don't forget, Jet Justice's Justice Blaster is a 150 point, 75 Control Cost VVP (to simulat two guns). The Justice Ranger's Justice Blaster, on the other hand, is a 60 point Multipower with roughly 10 slots and an extra one for 5 points.

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Do you have an origin for jet justice yet? 


I came up with one earlier see if it fits your vision


Jet Justice is the star of a series of newspaper strips, comics and movie serials starting in the 40s his origin has changed to fit the times many time through the years but the core stays the same. I kind of picture him as a mashup of flash gordon and Commando Cody/The Rocketeer with elements of Dan Dare and Buck Rogers


Johnny "Jet" Justice was a high school athletic phenom excelling at multiple sports he took his school team The Andrew Jackson High Jaguars to wins at the state championships in football basketball and wrestling he had a free ride scholarship to any school in the country.


Alas It was not meant to be but when war was declared Johnny forgot his dreams of sports stardom and enlisted joining the airforce and flying combat missions (originally he flew in WWII flying advanced prototype jets then Korea, Vietnam Iraq Kosovo Afghanistan and Iraq again).


Now a decorated combat vet and ace pilot, Johnny returned stateside to a new role as a test pilot; just in time for the invasion of Diabiolon and his Space pirate fleet. 


Diabolon's ships  blasted land marks in capitols across the globe and demanded the earth's surrender and tribute of slaves gold and the worlds most famous artworks(lot of galactic collectors of primitive works from backwards planets) Jet was having none of this. With the help of the Brilliant scientist who developed it he commandeered an experimental space plane.


he flew near suicidal attack on Diabolon's flagship attempting to deliver a nuclear bomb . unfortunately he failed trapped by the Pirate Flag ships tractor beams he was captured and marked for death but he  escaped (his method has changed over the years originally he seduced one of Diabolon's dastardly daughters , later it was an escape from the gladiatorial pits of the flag ship in one version he was rescued by a cherubic shanghaied pirate cabin boy and his trusty robot dog) after escaping he some how managed to trigger a catastrophic explosion aboard the flag ship destroying it and damaging or destroying much of the fleet ships in the process. Diabolon escaped the destruction of his ship and vowed Vengeance but the fleet was forced to withdraw after the destruction of their best ships.


Jet returned to earth aboard a stolen pirate star fighter  Wielding both his omni blaster and the (atomic/solar/Gravatonic) flight-pack He had liberated from the pirate arsenal.


from that day on he would become earth's foremost defender whether thwarting the machinations of Diabolon and other interstellar villains on earth or journeying into the cosmos to rescue other worlds and enlist allies against the pirates and plunderers of the galaxy.

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(Finished with his stats. Now all I have to do is post them. This page is a work in progress.)


Jet Justice


Value  Char  Points  Roll  Extra

     18   STR          8   13-  Lift: 300kg. Damage 3 1/2d6. Throw: 28m

     16   DEX        12   13-

     18   CON         8   13-

     23   INT          13  14-  PER Roll: 14-

     23   EGO        13  14-

     25   PRE         15  14-  PRE Attack: 5d6


       7   OCV         20

       7   DCV         20

       7   OMCV      12

       7   DMCV      12

       6   SPD         40         Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12


       8   PD             6

       8   ED             6

      22  REC         18

      50  END         30

      16  BODY        6

      60  STUN       20

Charatistics Total: 259


Movement Box:

Running: 12m (24m NC)

Leaping: 4m (8m NC)

Swimming: 4m (8m NC)

Flight 1: 10m (80m NC)

Flight 2: 200,000km Megamovement (all NC)

Flight 3: Faster Than Light Travel, 1 Light Year per Year 



Cost   Power/END Cost

   75   Justice Blaster: Variable Power Pool 75 points

   42   Justice Blaster - Control Cost: Variable Power Pool Control Cost 75 points, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2), No Skill Required (+1), Slightly Limited Class (Anything Which Can Be Justified As A Beam Of Energy Coming Out Of It, Or Anything Reacting To A Beam Of Energy Coming Out Of It: -1/4), Focus (Justice Blaster: PD 38/ED 38, OAF: -1)

    5   Second Justice Blaster: The 5 Point For Every Extra Equipment Rule (Yes, It Can Be Used If The VVP Is Defined As One Piece Of Equipment With Many Functions)


          Justice Blaster - Example VVP Attack - Space Beam: Blast 4d6, Megascale (Megarange: 10,000KM per 1M: +2), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 70 Points Of The VVP


         Justice Blaster - Example VVP Attack - Cosmo Energy Beam: Blast 6d6, Armor Piercing (2 levels: +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 75 Points Of The VVP


         Justice Blaster - Example VVP Attack - Pulse Energy Beam: Blast 5d6, Autofire (10 Shots: +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 75 Points Of The VVP


        Justice Blaster - Example VVP Attack - Ghost Beam: Blast 7d6, Affects Desolidified (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 75 Points Of The VVP


       Justice Blaster - Example VVP Attack - Reverse Ghost Beam: Blast 4d6, Affects Physical World (+2), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 68 Points Of The VVP


        Justice Blaster - Example VVP Attack- Deflecto Beam: Deflection, Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 30 Points Of The VVP


        Justice Blaster - Example VVP Defense - Forcewall Beam: Barrier 5m long, 1m tall, 1/2m thick, PD10/ED10/BODY10, Dismissible, Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1), Cannot Englobe (-1/4)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 56 Points Of The VVP


        Justice Blaster - Example VVP Attack - Forcewraping Beam: Entangle 4d6, PD4/ED4, Dismissible, Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 68 Points Of The VVP


        Justice Blaster - Example VVP Attack - Tranquility Beam: Mind Control 5d6, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (No Normal Defense - Defense Is A Full 3 Points In Life Support: Diminished Sleep : +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Telepathic (+1/4), Set Effect ("Go To Sleep": -1/2), Based On CON (-1), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 69 Points Of The VVP


        Justice Blaster - Example VVP Movement - Grapple Beam: Swinging 20m (40m NC), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (Justice Blaster- OAF, PD38/ED38: -1)/0 END Cost, Takes Up 15 Points Of The VVP


   10   I Hit Hard!: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (7 and 1/2 D6 w/STR), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)/+2 END Cost


   32   See That Door Over There?: Hand Killing Attack +3d6 (4d6+1 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Penetrating (+1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase: -1/2), Limited Power (Only VS Large Inanimate Objects: -1)/+8 END Cost


   47   Space Patrol Suit - Force Field: Resistant Protection PD20/ED20, Impermeable, Protects Carried Items, Focus (Space Patrol Suit - PD20/ED20, OIF: -1/2)/0 END Cost


   17   Space Patrol Suit - Force Field, Emergency Reentry Mode: Reentry (Heat From Friction From Reentering The Planet's Astrosphere) Damage Negation -6DC, Linked (To Resistant Protection: -1/4), Focus (Space Patrol Suit - PD20/ED20, OIF: -1/2)/0 END Cost


   30   Space Patrol Helmet - Sense Protection: Flash Defense 15 Points, Sight, Hearing, and Mental Sense Group, Focus (Space Patrol Helmet, PD9/ED9, OIF: -1/2)/0 END Cost


   37   Space Patrol Anti-Gravity Flight Pack: Multipower 63 points, Focus (Space Patrol Anti-Gravity Flight Pack - PD9/ED9, OIF: -1/2), Unified Power (Flight Pack: -1/4)


   4f   Space Patrol Anti-Gravity Flight Pack - Gravity Well Mode: Flight 10m (80m NC), Position Shift, Improved Noncombat Movement (8X), Combat Acceleration/Deceleration (+1/4), No Gravity Penalty (+1/2), No Turn Mode (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (Space Patrol Anti-Gravity Flight Pack - PD9/ED9, OIF: -1/2), Unified Power (Flight Pack: -1/4)/0 END Cost


   3f   Space Patrol Anti-Gravity Flight Pack - Space Combat Mode: Flight 10m (20m NC), Position Shift, Megascale (Megarange: 1m = 10,000kn: +2), No Gravity Penalty (+1/2), No Turn Mode (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (Space Patrol Anti-Gravity Flight Pack - PD9/ED9, OIF: -1/2), Unified Power (Flight Pack: -1/4)/0 END Cost


   3f   Space Patrol Anti-Gravity Flight Pack - Emergency Space Mode: FTL Travel 1 LY per year, Focus (Space Patrol Anti-Gravity Flight Pack - PD9/ED9, OIF: -1/2), Unified Power (Flight Pack: -1/3)/0 END Cost


    3   Chemical Heating And Cooling Unit: Life Support Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Focus (Space Patrol Suit - PD20/ED20, IIF: -1/4)/0 END Cost


    3   Space Worthy Force Field: Life Support Low Pressure/Vacuum, High Pressure. High Radiation, Focus (Space Patrol Suit Force Field - PD20/ED20, IIF: -1/4), Linked(To Resistant Protection, Need Not Use In Proportion To Resistant Protection: -1/4)/0 END Cost


   10   Medicine In The Future: Life Support, Immunity To All Terresittal Diseases, Immunity To All Terresittal Poisons, Limited Power (Must Be Renewed Every 40 Years: -0)/0 END Cost


    6   Oxygen Recycler: Life Support, Self Contained Breathing, Focus (Space Patrol Helmet, PD9/ED9, IIF: -1/4), Linked (To Resistant Protection, Need Not Use In Proportion To Resistant Protection: -1/4)/0 END Cost


   30   Space Vision: +12 vs. Range Modifiers on PRE Roll, Megascale (1m = 100 km: +1 1/2), Focus (Space Patrol Helmet - PD9/ED9, OIF: -1/2)/0 END Cost


   23   Energy Vision: Detect Energy, +5 to PRE Roll, Analyze, Discriminatory, Range, Sense, Tracking, Megascale (1m = 100 km: +1 1/2), Focus (Space Patrol Helmet - PD9/ED9, OIF: -1/2)/0 END Cost


Total Power Cost: 380


Cost   Perks

     3    Fringe Benefits: Intergalactic Police Powers, Limited Perk (Own Dimension Only, Mostly Unusable In Our Dimension: -1)

     1    Positive Reputation: Heroic Space Cop, Small Group (Comic Strip Fans), 14-, Limited Perk (Our Dimension Only: -0)

     1    Positive Reputation: Top Space Patrolman Of Terra (Everyone On Terra, And The Sol System Where Terra Is Located), 11-, Limited Perk (Own Dimension Only: -1)


Total Perks: 5


Cost   Talent

     3   Absolute Range Sense

     3   Absolute Time Sense

     3   Ambidexterity, Full

     3   Bump Of Direction

     5   Eidetic Memory

     3   Environmental Movement, Zero Gravity Movement (+3 to eliminate environmental penalties in space)

     3   Lighting Calculator

     6   Striking Appearance, Handsome (+2/+2d6)

   16   Space Patrol Helmet Translation Unit: Universal Translator, 14-, Focus (Space Patrol Helmet - PD9/ED9, IIF: -1/4)


Total Talents: 45


Total Perks + Talents: 50


Cost   Skill/Roll


     3   Expert (Law Enforcement)

     4   KS: Space Laws Of His Own Dimension: 16-

     4   KS: Laws Of The World: 16-

     4   KS: Law Enforcement Agencies Of Note: 16-

     4   KS: Criminal Organizations Of Note: 16-


     3   Expert (Space)

     4   AK: Sol Solar System Of His Dimension And Ours (His Dimension Is The Same As Ours Plus The Planets Nemeses and Janus): 16-

     4   AK: Hades Solar System (Only Exists In Own Dimension): 16-

     4   AK: The Moon: 16-

     4   AK: Terra (In Other Words, Earth Of His Own Dimension): 16-

     2   AK: Earth: 14-


     3   Scientist

     4   SC: Chemistry: 16-

     4   SC: Cosmo-Physics: 16-

     4   SC: Genetics: 16-

     4   SC: Mathematics: 16-

     4   SC: Physics: 16-

     4   SC: Zoology: 16-


     5   Acrobatics: 14-

     5   Breakfall: 14-

     3   Charm: 14-

     5   Climbing: 14-

     9   Combat Driving: 16-

     9   Combat Piloting: 16-

     3   Computer Programing: 14-

     3   Conversation: 14-

     3   Criminology: 14-

     3   Deduction: 14-

    10   Defense Maneuver: Full

     3   Demolitions: 14-

     3   Disguise: 14-

     3   Electronics: 14-

     9   Fast Draw: 16-

     3   Forensic Medicine: 14-

     3   High Society: 14-

     3   Interrogation: 14-

     5   KS: History (INT Based): 16-

     2   LS: Luciferan (Fluent w/accent, "Terrain" [English] is native)

     2   LS: Alien Language Of Player's Choice (Fluent w/accent)

     5   Lockpicking: 14-

     3   Mechanics:14-

     3   Navigation: 14-

     3   Oratory: 14-

     3   Paramedics: 13-

     3   Persuasion: 14-

     3   Security Systems: 14-

     3   Shadowing: 14-

     3   Slight of Hand: 14-

     3   Stealth: 14-

     3   Survival: 14-

     3   System Operation: 14-

     3   Tactics: 14-

     3   Teamwork: 14-

     3   Weaponsmith: 14-


     2   TF: Science Fiction And Space Vehicles

     2   TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles

     1   TF: Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles

     1   TF: Combat Aircraft


     2   WF: Common Melee Weapons

     2   WF: Common Missile Weapons

     2   WF: Small Arms

     2   WF: Beam Weapons

     2   WF: Energy Weapons

     2   VWF: Starship Weapons

     2   VWF: Airplane Weapons


Skill Total: 228


Cost   Skill Levels

    12   +1 Overall Levels

    10   +1 w/All Non-Combat Skills

      8   +2 w/A;; Intellect Skills


    10   +1 w/All Combat

      8   +1 w/All Range Combat

    10   +2 w/Justice Blaster VVP Attacks


Total Skill Levels: 58


Grand Total: 975


Complications (400+)

Hunted by Diabolon The Space Devil (As Powerful, Frequently): 15

Negative Reputation: Comic Strip Character Come To Life (Infrequently): 5

Physical Complication: Not That Familiar With Earth Culture (While Earth And Terra Are Mostly The Same Planet, 'Years' Have Past And There Past Is Not Exactly The Same) (All The Time, Slightly): 25

Psychological Complication: Code Of The Hero (Common, Total): 20

Psychological Complication: In Love With Milinda Terra, Will Do Anything To Protect Her, And Do Almost Anything She Asks Unless It Is Likely To Hurt Her (Common, Total): 10 (originally 20, but at the maximum of 75 points in complications)

Psychological Complication: Obsessed With Upholding The Law (Common, Strong): (15)

Social Complication: Extradimensional With Limited Legal Rights (Infrequently, Major): (10)

Experience Spent: 500




From the book 101 Lesser Known Comic Strips by Karl Molton.


From the early days of the Jet Justice comic strip, Jet was nothing more than a glorified Hiway Patrolman of the future. He chased down speeders (it is illegal to go to warp speed within one light year of a 'gravity well'), fighting smugglers, and trying to stop the flow of illegal aliens into the planet (with alien being exactly that...alien). The setting was a united Earth (renamed Terra) under the rule of a gentle President of Terra. And Jet was simply a cop, one who patrolled space. (It should be noted that the year was never spelled out, but was implied to be years in the future. Author notes states that it is around 2015, but the author, Mister Jim Cosmo, never set it in stone).


The strip never achieved it's fame till Jet was assigned to protect the daughter of the President of Terra (later giving the name Milinda Terra) as she traveled to the distant planet Lucifer on a mission of mercy. While on route to the planet, they were captured by Diabolon The Space Devil, who was a grand Space Pirate/Ming The Merciless homage and soon became Jet's arch nemesis. Jet soon had to use his wits, fists, and even psychology to not only escape, but to prevent the fall of the planet of Lucifer. The strip enjoyed a short blast of popularity. Soon, there would be a serial based on this storyline (simplified with many changes to set it in the modern times [Freekboy6117's original origin of the character is simply based on the serial, which inspired a short live action TV series, a short live cartoon series, and a comic book series]).


The strip finally came to an end in the late 90's, when Diabolon kidnaping Milinda Terra on the day of her wedding to Jet Justice, and tossing her out of a portal created by Thluna The Queen Of Space, and Jet Justice falling after her. There was some reports of a superhero team, returning from a space mission, rescuing two people resembling Jet Justice and Milinda Terra from being burned up from reentering our planet's gravity well. A few years later, reports of a man resembling Jet started surfacing about him fighting supervillians. You'll never know...perhaps someplace in the multiverse Jet Justice is real, and they read about our superheros in the comic strips.


Personality/Motivation: Jet Justice is motivated by his love of the concept of justice. He lives in a dimension where extraterrestrials are common, and he views law as the only thing keeping decent beings safe and in harmony(regardless of how many eyes they have, if they have arms or tentacles, or what color skin they have). He upholds the law because he believes in it, it is his job as a Space Cop to enforce the law, and that he loves piece and order. He even believes that he is not above the law. (Of course, he realizes that in our dimension he is nothing more than a vigilante. Still, he tries to operate as a privet citizen would within the law.)


The only other thing he loves more than the law is Milinda Terra. Originally, he viewed her as a rich and spoiled president's daughter, but during there first adventure, he saw a side to her he liked, that of a woman who would sacrifice herself for the welfare of others. And, over time, he grew to love her like he loves the law. He would do anything to protect her and keep her safe within the law (and she would do likewise).


He is not above killing, but he limits it to the answer of 'killing one to save more' situations. And even then, he hesitates because of the law. Not for fear of it, but for the love of it.


Quote: "Give yourself up now, evildoer. For Jet Justice stands before you."


"Yes Milinda dear."


"In my dimension, it is illegal to jump to light speed within a gravity well, like that given off by a planet. We could rip the planet apart if we are not careful. So, please let us go a bit farther away before jumping to light speed."


"It is always good to obey the law."




Campaign Use:



Edited by steriaca
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There was a plot seed in the Champions/Silver Age Sentinels crossover book Reality Storm that applies to that situation.

Basically, the PC heroes get hold of a copy of a brand-new superhero comic, in which the adventures of a superhero

team called the Guard fights supercrime and other threats in their hometown of Empire City (the New York of that comic

universe). The only ones who know that the Guard is a real team are the PCs, who had joined forces with them to pre-

vent the destruction of both of their Earths during the Reality Storm.


One possibility is that the comic book creators (as well as TV and movie producers and screenwriters) are being enabled

to "see" these other universes in what they believe to be dreams, but which are actually psychic projections from a being

(or beings) not unlike the Q or Trelaine of Star Trek, and are inspired to write about these 'fictional' characters (or to make

TV shows or movies about them).



Major Tom 2009 :sneaky:

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OK. I got an official answer to my question about having more than one VVP defined as a single piece of equipment. That there is no official way to buy it. He would go for the "pay full price for the first VVP, and the control cost, and then buy the second VVP under the 5 point double equipment rule", so I think I should rewrite the VVP to do it that way.


Hears to the Justice Blaster, long may it blast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Captain Trident...is in. Paul Luka (the Joe Paluka homage who was not sergested at all) is in. Humm...I like your homage to Mandrake and Lothor (and will promote your L to full member as oppose to DMPC). Your flyboy Cannon homage is also in. Teenage scientist/millionaire Becca Piecebill should be in also (Little Orphan Annie homage). And Cadfield, the psychic cat (Garfield homage) as a semi-mascot (well, he IS a cat). The rest are sometimes helpers, except for duplication (I didn't like Sailor Man...to joky).

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OK, here's my take on the remaining two members of the DoS that you mentioned -- Becca Peacebill

and Paul Luka:






Becca looks like she does because I figured that she was a homage to Little Orphan Annie (whose guardian

was Daddy Warbucks), while Luka looks like someone who works the extreme fighting circuit when he isn't

kicking pirate booty all over the place.



Major Tom 2009 :cool:






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