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Astral Projection/Shift Spirit?


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Anyone remember the old Shift Spirit power in 2nd or 3rd edition? 1D6 for 20 pts I think it was?

How does the newer systems duplicate this? I have a PC that can astrally project and I can't find a good way to build it. I really like the old way. Clairsentience isn't the same, duplication is way to expensive, and nothing else comes close. Any ideas?

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It was in Horror Hero book. Really really old, about 20 years ago. They had several new powers in there. Shift Spirit, Consume Spirit etc... Had rules for astral characters or formless characters. No str, dex, con, body etc. Everything was based off Ego and Int. Was really neat stuff. Just doesn't fit in current game rules. I'm currently restarting a 5th edition game and a player wants to astrally project, leaving his body behind. Desolid works for that, but then he wouldn't be able to move at the speed of thought or have the other benifits of being Astral. I was considering a Multiform with the appropriate limitations. Thats still expensive though. A 3D6 Shift spirit with Self Only limitation and a few others makes it rather cheap though if one still uses the Astral rules from that book. Was just hoping some more experienced people here could help me out with how it would work using the new rules/system.

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The shift spirit power allowed you to removed someones spirit outside of their body or container and place it in another body or container. Defense was Power Defense with the advantage (Affects Spirits +1/2). NOT affects Desolid. In the old rules, Desolid and Spirits were different.

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The shift spirit power allowed you to removed someones spirit outside of their body or container and place it in another body or container. Defense was Power Defense with the advantage (Affects Spirits +1/2). NOT affects Desolid. In the old rules, Desolid and Spirits were different.


Sounds like a Transform (6e) with a Focus to me.  "Transform body with soul into Souless Vessel, reversed by breaking soul container (focus) or breaking curse/dispelling the other host body"?


As for the Astral Projection, might look into Duplication (6e) that way you can leave your original form behind and build your duplicate as a spirit with dimensional travel and all that good jazz.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The shift spirit power allowed you to removed someones spirit outside of their body or container and place it in another body or container. Defense was Power Defense with the advantage (Affects Spirits +1/2). NOT affects Desolid. In the old rules, Desolid and Spirits were different.


Astral being different from desolidified seems like unnecessary duplication and/or giving the rest of the PCs/NPCs one more avenue of weakness they need to all go get new defenses against.


What you seem to be asking to do is going to be expensive because what you want to do is powerful. This seems to be an ability with the advantages of desolidification, very fast movement, an offensive ability (remove someone's spirit from their body), and maybe also possession (can you then inhabit their bodies once you taken their spirit out of their?). If it was cheap in 3rd edition and never reprinted, maybe that says something.


Multiform and duplication is expensive, but you get a point break for leaving your inert body behind. Moving at the speed of thought can be teleportation, perhaps with "crosses interveining area" so you can't go through spirit-proofed walls.

Maybe you could get the teleport, transform (others into spirits and unihabited bodies), etc. as part of a power framework. The cost is offset by lower defense needs and thus lower stats in the multiform.

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