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Is there a Champions version of SHIELD?


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PRIMUS & UNTIL are decent examples of two different flavors of super-cop organizations. But I don't really think a campaign needs both of them, so pick whichever one fits your campaign best and run with it.


A plot point in my last Champions campaign was that PRIMUS had been moved under Homeland Security, losing a good deal of its autonomy (and effectiveness) in the process. I modeled it on the way FEMA was swallowed by DHS post-9/11 and pre-Katrina. It wasn't a major theme, but played out in the background as the Heroes had friends in PRIMUS, but poor relations with the higher-up DHS bureaucrats. Oh yeah, and the DHS Under-Secretary turned out to be a VIPER stooge, but that's another story.


Interesting twist, since the UNTIL A.I. is in cahoots with the Supreme Serpent.

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I'd actually forgotten that bit of canon!


Arthur T. Whitebone, the head of the UNTIL bureaucracy, is tacitly aware of the fact, but finds the situation advantageous.  The UNTIL A.I. knows he knows.


It is unknown if the UNTIL A.I. has informed the Supreme Serpent of that fact.


This is exactly what happened with SHIELD.

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I always thought that UNTIL was more inspired by "The Man from UNCLE" then SHIELD.


UNCLE - United Network Command for Law and Enforcement.


It's enemy was THRUSH, the Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity.

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I always thought that UNTIL was more inspired by "The Man from UNCLE" then SHIELD.


UNCLE - United Network Command for Law and Enforcement.


It's enemy was THRUSH, the Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity.


I remember Stan Lee writing in a compilation of Marvel origin stories that his goal with Nick Fury, Agent Of SHIELD was to "out-UNCLE UNCLE, and out-Bond Bond!"  So both SHIELD and UNTIL owe a debt to UNCLE--as does CONTROL, for that matter, except that CONTROL was an exclusively American agency.


That said, I always thought of SHIELD and UNTIL as visibly uniformed forces, not the undercover covert operations agency that was UNCLE.  UNCLE never had anything like SHIELD's helicarrier or UNTIL's Swordfish submarine, nor, I think, did they have any vehicles boldly emblazoned with their emblem.  They just had impeccably smooth, thoroughly competent agents who always kept their cool no matter how hot the situation would get.  Not unlike the inspiration for UNCLE himself--Bond.  James Bond.


(Is there a Champions Universe analog for James Bond?  There ought to be. :yes: )


Anyway, given the number of Marvel-influenced characters in the Champions Universe--Doctor Destroyer (Doctor Doom) Mechanon (Ultron) Icestar (Iceman) Brick (The Thing) Grond (The Hulk) and VIPER (HYDRA), it seems more likely that UNTIL was modeled after SHIELD.


Hope that helps.

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UNTIL is said to have 35,000 agents in bases worldwide.  They also have 100,000 support personnel.  Agent types include Defenders, Investigators, Technical Services, Light Horse, Frogman, Prisoner Transfer, and Experimental.  


SAT has 300 agents, and 1,000 support personnel.  One out of five agents has investigator training.


PRIMUS is mentioned to be several times larger then SAT with roughly 2000 agents, with roughly 5,000 support personnel..  They have Silver Avengers, Iron Guards, Investigators, and Assault Agents.

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In my Champions universe Primus has a "paper" strength of 500 Avengers (currently 327, including the "bronze" Avengers) and 25,000 other agents, mostly support, about 5000 field and/or combat. Plus several "Cyberline sensitives" that are pocket weight Super normals, who have gained much more from beta Cyberline than is "normal".

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Thank you. Next question is where is the information on primus. I assume primus and demon has some, but is there another book for them?


Classic Organizations expanded the 4E version of the group. The last dedicated source book for them, the PDF PRIMUS by Shelley Chrystal Mactyre (1998), developed the org in much more detail. BTW that book is still available from the Hero Games online store for an absolute steal, and although dated is still a fine book in its own right.


There's some more up-to-date info about PRIMUS in the 5E and 6E Champions Universe books, but not much. It carries forward some details from the earlier version, but changes others.

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UNTIL is said to have 35,000 agents in bases worldwide.  They also have 100,000 support personnel.  Agent types include Defenders, Investigators, Technical Services, Light Horse, Frogman, Prisoner Transfer, and Experimental.  


SAT has 300 agents, and 1,000 support personnel.  One out of five agents has investigator training.


PRIMUS is mentioned to be several times larger then SAT with roughly 2000 agents, with roughly 5,000 support personnel..  They have Silver Avengers, Iron Guards, Investigators, and Assault Agents.


The current version of UNTIL, from UNTIL: Defenders Of Freedom, is much more diverse in its agent types and equipment.

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