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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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Marvel Phase 4 - Infinite Crisis


PS:  The biggest thing I got from that article was that the longer it takes for James Cameron to write the next Avatar, the more Avatar movies keep getting announced.

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I am a bit worried about Captain America Civil war.  A couple of points that are not in the movies favour.


1: Civil war the comic series was bad. 


2: Robert Downey Jr. is very popular and famous and the Iron Man franchise is bigger than the Captain America franchise this probably will lead to Iron Man being much more level headed and sympathetic in the movie version. Not that that is a bad thing but usually how Hollywood does it is that they make one guy look good by making his opposition look worse then him. Like Batman vs Superman they made Superman into a doofus just to make Batman look cooler. (The Frank Miller method if you will)


3 From the trailer all the heavy hitters are on Iron man's side. Iron man got two super scientists two flying super tanks, one android as powerful as Superman and two super level fighters. Not only does he also have Shield and the US government on his side but the super science magical kingdom of Wakanda as well. Captain America on the other hand has two super level fighters one with a shield one with an cyberarm, a top tier fighter with wings and a guy with trick arrows. When your most powerful guy on your super team is Hawkeye you got trouble. Thor and Hulk could join in on Captain Americas side and they  still would be in trouble. 


4: The severe difference in power probably would "force" Captains team to use dishonourable tactics, hit and run and so on. I seen so many movies and TV series where the heroes are called terrorists now that I have lost count and I worry that either the movie will try to justify such tactics or use it as an excuse to make Captain America "Darker and grittier". Dont you believe me? How about the change from Iron man 1 to Iron man 3? In the first Ten Rings were an real terror organisation but in the third... Well not spoilers but it was what it was. We all know where the sympathies of Hollywood lies when it comes to terrorists vs the western world and I worry they will try to go really political and try to convince us that their pot fueled crime groupie views are legitimate.

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The Civil War comic series sucked.  I agree with you there.  It's one of the things that made me stop reading comics.


I don't think the rest of your worries are well founded though.    It sounds like your own politics are kind of leaking in as well.  All the critics are saying this is one of the best Marvel movies yet.  The big thing that Captain America has is that he's persuasive.  He's a natural leader and he doesn't give up.  Just look at the trailer where Cap is fighting Iron Man, is clearly outmatched, and says "I could do this all day."  This is a reference to his first movie, before he had powers, when he was fighting a bully.  Putting Iron Man in the "bully" position doesn't seem to me like they're painting Cap as a terrorist.  Kevin Feige even talked about how Iron Man was clearly a bad guy in the comics, and in this one they hope to make it clear that both sides are good guys.


Cap also has the Scarlet Witch, who is a walking talking VPP.  So the power level isn't quite as uneven as you portray it.

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And don't be surprised if we see Scarlet Witch take out Vision from an emotional angle. They are, after all, destined for an epic romance, right? It probably all begins in Civil War.


Nothing like beginning a romantic relationship by targeting your future lover's emotional vulnerabilities.

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Joss Whedon Reflects on Avengers 2 Clashes with Marvel



After the session with Ruffalo, Deadline briefly spoke with Whedon about his relationship with Marvel Studios. He admitted that he’s not closed-minded about directing another Marvel movie, and that he hoped that Marvel would be willing to work with him again as well. For those who enjoyed Whedon’s work with Marvel, this is hopeful news.


Obviously Captain Marvel!



- Script is being co-written by Nicole Perlman who wrote the GotG screenplay before James Gunn got it.

- Joss is a screenwriter & director and unlike Gunn is an accomplished screenplay doctor.

- Joss has a history of strong female characters Buffy, Faith and many more.

- Joss was attached to the earlier Wonder Woman film. Carol is arguably "Marvel's Wonder Woman".


(I was going to suggest the Tagline "you'll believe a woman can fly" however the Perlman and her co-writer don't want "Superman with boobs", so this is not listed in the list above.)

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I think it's classy of Joss Whedon to recant some of his previous remarks about Marvel, and both accept more blame for things that weren't perfect in Age of Ultron (which were few IMHO), and give more credit to the things that were great (which were many IMNSHO). The state he was in after the film was finished, his attitude at the time is understandable.

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I think the things Whedon did that I don't like in Ultron were making it way too bleak and introspective with angsty whiny heroes sitting around a farm and moping.    Not heroic, not fun, not very interesting.  And I wasn't super fond of the overall main story: the levitating town etc.  It was just a really weird storyline for anything, let alone an Avengers story.  But I think probably a lot of the other stuff that didn't work for me was imposed on him by the studio and producers.  Like Spider-Man 3, I would love to see the real Sandman story version that Sam Raimi intended instead of the crappy, confused mess that the studio forced on him.

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I think the things Whedon did that I don't like in Ultron were making it way too bleak and introspective with angsty whiny heroes sitting around a farm and moping.    Not heroic, not fun, not very interesting.  And I wasn't super fond of the overall main story: the levitating town etc.  It was just a really weird storyline for anything, let alone an Avengers story.  But I think probably a lot of the other stuff that didn't work for me was imposed on him by the studio and producers.  Like Spider-Man 3, I would love to see the real Sandman story version that Sam Raimi intended instead of the crappy, confused mess that the studio forced on him.


Floating city didn't bother me. Didn't bother me in the comics when Graviton did it, either.

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Whedon's relationship with executive producers is a mixed bag. His experience on the original Buffy film drove him away from features and into television. His experience with Firefly drove him from television back to features. The guy gets knocked around and screwed by nearly every studio exec who gets their hands on him. Yet he knows where his opportunities and paychecks ultimately come from and tries very hard to be diplomatic when necessary.


How much is he directly responsible for the weaker aspects of any of his film or television projects? Depends on how much creative control he is given in the first place. You'd think that after the success of Avengers 1 he'd earned all the creative control one could want. You'd think the same thing of Favreau's success with Iron Man 1. But in both cases, the intense crush of studio over-management of the sequels led to both director's subsequently stepping back and handing over those duties to others. Like Favreau, Whedon will play a creative consultant role in the MCU, but probably little else for some time to come.

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