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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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Pretty sure we're getting one.

Baron Helmut Zemo's confirmed for this movie, played by Daniel Bruhl.



I still don't expect that to make everything okay again. This whole film seems to be predicated on the principle that actions have consequences.


Those ideas are not mutually exclusive.


There's an excellent fantasy novel by Steven Brust, TO REIGN IN HELL. It's probably my favorite fantasy novel. It's about how Lucifer rebelled against God, and why. I won't spoil it, except to say that there IS someone to blame for the split between Lucifer and God (Yahweh) in the novel, someone pursuing his own selfish agenda and putting these two long-time friends and allies at odds.


The thing is, they're all proud individuals, and by the time the real culprit is exposed, too much has been said and done--by everyone--for everything to go back to the way it was, no matter how much everyone would like it to.


So if, for instance, someone IS behind the conflict in Civil War, even if he/she gets exposed, too much betrayal, violence and death may have occurred for things ever to be the way they were before, even if both sides were doing what they thought right and wish it could be forgotten and forgiven.

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Of course, I haven't seen the movie yet, but it seems a lot easier to just pull yourself up into the helicopter and fight Bucky for the controls.

I have seen it. :P


And the scene itself make it clear Cap was trying to stop Bucky leaving. To find out why, go see the film.

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Classic Cap can bench about 1000lbs. That means his deadlift should be about 3000lbs.


Ultimates cap can benchpress a toyota. The most common toy9ta, a celica, weights about 2500lbs. That means his deadlift should be around 7500 lbs.


Both versions should be capable of throwing an 800lb motorcycle without too much trouble, especially given the momentum boost. The Ultimates version should be able to hold back that Helo. Even earth 616 Cap should be able to do it while Pushing with a good Ego roll behind it.

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Possibly a rewrite on infinity war:


While the Avengers will definitely be assembling once again, this time with the added bonus of a few extra heroes, to take on the Mad Titan, Thanos, in what is technically will still be two separate movies, the directors behind the recent event that tore Marvel’s Mightiest apart have officially announced that they will be retitling the Infinity War.


During a recent interview with Uproxx, one-half of Marvel’s wonder-team, Joe Russo, said that the two films that were set to make up parts one and two of Infinity War will apparently be “two very different movies.”

“The intention is we will change it, we just haven’t come up with the titles yet. But, yes, we will change it. And, yes, that is a scoop: we will retitle them.”
Anthony Russo added that they felt the Part I and Part II titles were “misleading.”


SO who knows what exactly that means

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It amazes me how many people still leave the theater even while the first batch of credits are rolling, let alone the final one. A lot of people either remain ignorant of how Marvel movies roll, or are just too impatient to care.


They might just need to pee real bad.  I remember barely making it to the credits of FotR after sucking down a 48oz drink.

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I saw Captain America Civil War and while it was good it does seem to underscores the fact that the series lacks real fights between superheroes and villains. 


I'm okay with that for Captain America, he was more about bad guys than supervillains, but you're right the movies in general have very much downplayed supervillains for mooks.  And almost every superhero movie is about how the alleged hero creates all the problems then solves them and poses for the cameras.  Its almost as if the writers cannot seem to conceive of there being any actual bad guys or heroes, only problems created by and dealt with by the alleged good guys.

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If you're talking about the Captain America trilogy, Winter Soldier featured two protracted fights between Cap and the Soldier, who while arguably more of a victim than a villain, definitely filled the ruthless front-line antagonist role, and is pretty darn super. And Cap had no hand in creating the main conflict of that movie.

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Stane, Abomination, Loki, Red Skull/Hydra, Whiplash, Malekith, Mandarin, Winter Soldier, Ronan, Ultron, Yellow Jacket, and Thanos all strike me as straight-up supervillains. And I would put Killgrave up there as being every bit as terrifying a villain as any in the MCU. Hive ain't no slouch either (he took down a Kree hunter pretty effortlessly). I don't know where this idea comes from that the MCU lacks supervillains.

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Marvel's villains have suffered a bit from the company having to establish the basis of superpowers.  Stane, Abomination, Loki, Red Skull, Whiplash, Winter Soldier, Ultron, and Yellow Jacket are all basically evil versions of the hero.  They got their powers from the same source.  As the company has gotten more comfortable with different origins and new types of powers, they've started to be able to stray from the "bad guy uses hero's tech against him" story.

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