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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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Bill Shatner at the beginning of the original series, carried himself with a dignity that made some of the cowboy stuff easier to swallow. Later on his performance got lazy, but it was easy to slip into those habits under the schedule pressure of weekly television in the 1960s.


BTW have you noticed how many leading-actor Chris's are in super hero movies these days? Evans, Hemsworth, Pratt, now Pine. At least DC has finally broken Marvel's Chris monopoly. They haven't had a good one since Reeve.

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Until I saw Wonder Woman, I pretty much dismissed Chris Pine in any serious role. I did not like him in Star Trek and I did not like him in that Jack Ryan remake. Nothing about him struck a chord and plenty about him struck nerves. His role in Wonder Woman has alleviated some of my disdain for the actor. I want to see him in more stuff so I can decide whether or not that was a fluke or if it is representative of a growing skill in his chosen career. I hope it is the latter, as I suspect we will see him in plenty more stuff in the next couple of decades. It would be great to see him become one of the greats.


None of that takes away from the fact that Chris Hemsworth would have made a better Jim Kirk than Chris Pine did.

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I agree with everything said about Chris Pine here. The bizarre thing, to me anyway, was how other actors and directors were just falling all over themselves praising him as the next great Hollywood icon (kind of like the next Paul Newman or something) when the first Abrams Star Trek was coming out. I just couldn't see what all the fuss was about.


I am definitely a fan of his work as Steve Trevor, even though I'm not a fan of his work in general.


On the other hand, I've liked pretty much everything I've seen Chris Hemsworth do. He was spot-on perfect as James Hunt in Rush, for instance.

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In Thor Ragnarok we have a close substitute for the comic Defenders non-team. Marvel's Defenders are: Dr Strange, Hulk, Silver Surfer, and Namor the Sub Mariner, and characters like Valkyrie joining later.


So in Ragnarok we have

Dr Strange cameo


Thor replacing Silver Surfer

And Loki replacing Namor as Namor has been a villain.

And Valkyrie.

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And Loki replacing Namor (as Namor has been a villain)


Ahh ok what you're saying is that the team has one villain, and Loki fills that spot :)  Thanks


So basically The Defenders aren't really a team (a non-team?), but rather a team template


The Defenders were a comic about a group of people who would come together to deal with threats few if any others could possibly handle, usually with no recognition or even understanding that they'd saved everyone yet again.  I mean... Dr Strange, Hulk, and Silver Surfer????  That's enough power to take down a Celestial, plus some others to add to the ranks.  They weren't ever an official team, just a loose group of people who could gather in emergencies.

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Is that a reference to the Netflix version?


If so, I think only Luke Cage operates in Harlem. And he is anything but whiny or self-absorbed. Not sure about tooth-gritting (since I'm not sure what that means), but he is sort of angsty, at least in his early reluctance to shoulder the mantle of Hero of Harlem.


In general, though, I agree that the Netflix "Defenders" doesn't remotely resemble the Defenders that I grew up with (which was the Dr. Strange, Hulk, etc. line-up, eclectic as it was).

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