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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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Version of first two episodes of new ABC series to premiere exclusively in IMAX® theatres for two-week window in late Summer 2017 prior to network run


IMAX Corp. (NYSE: IMAX), Marvel Television, a unit of Marvel Entertainment, and Disney|ABC Television Group today announced an innovative agreement to exclusively premiere the new ABC series “Marvel’s The Inhumans” in IMAX commercial theatres, marking the first time a live-action television series has debuted in this manner.


Under the agreement, a version of the first two episodes of Marvel Television’s new series “Marvel’s The Inhumans”--produced in conjunction with ABC Studios and filmed entirely with IMAX digital cameras--will run worldwide exclusively in IMAX for two weeks at the beginning of September 2017. ABC plans to then premiere the weekly series in fall, with additional exclusive content that can only be seen on the network.



So it looks like instead of a film, we get a tv series. 

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Marvel’s ‘The Inhumans’ Greenlit as ABC Series, to Premiere in IMAX Theaters



Inhuman characters appeared last season on ABC drama “Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD.” The new series, however, will not be a spinoff of “SHIELD.” It will focus on Black Bolt, the leader of the Inhumans, and his family.


This also bodes well for another season of Agents of SHIELD. 

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Apparently, you don't know how that nerd-rage over inconsequential details is the very cornerstone of the internet.

I know. I feel bad that I'm not measuring up. But I just can't. And I really can't get worked up over changes they might make to a costume I haven't even seen yet. Reminds me of a friend who worked himself into a frothing-at-the-mouth fury, the kind that does bad things to your blood pressure, over one of the first publicity stills for Fellowship Of The Ring because it kinda looked like maybe Gandalf's hat might be grey instead of blue. :huh:

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I've come to realize what the problem with Agents of SHIELD is.


It's Joss Whedon.


He's stories are forgettable.


Think back to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  What was your favorite season?






How about Angel?



Yes, it was a show.


No, really.



Don't get me wrong.  The actors were talented but at the end of the day the stories were forgettable.  Sure you can go to wikipedia and be reminded of what happened not he show the much like D.C.'s Legends of Tomorrow you watch it and then after a pleasant hour you pretty much forget what you saw.



This shouldn't be the case for a spin off of the biggest superhero movie of all time.  The problem was that Whedon created the team using templates from his Buffy/Angel/Tru Calling/Dollhouse stereotypes bin.


Skye/Daisy (Buffy)

Grant (Angel)

Simmons (Willow)

Fitz (Xander)

May (Faith)


The only character the really holds the team together is Coulson, a fan favorite.  Who would have expected that from Mr. Jennifer Grey?  After all the last thing he did professionally was Julie Louis-Dreyfus' ex-husband on the Adventures of New Christine, and frankly I was surprised he wasn't killed by Iron Monger.



Of course, I would be wrong, but let me ask you one last things.


Remember the "Secret Warriors" from last season?

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I know. I feel bad that I'm not measuring up. But I just can't. And I really can't get worked up over changes they might make to a costume I haven't even seen yet. Reminds me of a friend who worked himself into a frothing-at-the-mouth fury, the kind that does bad things to your blood pressure, over one of the first publicity stills for Fellowship Of The Ring because it kinda looked like maybe Gandalf's hat might be grey instead of blue. :huh:


Wait!  Gandalf's hat was grey instead of blue?


Please tell me it was at least a fedora.


Just kidding.  I have no idea who that is.

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I've come to realize what the problem with Agents of SHIELD is.


It's Joss Whedon.


He's stories are forgettable.


Think back to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  What was your favorite season?






How about Angel?



Yes, it was a show.


No, really.



I thought Joss Whedon's brother was producing AoS. IIRC Joss isn't directly involved.


But our opinions have to part company over Buffy and Angel. I wasn't a big Buffy fan -- teen angst annoys me more than anything else -- but the season featuring the Mayor of Sunnydale was by far my favorite. His unique blend of malevolent and banal was like no character I'd ever seen. OTOH I was a regular follower of Angel's series for years. And as for Whedon's screenplays, he wrote as well as directed the first Avengers movie. I don't think I'm the only one who found that memorable.

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Think back to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  What was your favorite season?



Six. Especially Once More With Feeling. Hush, though 4th Season, was an amazing episode that did an amazing job telling a story with almost no dialog. A creepy, memorable story at that.  Most of the seasons were good to one degree or another. I didn't really like Season 1 too much, but the show was still getting its footing. Season 2 vastly improved everything and the show had great momentum through Season 6. Season 7 had good moments but kind of fell flat when taken as a whole.


Angel didn't have a good season. There were small arcs and individual episodes that were good, but for the most part Angel wasn't that great. Awesome theme song though. Ironically, the final few episodes of the final season were a better conclusion than Buffy Season 7.

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I could list my favorite Buffy episodes all day long. (Season 3 was the best IMO.) Angel wasn't awesome overall, but it had it's moments. My favorite Firefly episode is All Of Them. Even Dollhouse had a few really good episodes. (Epitaph 1 & 2 anyone?) And that's just TV: let's talk Avengers. Dr. Horrible. Cabin in the Woods. Freakin' Toy Story ferchrissake. Dude's won or been nominated for just about every writing award on the planet, to include Emmys, an Oscar (nominated), and a long list of Hugos. His writing style isn't to everyone's taste, and if it's not to yours that's fine. But I don't think we can pin AoS's problems on him.


Especially since Joss has strongly implied that when he pitched the show he didn't know Marvel was committed to blowing up SHIELD in the movies, derailing the show's premise before it even premiered. And since they weren't allowed to do anything that might spoil Winter Soldier, the whole first season was stuck being unable to talk about the Elephant In The Room. It doesn't help that Feige & Co's determination to keep AoS quarantined from the film universe means nothing that happens in the show matters to the larger MCU; even the rumored Inhumans movie is basically going to ignore everything AoS has been building for the last several years. The Netflix shows have avoided this problem by focusing on small, local stories; but forcing SHIELD to tell small, local stories defeats the whole point of SHIELD.


Basically, Marvel treated AoS like a bastard stepchild, and then wonders why no one loves it.


I thought Joss Whedon's brother was producing AoS. IIRC Joss isn't directly involved.

I believe you're correct. Joss is listed as Creator and Exec Producer, and he wrote & directed the pilot. But Jed, Maurissa Tancharoen and Jeffrey Bell are the show runners and it sounds like Joss' day-to-day involvement has been all-but nonexistent. He has talked publicly about wanting to get "back to TV," which implies he's been very much away from it. 


This shouldn't be the case for a spin off of the biggest superhero movie of all time.  The problem was that Whedon created the team using templates from his Buffy/Angel/Tru Calling/Dollhouse stereotypes bin.

Well, I think you're exaggerating the direct parallels between those individual characters. But I think you have a fair complaint that the team overall felt much more like something out of a Buffyverse show, especially at first, than a SHIELD comic. Not a great call IMO. But I think they could've overcome that if the writing had been less boring.


(Also: Joss had nothing to do with Tru Calling. /nitpick)

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In a call back to Phase One I was wondering if anyone else noticed this.


Throughout CA:TFA James Montgomery Falsworth wears the rank insignia of a Major in the British Army. The sole exception is the end of the war toast to Steve. In that scene he wears the insignia of a Brigadier. It probably would have been better to have him wearing the insignia of a First Lieutenant throughout and Major at the toast. This would leave the door open to one or two movies with him leading the Howlers as Union Jack since it's obvious they stayed together after Steve was frozen.





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It's been reported that Angela Basset is going to be T'Challa's mom. That's great news! But I still feel she should have been cast as Storm in the original X-Men movies. Such a wasted opportunity to Get It Right back then.


So I finally got around to watching X-Men: Apocalypse (on blu-ray) and I was trying to figure out how this version of Logan's escape from the Weapon X facility meshes with what we saw in earlier films. I don't remember ever seeing a young Jean Grey helping to calm him down before. Are we expected to just forget the other films, even though they were merged with these new ones via Days of Future Past?

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As far as cinematic X-Men continuity goes, Wolverine's trip into the past in DoFP changed the time line from what led up to the first X-Men trilogy. You don't have to forget those films if you liked them (although some things you might prefer to forget) ;) , but for purposes of back story they no longer apply to any future X-films.


Since Logan's imprisonment in the Weapon X facility post-dates DoFP, what we saw in Apocalypse will now be "official" history for new movies in the franchise. Unless they do another reboot.

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Marvel’s Kevin Feige on ‘Spider-Man’s’ Future and Why Brie Larson Was Perfect for ‘Captain Marvel’



Fox controls the film rights to “The X-Men” and “The Fantastic Four.” Could you partner with them on a movie as you did with Sony?

It’s an impossibility at this juncture. We certainly have enough films to keep us busy for a number of lifetimes.

So there you have it. No crossovers. 



Chris Evans has embodied Captain America as well as any actor has ever embodied an iconic pop-culture figure like that. I go back to Chris Reeve as Superman as the gold standard, and I think Evans is right there. I couldn’t imagine anybody else.


Agree. I would add RDJ as Iron Man and BC as Doctor Strange to that as well. 

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