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[Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.


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51 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

Another blow to theories of deterrence. :(  But if the only use for cameras is to hold police who use excessive force accountable, IMO that's still worth the expense.


The article concludes that cameras should still be used both by the police and by everyone else.  Where it is falling down on changing behaviour is that the police do not believe that the video evidence will make a substantive difference in how they will be held accountable.  If the courts begin to utilise it to the detriment of police officers career and independent existence then the filming will have the desired influence on behaviour.

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Body cameras are awesome if for no other reason than it gives a jury and the public a chance to see what's happening.


It's also useful for officer training.


Not sure how many are familiar with the James King case but that one looks to be headed to the supreme court.


Basically it goes like this:  Two cops and an FBI agent are looking for a guy.  They're plain clothes.  They approach James King and ask him his name.  He tells them.  They ask if he's lying.  He says he's not.

Then one guy grabs him and another takes his wallet.  James King believes he's being mugged and runs for his life.  They tackle him and beat him half-to-death.  Including choking him to the point where he blacks out.


Then because they realize they've screwed up they charge HIM with three felonies related to resisting arrest (nobody said they were arresting him.  He should have just known that when 3 plain clothes guys assault you it's arrest.).


He beat the original 3 felony charges in court because unlike most people facing decades in jail he wouldn't take a plea deal.


It's SIX years later and he's trying to get some basic justice for what happened.  As far as I know the two cops and the FBI agent who smashed a man who looked nothing like the suspect picture to pulp have faced no repercussions.



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5 hours ago, Doc Democracy said:

If the courts begin to utilise it to the detriment of police officers career and independent existence then the filming will have the desired influence on behaviour.




"Oh, you don't care? That's cute."



3 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Well, James King is white, so at least the cops and agent are equal-opportunity stupid thugs. :rolleyes:


Maybe they sniffed out the 1/64th Navajo?

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Louisville police release the Breonna Taylor incident report. It's nearly blank.



{The report} lists as her injuries, "none," even though she was shot at least eight times and died on her hallway floor in a pool of blood, according to attorneys for her family.


It lists the charges as "death investigation — LMPD involved" but checks the "no" box under "forced entry," even though officers used a battering ram to knock in Taylor's apartment door.


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1 hour ago, csyphrett said:

It's come out that Floyd and Chauvin knew each other and argued about Chauvin's use of force at the club they worked at as security. Floyd's family is asking for Murder one and everything that implies



That was being publicized the day after Floyd's death. One more log on the fire.

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24 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


That was being publicized the day after Floyd's death. One more log on the fire.

At the time it was unclear. The manager thought that they didn't know each other because of the number of employees. I was like they knew each other because they are doing the same job, even if it's just a wave or something. Now Floyd's coworkers are like yeah, they actively had words in the street


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1 hour ago, Pariah said:


Pretty much why I think these protests have to happen to begin with.  I can understand why some people say "it's not good for outsiders to be coming in and telling them how to do their job", but this is one of those factors that shows clear reason that it's not working as it is right now.


There was a huge rash of bodycam footage catching police officers in Baltimore planting evidence before confronting suspects.  This is because the devices ran on a cache-buffer all the time.  They continuously fed visual input to the temporary cache, holding the last 30 seconds of footage.  (Perhaps it was done this way in case an officer was ambushed?)


Once they push the button to 'activate' the camera, it changes to start writing to the long term storage.


Essentially half a dozen officers were caught planting evidence during the cached footage, then going to confront the person on their property, check evidence in a car, and so forth, turning on their camera to 'conveniently' discover it.  After the first few were discovered, more voluntarily came forwards for fear of being caught.  They certainly did not volunteer until fellow officers were being charged.

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51 minutes ago, Ragitsu said:

Tear gas is a chemical irritant that - aside from inflicting other harmful conditions - causes people to cough. Do we racist white cops really want to encourage the people protesting them to cough during this time?



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Sorry that is getting an automatic downvote. 

The reason USA is in the dire straights it is in is that you started to listen to comedians take on politics instead of academics in the first place. 

Even if what that chuckleduck is saying is true its part of the problem. 

He should hide in shame not talk. He ruined a country. 

Edit: Not alone obviously. 

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Also a quick note. 

Defunding the police makes it even more corrupt and ineffective. And more attractive for racists and other power trippers to dominate as they are the only ones interested in working there.


The reason Norway and Scandinavia in general have less police brutality than the rest of the world is because they are funded and trained extensively. Even so people still die as some have psychotic episodes and or are high on drugs and have illnesses that can be deadly in stressful situations. But better trained police makes them better at handling and more importantly identifying such situations. 


This there are corrupt police in the system so we got to get rid of the entire system and replace it with gang rule (or political gang) gotta stop. Nothing good will come from it.

Your looking at "councils" that will elect themselves and therefore be unassailable by democratic means. But very assailable by other more violent factions within the council or another council. 

Your looking at not only secret police but actual informer squads and individuals who will use any situation true or false to rat you out so they can get social and political cred. 

Your looking at politically organized mob rule through cancel culture and indoctrination sessions.

And most of all you are looking at endless ennui as the dialogue online and even between friends becomes more and more fake as people just do the required clicks and quotes to repeat the socially expected spiel. And even what people think could be dissenting opinion will be shouted down as it will be more important and socially beneficial to shout things down than its to actually say anything for most folks. 

In short you are looking at communism even if it is going to be a watered down hybrid of cooperation and communism kept alive longer and therefore increase your suffering longer by a higher level of technology and resources than Russia had. 

Keep in mind a couple of facts.

You as a person dont matter to communists its only the group that matters and individuals can and must be sacrificed for whatever whims strike them in the moment. 

If you dont believe me look at the old guard of communists on the American continent. From Chomsky's night letters to scare New York news papers from reporting on the millions of death done by the Red Khmer or the chopping off fingers to ensure they could not vote even though they would never recognize the election results anyway.


You might be falling for the lie that people can not be that stupid, that it have to be exaggerated. 


It is not.


The communistic system works for a while and I will tell you why. The higher ups employ people with high ambition but low ability and give them power. Such people will DO everything in their power to keep that power. That means lie, cheat, steal and even sign off on murder. 

Autistic people especially those on the lighter side of the spectrum are easy people to recruit for that purpose. Unfortunately they sometimes meet a person with actual ideology. That is a problem and such a person must be either hidden away doing grunt work or unfriended and canceled. 

The leadership is not autistic but fully functional people who with great effort have trained themselves to ignore their feelings in an effort to get more power. This is a trait for the most successful authoritarians who starts movements (Hitler, Lenin etc..). Off course because of the nature of the communistic system, later on they are replaced with varying degrees of narcissistic psychopaths or become one themselves to remain in power of the power bloc. 


Communism is anti democratic. 


Communism is pretty lie to remove democratic safety blocks that exist so that one group of individuals will not get all the power over others.

When those safety blocks are gone, the group in power can never be shifted. Society itself need to grind to a halt before its possible to throw off the yoke of corruption and the damage done to the social and cultural essence of the people will linger for generations. 


Communism is brutal to the point of anti humanism. 


Communism attaches itself to other causes trying to make it look it was they who fought for it. But communism only fights for one thing: Their own power and that require the destruction of democracy. 


Communism is anti capitalist but they are not anti corporations, corporations especially ones who are bought up and then slowly bled to death by a group of executives who move like piranhas from one to another actually have a lot in common with communists. Their ideology only work because of its parasitic nature. They are all about power and are all corrupt, and they are all ruthless when it comes to how they treat the people on the ground. Corporation and communists are natural friends. Anything that removes responsibility for people at the top is. Now dont get me wrong the structure of these two types of entities are different but the people at the top and how they treat their underlings are the same. 


I see videos on youtube of people trying to rat people out for washing away BLM graffiti after the protests are over. The people who are cleaning up might even be the protesters themselves! But that does not matter to the kind of mindset communism produce only the posturing and outing people matters. Its weaponized mob mentality. It takes the darkest and most evil parts of us humans and let it run unchecked as long as its the service of power. 


I see people retweet and repost article after article none of whom actually say something substantial, but they all ferment a sense of discontent.


I see anti intellectual pretensions talking heads like the guy above telling half truths and whipping people into a frenzy about real injustices while silently silencing and removing agents of change that are not on their "team".  


The police is a tool of democratic control. Communists need to get rid it and replace it with their own controlled "police".





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41 minutes ago, Trencher said:


The reason Norway and Scandinavia in general have less police brutality than the rest of the world is because they are funded and trained extensively. Even so people still die as some have psychotic episodes and or are high on drugs and have illnesses that can be deadly in stressful situations. But better trained police makes them better at handling and more importantly identifying such situations. 



I will always agree that more training is helpful.  However, I don't believe Scandinavian countries are good examples to use for the subject of police brutality.  As I understand it, they have little to no racial, ethnic or cultural divisions whatsoever in the past or present.  Nor do they even deal with sticky immigration or refugee issues such as Germany.  These are massive underlying causes of the problem.  Also, more training does not fix the main factor - abusive and/or flat out bad cops are almost completely untouchable thanks to police unions, lobbyists and internal politics.

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2 hours ago, Trencher said:

Sorry that is getting an automatic downvote. 

The reason USA is in the dire straights it is in is that you started to listen to comedians take on politics instead of academics in the first place. 

Even if what that chuckleduck is saying is true its part of the problem. 

He should hide in shame not talk. He ruined a country. 

Edit: Not alone obviously. 


Yes, this nation harbors a deeply anti-intellectual sentiment; unless you're coincidentally attractive or wealthy, people rarely want to listen to what you have to say. I could expound upon this statement, but I am tired of rehashing the same points and I don't want to delve into politics (more than I already have...I broke my own rule). That said, if comedians are using their powers for good rather than (purely) profit, I am fine with their actions. It should be noted that the most effective comedy often contains a hearty kernel of truth.



1 hour ago, Trencher said:

<Anti-Communist spiel>


That was one of the most bizarre posts I've ever seen on this forum. I have witnessed the Red Scare tactic being used elsewhere, but I never thought I'd see it here.



48 minutes ago, Starlord said:

As I understand it, they have little to no racial, ethnic or cultural divisions whatsoever in the past or present.


Oftentimes, whenever the discussion of how European nations - on the whole - are more civil than the United States of America crops up, you'll see the occasional racist using innuendo (or not...some of them are quite up front about their biases) to indicate that the only reason why their societies function relatively well is because they're all white. I commend you for pointing out part of the problem doesn't stem from some innate vague quality that can be attributed to ethnicity, but rather a history of hatred.

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2 hours ago, Trencher said:

Sorry that is getting an automatic downvote. 

The reason USA is in the dire straights it is in is that you started to listen to comedians take on politics instead of academics in the first place. 

Even if what that chuckleduck is saying is true its part of the problem. 

He should hide in shame not talk. He ruined a country. 

Edit: Not alone obviously. 


If what John Oliver is saying should not be listened to because he's an entertainer by profession, rather than an academically-credited authority on whatever subject he's discussing, then there's no point in listening to or reading practically anything posted by anyone here, including yourself.

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11 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


If what John Oliver is saying should not be listened to because he's an entertainer by profession, rather than an academically-credited authority on whatever subject he's discussing, then there's no point in listening to or reading practically anything posted by anyone here, including yourself.


Funnily enough, in the United States of America (the last true bastion of freedom), academics are often labeled "Communist" or "Marxist' by those that are scared of their knowledge or - more specifically - the implications of their knowledge becoming assimilated by the masses.

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22 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


If what John Oliver is saying should not be listened to because he's an entertainer by profession, rather than an academically-credited authority on whatever subject he's discussing, then there's no point in listening to or reading practically anything posted by anyone here, including yourself.


If those who are not experts should have no voice, what does that suggest about the merits of allowing everyone to vote? 


Or even freedom of speech?

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