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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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1 hour ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

The puppet arms worked really really well in Spider-Man 2, I hope they can at least match some of that quality.  Sam Raimi is amazing at making inanimate objects appear to have a personality and life of its own.


The puppeteers had a hand in that.

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On 10/22/2021 at 12:54 AM, Bazza said:

It appears that AC is canon, while AoS is not. 


On 10/22/2021 at 2:11 AM, Greywind said:

Feige said that about AoS.


That just locked up my brain.   I was staring at it for a fair amount of "lost time". 


To me AoS means Age of Sail.  I was unable to understand what Age of Sail had to do with Marvel :think:

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I enjoy that we now get actors who do not shun having played a superhero in a movie. Jackman was the first I remember saying that Wolverine, if not launched, then boosted his career to the stratosphere it became for awhile. I like that Downey recognizes that, at the time, casting him was a risk and that it revitalized a career that had, for lack of a better term, faded.

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In retrospect, casting RDJ as Tony stark was brilliant. I mean, in comics Tony is a womanizing alcoholic multimillionaire. Outside of Charlie Sheen, who would have been more qualified?


I'll admit that I had my doubts when I first heard about Chris Evans as Cap. I mean, FF wasn't a great film, and Evans (and everyone else) was overshadowed by Michael Chiklis, as far as I'm concerned. I was personally rooting for Ryan McPartlin (Devin Woodcomb a/k/a Captain Awesome from Chuck).


Overall, I think Marvel's casting has been brilliant. Way, way too many example to list, but one recent one that sticks out: Who in their right mind pairs  Tom Hiddleston's Loki with Owen Wilson? But it was brilliant. And I'll never read a story with Black Panther without hearing Chadwick Boseman's voice. 

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16 hours ago, Pariah said:

I'll admit that I had my doubts when I first heard about Chris Evans as Cap. I mean, FF wasn't a great film, and Evans (and everyone else) was overshadowed by Michael Chiklis, as far as I'm concerned. I was personally rooting for Ryan McPartlin (Devin Woodcomb a/k/a Captain Awesome from Chuck).


He would have been a great pick. I was hoping for Mark Valley (Human Target).


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Charlie Sheen could pull off some sides of Stark, but would've been WAY off on others.  RDJ pulls off the brilliant side...you can totally believe he could build those Iron Man suits.  RDJ pulls off the superior/disdainful/egotistical angles;  Sheen's always struck me as a crude and condescending.  Tony Stark has a god complex;  Sheen comes across as a frat boy.  I can't see Sheen-Stark doing the final finger snap.  It was perfectly in keeping with RDJ-Stark.


And my GOSH, RDJ *nails* the visuals.


But, yes, their casting was inspired.  Hemsworth.  Hiddleston.  Cumberbatch might match the RDJ casting;  we just haven't seen enough of Dr. Strange yet.  And Bozeman's Panther transcended the genre.





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casting him was a risk and that it revitalized a career that had, for lack of a better term, faded.


His career was dead, because he was out of control and impossible to work with.  In the 80s you could tell he was brilliant as an actor but he was taking every drug that existed in fistfulls and was destroying himself.


Downey finally cleaned up his act but by then had such a toxic reputation as being utterly impossible to work with kept him from any real career.   Shane Black gave him a shot after he cleaned up his life with Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (brilliant, underrated film) and he started to get his career back but yeah.  Favreau giving him a shot with Iron Man was brilliant and turned RDJ into a superstar.



I'll admit that I had my doubts when I first heard about Chris Evans as Cap. I mean, FF wasn't a great film, and Evans (and everyone else) was overshadowed by Michael Chiklis, as far as I'm concerned


I loved Evans as Johnny Storm, he really captured the hothead youngster thing perfectly and was fun every scene.  He got it just right.  But that made me baffled when they chose him for Cap, a totally different character.  But he did a wonderful job.

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