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Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

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Wonder Woman hasn't born any resemblance to Martson's conception of the character for at least 20 years, if not longer.


Edit: And that's a good thing IMO.


Wonder Woman bears as much resemblance to Marston's creation Batman does to Bill Kane's and Superman does to Siegel and Shuster's.

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Actually, I have enjoyed the new 52 version of WW. They did a lot more with her and her interactions with Olympus. She is currently the God of War as Ares was destroyed fighting the first born. I also really enjoyed the Supeman/Wonder Woman book and their relationship/interactions. It was nice seeing both of them with someone on their power level that understood what each other faced.

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I think the best Wonder Woman interpretation was the one George Perez did right after Crisis on Infinite Earths.  She was a fascinating, powerful character without being a feminist stereotype or a bondage freak.


Ah. Even more incentive for me to pick up the George Perez WW Omnibus which is set to be released in August.


Kind of a shame about the bondage, though :no:.

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Every generation feels the need to rewrite the mythical heroes of popular culture to better suit their own temperment. The current cinematic depictions of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman have less to do with traditional portrayals and more to do with matching the expectations of today's youth. Apparently they want their superheroes to be Medal of Honor avatars rather than four-color champions of wholesome goodness. This Wonder Woman must exist in a post-The 300 (post-Spartacus) era in which we should not be surprised to hear an omniscient voice intone "Finish him" and see her decapitate her opponent with grim resolve. This may not bear any resemblence to the character as conceived by Marston, but it clearly resonates with where pop culture has gone since.

I'm fine with it, as long as the movie makers take their inspirations from some version of comic book canon, which they are doing, so huzzah!

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Actually, I have enjoyed the new 52 version of WW. They did a lot more with her and her interactions with Olympus. She is currently the God of War as Ares was destroyed fighting the first born. I also really enjoyed the Supeman/Wonder Woman book and their relationship/interactions. It was nice seeing both of them with someone on their power level that understood what each other faced.

I agree. I had always felt the traditional view of WW aschewed her greek/mythological origins, and the newer incarnations of her not only acknowledge those origins, but revel in them, and I highly appreciate that.

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No one is calling for a 1:1 carbon copy of the comic book character herself.


There are taller and/or more muscular women, though, that aren't necessarily full-time weightlifters or WWE/WWF regulars. Let's not pretend otherwise.


Gadot is simply too thin. She could get the acting down right, but the physicality won't be there.

Agreed wholeheartedly. After seeing Gadot in the outfit, I think she looks good. Certainly pretty enough, but the physical dimensions just arent there. I wish they could have found an actress a bit thicker with some muscle mass, or at least given Miss Gadot time to bulk up some more.

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Agreed wholeheartedly. After seeing Gadot in the outfit, I think she looks good. Certainly pretty enough, but the physical dimensions just arent there. I wish they could have found an actress a bit thicker with some muscle mass, or at least given Miss Gadot time to bulk up some more.



Part of the problem lies in the fact that she used to be (still is?) a model. What are the overwhelming majority of models drilled into being? That's right: thin.

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Ah. Even more incentive for me to pick up the George Perez WW Omnibus which is set to be released in August.


Kind of a shame about the bondage, though :no:.


AFAIK, the bondage thing has been an aspect the character from Marston on.  You see it it in Perez's run, Greg Ruckers stint, Azzarello recent Nu52 stuff and even Gail Simone's time on the book.  If it bothers you, try not view it as kink.  She always escapes from the bonds, often with such ease that it is apparent they never really bound her in the first place.  I like to view them as visual lesson to the readers that they too can shrug off the things seem to bind them and limit them and that they can reclaim their freedom at any time.


Agreed wholeheartedly. After seeing Gadot in the outfit, I think she looks good. Certainly pretty enough, but the physical dimensions just arent there. I wish they could have found an actress a bit thicker with some muscle mass, or at least given Miss Gadot time to bulk up some more.


Gadot is an athletic actress and I'm sure she would have been happy to bulk up a bit for the role.  My suspicion is that she was told not to by people higher up the food chain.  I'm fine with Ms Gadot as the actress playing WW, it is the people above her that I have reservations about..


Still to give credit where is due, I believe we will see a Wonder Woman movie.  I will believe that Marvel is actually going to make Captain Marvel once they start releasing trailers for it.

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There is a documentary called 'Wonder Women!' on Netflix that is pretty decent.  They discuss the fact that WW is often bound in her early comics but always breaks free.  As opposed to the constant 'damsel in distress' imagery where the captured women always needed a man to rescue them

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AFAIK, the bondage thing has been an aspect the character from Marston on.  You see it it in Perez's run, Greg Ruckers stint, Azzarello recent Nu52 stuff and even Gail Simone's time on the book.  If it bothers you, try not view it as kink.  She always escapes from the bonds, often with such ease that it is apparent they never really bound her in the first place.  I like to view them as visual lesson to the readers that they too can shrug off the things seem to bind them and limit them and that they can reclaim their freedom at any time.


Oh, no. My lamentation stemmed from the apparent fact that the bondage aspect gets downplayed.

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There is a documentary called 'Wonder Women!' on Netflix that is pretty decent.  They discuss the fact that WW is often bound in her early comics but always breaks free.  As opposed to the constant 'damsel in distress' imagery where the captured women always needed a man to rescue them

There's some cover where WW is bound to a naval buoy and a torpedo is bursting out of the water towards her. #FreudianOverkill

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Wow, if that is her bulked up, she must have been stick thin before.


She's put on a decent amount I think. Not everyone can look like Chyna. Here's an article with some pics:




Here's the after pic from the article:




Looks like she's been hitting the weights to me. Edit: The part on the right seems to be a photoshop job. Doesn't look like her actual movie costume. Posted that one for the gym selfie part.


Here's a pic from Fast and Furious 6 time frame:




I think she's added a bit of bulk and a lot of definition.

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While seeing Wonder Woman's actress fit and toned seems appropriate and good, I don't think demanding she be as bulky as a Herculean god is needed. Even the male actors are allowed to fall short of the extremes of their comic book counterparts. We have to understand that it takes an absolute lifetime to reach those levels. And also remember that these are fictional characters with fictional phsysics.


As a side note, I have never seen the Fast and Furious movies so this is my first time seeing her. But that FF pic of her was quite stunning. Very beautiful woman.


Foreign Orchid

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