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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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18 hours ago, slikmar said:

I thought, when they showed the flashbacks of Carol in movie she did seem to be enjoying herself and having fun, especially with her friend. Her time with the Kree was spent being beaten down and told to control her emotions, constantly, because they knew that she had this power and were afraid of it.


You are quite right. Unfortunately, the fact that there is an in-movie explanation/justification for Carol's dour personality isn't going to do much to make the haters not hate her anymore.


I think part of the problem here is that we spend so much of the movie's running time with Vers, the cold, ruthless Kree super-soldier, that we regard her, and not the hero she eventually becomes, as the movie's protagonist. For many, Vers is all they remember, and the fault for that probably lies in a combination of things: the screenplay, Larson's public behavior, and a general weariness for contemporary gender politics, to name just a few.

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Captain Marvel, the film, has an authentic mythic element (mythology) in it that is reminiscent to Star Wars (1977). Thinking about it now, Black Panther may also have mythology embedded in it too. Not for one moment did Marvel set out to deliberately put myth in Captain Marvel (or Black Panther), it would have been 'accidental'. The element of myth would explain to a certain extent the popularity of Captain Marvel, and mores Black Panther (if it is really in there). 

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2 minutes ago, Ranxerox said:


Thor respects courage.


Yeah, but that's not exactly a test of courage unless she assumes Thor is totally inept and will accidentally hit her with the hammer. :D 


Or she assumes Thor is a homicidal maniac who will deliberately hit her with the hammer for no good reason.

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Carol didn't flinch, didn't take her eyes off Thor's as he stared her down, even started to smirk a bit toward the end of their eye-lock. It wasn't the calling of Stormbreaker alone that made the difference, that was only one element of their interaction. Thor was reading her, one seasoned warrior to another. Confidence, self-discipline, are as important as courage.

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I'm willing to bet that had it been someone like Charlize Theron or Angelina Jolie in the role, that stare-down with Thor would have been received more favorably by nay-sayers. Brie Larson, for all her acting talent, just doesn't project the fierce attitude and raw charisma necessary to sell that scene, at least not to a large portion of the male audience. Most of the time Marvel gets it right when casting women to play "badass" characters (Black Widow, Peggy Carter, Okoye, Valkyrie, Hela), but sometimes they miss the mark, and when they do, the criticism (and disappointment) is understandable.

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In that scene Danvers is being hazed. Thor is playing "flinch" with her. Carol Danvers refuses to flinch. 


She doesn't know Thor won't hit her, she knows next to nothing about him. It's a dick move on Thor's part. But Danvers was in the military and she is no stranger to men being dicks to her simply because they feel they have the right to test her. We see it in a flashback in Captain Marvel when she and Rambeau are in the bar and some dick comes up to her and tries to make her flinch. Carol Danvers refuses to flinch. 



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It wasn't a dick move. Remember that the Avengers have just met Captain Marvel. They don't know what she can do or how she'll be under fire. Yet she's essentially boasting that the outcome of another battle with Thanos will be different now that they have her. Thor was justified in testing whether she had the grit to back that up.

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The Oral History of ‘WandaVision’



Quote: “Feige: I didn’t want to call the show Wanda and Vision or The Scarlet Witch and Vision. I was at the AFI [American Film Institute] luncheon in 2018 and I remember looking at the board where it listed the top 10 films and seeing BlacKkKlansman. I remember thinking, “How cool is that? They just mushed those two words together and the audience just accepts that as a title.” So I thank Spike Lee for making BlacKkKlansman. I know that’s the weirdest connection ever, but that’s how it came about.”

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2 minutes ago, Bazza said:

The Oral History of ‘WandaVision’



Quote: “Feige: I didn’t want to call the show Wanda and Vision or The Scarlet Witch and Vision. I was at the AFI [American Film Institute] luncheon in 2018 and I remember looking at the board where it listed the top 10 films and seeing BlacKkKlansman. I remember thinking, “How cool is that? They just mushed those two words together and the audience just accepts that as a title.” So I thank Spike Lee for making BlacKkKlansman. I know that’s the weirdest connection ever, but that’s how it came about.”


I figured it had to be something like that.  It just seemed like one of those shows that was developed to fit the title.  But I'm up to episode 3 and so far it's pretty good.

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12 hours ago, zslane said:

I'm willing to bet that had it been someone like Charlize Theron or Angelina Jolie in the role, that stare-down with Thor would have been received more favorably by nay-sayers. Brie Larson, for all her acting talent, just doesn't project the fierce attitude and raw charisma necessary to sell that scene, at least not to a large portion of the male audience. Most of the time Marvel gets it right when casting women to play "badass" characters (Black Widow, Peggy Carter, Okoye, Valkyrie, Hela), but sometimes they miss the mark, and when they do, the criticism (and disappointment) is understandable.


You are not their primary target demographic for the character. The goal was to get more women to purchase tickets by providing a protagonist that they can identify with.

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1 hour ago, Ternaugh said:


You are not their primary target demographic for the character. The goal was to get more women to purchase tickets by providing a protagonist that they can identify with.

I read these words as an English sentence but they don't make sense. Everything is made for me and I'm a middle-aged White man who used to buy comics thirty years ago, so clearly Captain Marvel was made for middle-aged White men who used to buy comics thirty years ago.


Or maybe it was forty? Anyway, point is, I paid my dues back when comics cost a buck and a quarter every issue, and now I'm entitled!

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1 hour ago, Lawnmower Boy said:

I read these words as an English sentence but they don't make sense. Everything is made for me and I'm a middle-aged White man who used to buy comics thirty years ago, so clearly Captain Marvel was made for middle-aged White men who used to buy comics thirty years ago.


Or maybe it was forty? Anyway, point is, I paid my dues back when comics cost a buck and a quarter every issue, and now I'm entitled!

I paid my dues when they cost ten cents.


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2 hours ago, Lawnmower Boy said:

I read these words as an English sentence but they don't make sense. Everything is made for me and I'm a middle-aged White man who used to buy comics thirty years ago, so clearly Captain Marvel was made for middle-aged White men who used to buy comics thirty years ago.


More dudes watched Captain Marvel than women and more women than men whatched Aquaman. 

If you want women audience have men with abs take their shirt off. (Glittering and superpowers helps too)

If you want men to watch your movie have some action and a sexy woman in it. (Even if you have to hire a butt double)



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