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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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Breaking Down The Marvel Shows In Development - Updated


That's just a LOT of shows! I mean even if half of them suck - and so far Marvel's record has been way better than 50-50 - that's still a LOT of shows!


It's particularly nice to see Hollywood getting the memo that superhero stories can be something besides action & drama. Superhero comedies have been done before (My Hero comes to mind), but they've usually been low-budget things that didn't take the concept seriously and didn't have an established world behind them. Setting up Damage Control as a sort of comedic Rosecrans-and-Guildenstern of the MCU has potential. Of course with comedy it's all in the execution, so we'll see.


Of the non-Netflix shows, I think I'm most excited to see Runaways moving forward - a great concept and great source material that wouldn't have to be tweaked much for TV. Cloak & Dagger? Meh. I was never exactly a fan, but we'll see. (My favorite C&D moment was actually when they appeared in Runaways: "Wait, your secret origin is...drugs? You guys are the worst role models ever!")

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From the Feige interview:


Collider: Does a Captain America movie have to star Steve Rogers?

Feige: It’s a good question and if we look back at the comic books as our inspiration and as the well from which this all springs, then the answer is “no.”

In the comics, sure. But I really can't see them making a Cap movie without Chris Evans. While Hollywood is occasionally willing to continue franchises without the original actor, it's usually only when the original actor is no longer available/interested and they're usually portraying the same character. I mean that would be like making a Bourne movie without Jason Bourne...oh wait, they tried that and it bombed...


And since they're presumably not done with Evans/Rogers in the MCU, introducing a new Cap would I think be seen as too risky and too confusing. At least not in his own movie - I wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of "scab" Captain America as a secondary character, but only to set up Rogers reclaiming the title. But if it's a Cap movie, it's going to star Evans until he quits or is too old to keep going.


And plus let's be honest, Hollywood isn't terribly interested in/good at portraying patriotism as a positive virtue anyway, outside of simplistic over-the-top Rambo-type flicks. I mean it's not an accident that both of Cap's post-war solo movies have featured him working against the system rather than for it. So if they're going to introduce a replacement for Steve as Cap, they almost have to set him up as a bad guy - or at least as a naive patsy - to serve as a foil for Steve.


We'll see an Iron Man movie without RDJ before we see a Cap movie without Evans.

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I have a lot of respect for how Chris Evans has come to understand and embrace the character of Steve Rogers. He famously was very reluctant to take on the multi-year movie commitment at first; but now he clearly loves making these movies, not to mention all the opportunities they opened up for him. When asked in an interview about being willing to continue with the role beyond Infinity War, Evans said, "If Marvel wants me, they got me."


RDJ pretty much created this incarnation of Tony Stark through his talent, wit and charisma. Chris Hemsworth embodied Thor from the moment he first appeared on screen. But Evans has gradually grown into Captain America over the course of this franchise. Admittedly, at this point it's hard to imagine someone capturing Cap better. Chris observed about fan reactions to movie Cap: "People are so touched by someone who is selfless, by someone who just wants to do the right thing, with no praise, no agenda, no ego involved." Perhaps in that spirit, he added, "You realize that the role is bigger than you. If it serves the character to pass it on, you pass it on."

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I don't mind if they change the Avengers line-up over time, as in the comics. But I'd prefer there be only one Captain America, and I'd prefer it only be played by Chris Evans. There are plenty of other interesting Marvel characters they can make a billion dollars with. They don't need to hand the shield over to someone else just to keep the name "Captain America" in theaters.

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Bourne Legacy made a quarter billion dollars, more than doubling its budget.


It wouldn't be hard for someone else to pick up the shield. Sam Wilson is right there.

Slight side note, but as hard as it is to feel bad for a guy making millions like Jeremy Renner, that was like the 2nd or 3rd major franchise that was going to be "handed off" to him and then the original actor decided to continue (MIssion Impossible, he was supposed to replace Cruise). So they might as well let him become the new Captain America.

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Bourne Legacy made a quarter billion dollars, more than doubling its budget.

And yet is the lowest-grossing film in the series since the first one (which was a bit of a sleeper no pun intended), was critically panned, and the next film brought back Bourne/Damon and grossed $400M+. So yeah it wasn't Ishtar-level flop, but it's widely seen as the weakest film in the franchise.

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That's just a LOT of shows! I mean even if half of them suck - and so far Marvel's record has been way better than 50-50 - that's still a LOT of shows!


It's particularly nice to see Hollywood getting the memo that superhero stories can be something besides action & drama. Superhero comedies have been done before (My Hero comes to mind), but they've usually been low-budget things that didn't take the concept seriously and didn't have an established world behind them. Setting up Damage Control as a sort of comedic Rosecrans-and-Guildenstern of the MCU has potential. Of course with comedy it's all in the execution, so we'll see.


Of the non-Netflix shows, I think I'm most excited to see Runaways moving forward - a great concept and great source material that wouldn't have to be tweaked much for TV. Cloak & Dagger? Meh. I was never exactly a fan, but we'll see. (My favorite C&D moment was actually when they appeared in Runaways: "Wait, your secret origin is...drugs? You guys are the worst role models ever!")


Yep, that is a lot of shows. Hopefully they don't suck. It is nice that Marvel is branching out -- so to speak -- and minor characters like Cloak & Dagger & The Runways getting interest in being adapted to TV. Power Pack could be another title that could possibly work. One thing about Power Pack it that it be reach a tween demographic. 


I'm quite interested in Cloak & Dagger, than Runways. Although I've never read either title, I'm a bit more familiar with Cloak & Dagger, plus Dagger can draw on the Darkforce/Zero Matter that is already been established. 

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From the Feige interview:


In the comics, sure. But I really can't see them making a Cap movie without Chris Evans. While Hollywood is occasionally willing to continue franchises without the original actor, it's usually only when the original actor is no longer available/interested and they're usually portraying the same character. I mean that would be like making a Bourne movie without Jason Bourne...oh wait, they tried that and it bombed...


And since they're presumably not done with Evans/Rogers in the MCU, introducing a new Cap would I think be seen as too risky and too confusing. At least not in his own movie - I wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of "scab" Captain America as a secondary character, but only to set up Rogers reclaiming the title. But if it's a Cap movie, it's going to star Evans until he quits or is too old to keep going.


And plus let's be honest, Hollywood isn't terribly interested in/good at portraying patriotism as a positive virtue anyway, outside of simplistic over-the-top Rambo-type flicks. I mean it's not an accident that both of Cap's post-war solo movies have featured him working against the system rather than for it. So if they're going to introduce a replacement for Steve as Cap, they almost have to set him up as a bad guy - or at least as a naive patsy - to serve as a foil for Steve.


We'll see an Iron Man movie without RDJ before we see a Cap movie without Evans.


I think Marvel would be happy to continue make Captain America films with Evans. However Evans has stated a desire to step behind the camera and direct. Also outside of the Avengers films, Cap 2 & 3 have been linchpin films for the MCU. So I reckon that Marvel will want to continue to make them if they can. Whether they star Evans is an unknown. If Evans doesn't want to star int he film, then it is likely that another MCU character will be given the role. The two most likely are Bucky or Sam, and I would expect Steve Rogers to have a cameo in the film. 


The reason why Steve Rogers is against authority in both Cap 2 & 3 is the reason those movies got made. As Cap is a true patriot the only conflict that can come is if there is something to rub up against -- i.e. a foil -- and for Steve that was authority/the system. If there wasn't conflict, there would be no movie. So it is not that those two films are anti-patriot, just the opposite, they are highlighting Steve's patriotism. 

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I have a lot of respect for how Chris Evans has come to understand and embrace the character of Steve Rogers. He famously was very reluctant to take on the multi-year movie commitment at first; but now he clearly loves making these movies, not to mention all the opportunities they opened up for him. When asked in an interview about being willing to continue with the role beyond Infinity War, Evans said, "If Marvel wants me, they got me."


RDJ pretty much created this incarnation of Tony Stark through his talent, wit and charisma. Chris Hemsworth embodied Thor from the moment he first appeared on screen. But Evans has gradually grown into Captain America over the course of this franchise. Admittedly, at this point it's hard to imagine someone capturing Cap better. Chris observed about fan reactions to movie Cap: "People are so touched by someone who is selfless, by someone who just wants to do the right thing, with no praise, no agenda, no ego involved." Perhaps in that spirit, he added, "You realize that the role is bigger than you. If it serves the character to pass it on, you pass it on."


I remember an interview that Chris stated he was reluctant to accept the role of Steve Rogers as he had already done one superhero series (FF). Now (well the date of the interview) Chris couldn't be more prouder to be Steve and felt that it was a big responsibility. A couple of articles I found trying to find the interview:



Chris Evans Dresses as Captain America With Chris Pratt at Seattle Hospital (Photos)



More photos here...


Chris Evans Visited a Children's Hospital Dressed As Captain America


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Bourne Legacy made a quarter billion dollars, more than doubling its budget.


It wouldn't be hard for someone else to pick up the shield. Sam Wilson is right there.


Bourne Legacy lost money.  Remember the studio doesn't get the the whole box office back.  Here in the US the studio get back about half of the box office with the theaters keeping the other half.  In foreign markets where Bourne Legacy made most of it money US films get back between 40 and 25 depending on the country.  So doing the math on it and assuming that all the foreign markets were 40% and not 25% markets and ignoring marketing cost, Borne Legacy comes a tad short of breaking even,  Of course Bourne Legacy had decent size marketing campaign and not all of the foreign markets it showed in were 40% markets to it actual losses would have been substantial.

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He's a helluva nice guy that Chris Evans. Damn fine actor too.


You know he and I were born in the same hospital. It was like three decades apart, but it was the same hospital. 

I, of course, am the better actor.  :winkgrin:  But he's got the better physique, and he's younger so he got the part. Otherwise that would be me in those interviews.  :yes:

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Bourne Legacy lost money.  Remember the studio doesn't get the the whole box office back. 


It is also worth noting that the budgets quoted for films are the production budgets. Those figures don't account for the fact that an equal amount of money--and sometimes more--is spent on P&A (promotion and advertising), which makes it even harder to clear a profit on any film that isn't a sure-fire winner. That's why sequels are so popular with studios. Projecting the P&A budget becomes considerably easier.

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It should also be noted that the studio only gets half of the gross box office. The other half goes to the distributor. The venues don't get any. They make their money on the concessions. (That's why they get so pissed when you try to sneak in your own)


So lets say a movie costs 100 million to make, plus another 100 million in printing and advertising for a total outlay of 200 million. The movie has bring in 400 million at the box office before the studio breaks even. And that doesn't even count any points that go to the talent!


And unless you're making a straight drama or comedy, $100 million  production cost is not that much these days. Your average action movie costs about $150 million+, and for effects laden genres add another 100 million!

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Marvel's Doctor Strange debuts to solid $86 million at worldwide box office

Doctor Strange’s Sorceror Supreme cast a spell on worldwide audiences this weekend, as the film debuted to solid global numbers ahead of its North American premiere next week. 

The Marvel flick grossed an estimated $86 million, which registers a 49 percent improvement over the international gross of 2015’s Ant-Man, 37 percent ahead of 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy, 23 percent over Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and roughly 1 percent above Thor: The Dark World when considering the same suite of territories and contemporary exchange rates. 


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