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Is there a Champions version of SHIELD?


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It sounds like you're mostly looking for UNTIL -- the United Nations Tribunal on International Law -- here, yup.  About a decade back there was even a pretty great book about 'em, UNTIL, Defenders of Freedom, that gives you all kinds of SHIELD-esque details about the various sub-agencies, stats for all kinds of cool gear they've got, sheets for NPC agents, all that fun stuff.  You may have even noticed UNTIL (without quite recognizing them) in a few other sourcebooks, lots of the Champions powers database books are presented in character as UNTIL files, for instance.


PRIMUS is the United States federal agency that's very similar in style and feel, but I'm less familiar with their sourcebooks, etc.

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When Doctor Destroyer destroyed Detroit PRIMUS and the US Government where overwhelmed. When the US Media and Citizens learned that UNTIL was prepared, but unable to act they demanded UNTIL be allowed to operate in the US.


PRIMUS still exists and operates on US soil and in many States is the go to Organization.


More later



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I've actually grown tired enough of the distinction between PRIMUS and UNTIL that in my next Champions Campaign, I'm just going to merge PRIMUS into UNTIL.

It makes sense to merge them (and for practical purposes they already kind of are, since UNTIL's allowed to operate in the US, etc)...but on the other hand, it also opens up some story opportunities, as-is.  Just like there are different organizations of bad guys out there, it makes sense to have different, even overlapping, organizations of good guys.  There are chances for stories where one agency withholds information from the other, a long-simmering campaign with differences between PRIMUS and UNTIL that maybe turns into a sort of "Civil War" type thing (and then bad guys running amok in the background), all kinds of stuff.


So I don't mind the status quo right now.  They're effectively one group if you want them to be, but there's room for friction and differences, if you want that, instead.  I dig it.

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Silver Avengers become party of Team UNITY. UNTIL Superhuman Group.


Iron Guards become part of Peacekeeper units.


PRIMUS Assault Agents ate folded into UNTIL Urban Agents with a large number becoming Heavy Weapons and Superhuman Combat Specialists. Strike Team Agents ;)


Any links to Anti-Superhuman groups like the IHA or Genocide quit and join the Purifiers.

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No, he was in Chicago too. The evil Herr Doktor only wishes he could be suave enough to land Donna Dixon! (I will not mention Fran Drescher - although lovely to look at in this film, she has a voice that can melt Destreum...)


I think Doctor Detroit was a superhero rather then a villain.  He has a secret identity, four followers, and Mom, an arch enemy.

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It makes sense to merge them (and for practical purposes they already kind of are, since UNTIL's allowed to operate in the US, etc)...but on the other hand, it also opens up some story opportunities, as-is.  Just like there are different organizations of bad guys out there, it makes sense to have different, even overlapping, organizations of good guys.  There are chances for stories where one agency withholds information from the other, a long-simmering campaign with differences between PRIMUS and UNTIL that maybe turns into a sort of "Civil War" type thing (and then bad guys running amok in the background), all kinds of stuff.


So I don't mind the status quo right now.  They're effectively one group if you want them to be, but there's room for friction and differences, if you want that, instead.  I dig it.


The PRIMUS source book from 1998 (still available in PDF from the Hero Games online store) describes many details which make PRIMUS distinctive from UNTIL, if one wanted to play up the unique identities of each group. For that matter, the current edition of Champions Of The North gives us the Steelhead Division of the RCMP, Canada's special super-security service. It would be understandable for nations with the resources to want to create "super" groups answerable only to their own governments.

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The Star*Guard An organization founded a million years ago on the planet Odrugar whose members are dedicated to protecting the peoples of the Galaxy from all sorts of dangers, threats, and menaces. Its warriors, or Star Guardians, all wield a powerful weapon called a Star*Staff or Star-Staff. The Star*Guard base in Earth's solar system is located on Europa, a moon of Jupiter. Currently, the Guardian of Earth's region is Andre Almena.



Galactic Champions

Champions Beyond 


Digital Hero:  (Star*Guard Articles)  

DH #5

DH #41 

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