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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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If Disney does succeed in buying the Fox movie properties, a new Fantastic Four would be one of the easiest elements to integrate with the Marvel Universe. The X-Men's social-commentary baggage would probably require it to be set in an alternate superhero universe (with crossover potential), but there's no serious obstacle to inserting the FF into the mainstream MCU. And since it looks like some of the old guard in that setting will likely be moving on after Infinity War and its sequel, the FF could be the vanguard of the new wave of heroes.


Plus, Dr. Doom! Galactus! Silver Surfer!

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Yeah, I'm much more excited about the prospects of the Fantastic Four being folded into the MCU than the X-Men. If only they came with the rights to Namor as well...


I almost don't care what happens with the X-Men property. The two attempts at live-action X-Men teams have left me disappointed in numerous ways, even if some of the films have been good, and I'm just not convinced that even Marvel would present them the way I would want them to.

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I really think they could do a great version of X-Men that had a little of the mutant hysteria stuff, but wasn't just about that.  I mean of the 500+ X-men comics that have come out, how many were specifically about anti-mutant hysteria?  Its been there and sometimes its an undercurrent, but usually they are doing other stuff.  And that other stuff is what they could do stories about instead of needing to put out a long series of tired allegories.


X-Men is the biggest property that Marvel has in comics, its by a HUGE margin their best seller historically (although not right now).  And in terms of comic book movies, its kind of meh with tepid fan response.  That tells me that the people making these movies have not tapped into what makes people really like the X-Men and marvel studios might have a better idea and do a better job with that.

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I feel that one huge difference is that the X-Men comics focused heavily on the characters, whereas the movies focused heavily on events that the characters were merely swept up in. It is the difference between small character-driven storylines that can span many issues of a comic title, versus large epic storylines that must fit into self-contained 2-hour viewing experiences. Maybe the thing that makes the X-Men such a good comic book property is the very thing that makes them a mediocre cinema property.

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Claremont made the characters interesting and relatable, but distinct and well defined.  They were on adventures not because people hate mutants but because they were trying to protect the world and fight bad guys, or help people.  The stories were not only contained in each comic, but part of a larger, more plausible-feeling universe.  That's all stuff that the Marvel cinema people have done very well with, for the most part (some of them are the cause of their own misery, such as Iron Man).  The X-Men movies haven't really been about the X-Men at all, they were really kind of irrelevant to the tale.  That can work - the Batman movies weren't really about Batman at all - but you have to be really good to pull it off.  Brian Singer etc aren't.

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11 hours ago, Starlord said:

Honestly, in my experience, X-Men is only a good property when Chris Claremont and Stan Lee are writing them.

As an old guard X-Men fan I feel it all went to the crapper when Claremont got put in charge. 


IMO his worst crime is his female characters who all turn into hard bitten warrior women :/


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Unsurprisingly, the Vanity Fair writer gets it wrong: Iron Man was never intended to be part of a bigger universe or connect to the Avengers.  The teaser at the end was just fan service, the writers having fun.  Only after it took off and was so popular did they start thinking "you know..."


But Feige's advice sounds a lot like what we've been saying here: focus on character, story, and making a movie, not making a franchise and making money.  Look at the successful franchises out there.  How many set out to be one?  None, that I know of.  They just tried to make the best film they could, and when it worked, decided to make more.



IMO his worst crime is his female characters who all turn into hard bitten warrior women


Yeah he started to fall into a bit of a rut.  His best work was with Byrne, who helped with plotting when he was doing the art.  Byrne has his flaws as well but his run on the Fantastic Four is one of the best in comics history.

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Right. At most, each franchise set out to be a trilogy of films (The Hulk notwithstanding), not components of a team-up movie.


Had WB/DC taken the same approach as Marvel, their movies might have gone something like this:


1. Man of Steel - End credits teaser shows Hal Jordon telling Superman that he's not alone as a "champion of Earth".

2. Wonder Woman - End credits teaser shows Diana, in present day, meeting Bruce Wayne at an art auction.

3. Man of Steel 2 - The plot brings Green Lantern in for a minor bit of teaming up with Superman.

4. Batman - Brief cameo for Barry Allen.

5. Aquaman: King of Atlantis - End credits scene shows Hal Jordon being told by the Lantern Corps to gather Earth's heroes for what's to come.

6. Justice League - Green Lantern brings Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, and Flash together to defend earth against an invasion by Braniac.

7. Man of Steel 3

8. Wonder Woman 2: The Sorcereress Queen

9. Batman 2: Knight of Gotham

10. Green Lantern Corps

11. Justice League: The Dark Side - Darkseid gives it a go...

12. Flash - Oh god, any storyline except Flashpoint, please!

13. Batman 3: Darkest Knight

14. Dr. Fate

15. Green Lantern Corps 2

16. Nightwing

17. Wonder Woman: War of the Gods

18. Batgirl

19. Justice League: Ultimate Crisis - to be concluded the following year by Infinite Crisis.



Instead, they went with this:


1. Man of Steel

2. Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice - Wonder Woman joins boss fight at the end. Barry Allen teased in end credits scene.

3. Suicide Squad - Brief flashback cameo by Batman.

(Entertainment press dubs this the "DCEU", a shared cinematic universe intended to rival the MCU)

3. Wonder Woman

4. Justice League


5. ...immolation of the DCEU and the reassigning/firing of everyone at WB/DC involved in creating it.

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56 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

But Feige's advice sounds a lot like what we've been saying here: focus on character, story, and making a movie, not making a franchise and making money.  Look at the successful franchises out there.  How many set out to be one?  None, that I know of.  They just tried to make the best film they could, and when it worked, decided to make more.

Yeah, if you're hoping to build a franchise off it, fine. But start by making Good Movies and let the larger story develop around them, rather than starting with The Franchise and then trying to shoehorn everything into those constraints.


57 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

Yeah he started to fall into a bit of a rut.  His best work was with Byrne, who helped with plotting when he was doing the art.  Byrne has his flaws as well but his run on the Fantastic Four is one of the best in comics history.

And to be fair in his early days Claremont was writing strong female superheroes at a time when the Wasp & the Invisible Girl were still mainly there to get knocked out or captured every other issue. I agree his work went downhill, but introducing characters like Storm & Kitty Pride? Can't fault him there.

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