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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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3 hours ago, Bazza said:

Marvel Studios Will Announce More Movies After Avengers: Endgame or Spider-Man: Far From Home.



I guess it makes some sense that they'll wait. I don't expect characters to die and stay dead beyond those whose actors have announced they're retiring from the roles but anything which might give a hint of who lives and who dies would probably negatively affect the hype around both movies.


And Thanos is a "Titan" but genetically that means he's an Eternal. So I guess "The Eternals" a sensible direction for the MCU to go.


It'd be somewhat lame at this point if Thanos's family stepped in to stop him. But they could certainly be around to either clean up or take advantage of the aftermath.

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9 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Well, we don't know if the MCU will carry over Thanos's Eternal heritage. After all, Titan in Infinity War clearly isn't Saturn's moon.


I only saw the movie once and that was in the theater so I don't remember some of the fine details.


Did they actually refer to that location as being "Titan"?

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4 minutes ago, zslane said:


Yes. In his conversation with Dr. Strange prior to the big fight, Thanos begins by saying, "Titan was like most planets..."


That's unfortunate and claiming Titan was a normal planet at one time did nothing to promote the storyline from what I can see.

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22 minutes ago, Starlord said:

I liked X2, First Class and Logan, that's about it.


PS:  Unless you count the Deadpool movies, which were both surprisingly brilliant.


X2 at the time was good. It has clearly been outclassed by Marvel movies, since then. First Class as well. The problem is that they are still stuck in the old school "comic book movie" formula, and haven't grown as the genre and audience have evolved. 

Logan was great because a) it wasn't an ensemble, and b) it DID evolve and was a powerful finale that did away with "I pose with the hand clenched while stuff floats around me" theatrics, and presented a more brutal, personal movie. 


If nothing else, the X-Men need to do away with the "every demonstration of my power is a grand pose with stuff swirling around for five minutes while I grimace!" type of thing... because what the best Marvel movies do is show super powers being used quickly, effectively and casually to make them seem really super. Quick, fluid, dynamic, clever uses of powers... not clenched and constipated. 


(Like one of the things I hate is the use of Quicksilver, who clearly can move so fast that none of the other characters matter, but only gets his "one scene" when he decides to turn on his power and go. The Avengers II version was a much better portrayal of superspeed at a balanced level. The X-Men Quicksilver gets these "humorous" scenes of superspeed that are visually interesting and such, but in the context of the plot and story are utterly ridiculous. "Hey, this guy is so fast he does everything before anyone can blink... but we'll leave him behind because he had his one scene and if he really used his powers, the rest of the movie wouldn't work."


In the comics, the X-Men were the original team of combatants who worked together to have the clever, combined use of abilities where the sum was greater than the parts, and they have never portrayed this in the movies... while every fight scene in every Marvel movie is way better. 

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 I enjoyed the first X-Men movie, it pales to a lot of stuff that came much later for Avengers and such but it along with Blade was a good foot in the door. Also, Patrick Stewart as Prof X was fantastic period.


But it being in Fox's hands was one of the best things that could have happened for Marvel studios creatively speaking. It forced Marvel to look to their other properties, take a gamble, and suddenly boom.. Iron-Man starts a domino effect they had only dreamed off if that. The Avengers is now a decade long storyline the likes of which is rarely seen on the big screen, even if it peters at the End Game (Which I hope it doesn't) it's been amazing to see and they should be proud.


Now honestly, I think Hugh Jackman should never play Wolverine again. He was great at it, But Logan is the send off and final bow that can't be topped there for him imo. Yes, reboot the X-Men. Fox struggles mightily , we have reality bending stones to excuse their sudden arrival in the Disney MCU... and in new forms. Not to trash the acting crew currently doing it. First Class was excellent


But Dark Phoenix is looking weak sauce. And a fresh slate with a new build up might be best.





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42 minutes ago, Hermit said:


But Dark Phoenix is looking weak sauce. And a fresh slate with a new build up might be best.



They've had to re-write and reshoot the movie so many times...and after already pushing back the release date, they're pretty much forced to release it this time whether its any good or not.


Last I heard, it was still doing terribly in test screenings. What a waste.

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3 hours ago, RDU Neil said:

If nothing else, the X-Men need to do away with the "every demonstration of my power is a grand pose with stuff swirling around for five minutes while I grimace!" type of thing... because what the best Marvel movies do is show super powers being used quickly, effectively and casually to make them seem really super. Quick, fluid, dynamic, clever uses of powers... not clenched and constipated.


You just described 90% of the powers use in the decades-long Dragonball anime series. Apparently a profitably-large audience is fine with clenched and constipated. ;)

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