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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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This new FF movie needs a huge marketing push to create interest, because most folks just don't care. Most superhero movie fans seem to be largely meh on it as well, and that's not a good sign. It needs a full-on Charlie's Angels-style ad campaign to drag audiences into theaters against their will. Without that, I suspect it will flop rather quietly and disappear. Then maybe Marvel can get the rights back and do the property justice (and again, I say hand it over to the guy who already made the best FF movie not featuring the actual FF ever made, Brad Bird).

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Woo-hoo! The Fantastic Four relaunch! It's my favouritest comic book of all time, finally re-imagined the way I've always wanted it to be! As camera-friendly, sexy young people,* only not too sexy, to save money for . . . special effects or something! It's by that studio that's done such a good job of all the other Fantastic Fours! It's coming out the week after the August long weekend, when all the big summer blockbusters are often sometimes also still playing in large markets somewhere! It's only a week after the season's Adam Sandler vehicle! It has .. that guy! And that girl! And Doctor Doom. Maybe. And it's by a director who made an interesting movie once! The trailers and stuff have been all sepia, just like Sucker Punch! And speaking of trailers, there haven't been any to over-expose the product in, like, forever! Which is good! Because reasons! (And if that already wasn't enough to make you super-love the new movie ["super" is a pun! {Two layers of parenthenses, I'm so excited! No, three!}], it gave me a reason to say 'because reasons'!)




...There. See? People are excited.



*No offence to Kate Mara, who is clearly qualified to be a movie actress due to the way that she has come up from a hardscrabble, working class family of NFL team owners, and has previously played That Pretty Girl in Iron Man 2. But Jessica Alba she ain't.

Kate Mara did a nice job in House of Cards. Is her sister Rooney?

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re: Fantastic Four - pure speculation here but 3 days before it comes out and there are no reviews yet. This means the studio isn't allowing early reviews which, in turn, usually means they think its a really bad movie and don't want horrible reviews spoiling first and only money-making weekend turn-out.

As I recall there is a gag order until the night before and day of the release. You will likely not see any reviews until people have essentially already sat down for the first watch.


Foreign Orchid.

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Yeah I felt for Alba.  I mean, she's not real talent in terms of acting to begin with but wow that was terrible writing.  What a waste of talent.  The only one that was able to do anything at all with their role was Chris Evans as the Human Torch.  He was great in that, exactly right, and actually had some pretty good lines.  The rest?  I really like Ionn Griffyddd or whatever his welsh name is, in other stuff.  he was just awful as Mr Fantastic.

I really liked Chiklis as Ben Grimm and the Thing. First he insisted on a costume,not cgi, because he had wanted to play the thing for a long time. Second, i thought he played the man dealing with being a monster but being a hero at heart well.

Evans was excellent.

Alba was given a horrible Sue to work with, which is to bad. Truth is, she needed to be given an action based character, especially after her work on Dark Angel.

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I really liked Chiklis as Ben Grimm and the Thing. First he insisted on a costume,not cgi, because he had wanted to play the thing for a long time. Second, i thought he played the man dealing with being a monster but being a hero at heart well.

Evans was excellent.

Alba was given a horrible Sue to work with, which is to bad. Truth is, she needed to be given an action based character, especially after her work on Dark Angel.

I like Jessica Alba, but she was the wrong actress for the role. It wasnt believable to me that she and Evans were biologic bro and sis. And she just didnt look right the way they tried to whitewash her. Despite her European heritage, her hispanic roots show through very strongly.

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6 Things to Know About Marvel’s Newest Movie Villain, Baron Zemo
(Indeed, it’s possible that Marvel Studios wants to set up Zemo as their own version of Dr. Doom, since 20th Century Fox owns the rights to the Dr. Doom character owing to a complicated licensing situation.) 


Good thought. 

Papa Zemo formed a team of baddies called the Masters of Evil (which, of course, raises questions about how they kept morale up — how do you convince yourself you’re doing the right thing with a membership card that says “Evil” on it?)



And who knows: Maybe Captain America: Civil War will include some trickery in which Zemo and a version of the Thunderbolts deceive the public for sinister gain? It could certainly fit with the whole “the superhero community is tearing itself apart” theme that Civil War will be built on. 


That would really work as a way for the public to distrust super-heroes and for government to enact legislation registering them. 
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Perhaps Peter Parker could get duped into fighting against the Avengers. And him getting in the way of the Avengers and causing havoc is what helps to lead to the idea that superheroes need to get registered. That way they stay out of the way of the official team which seems to be the Avengers.


Foreign Orchid.

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Papa Zemo formed a team of baddies called the Masters of Evil (which, of course, raises questions about how they kept morale up — how do you convince yourself you’re doing the right thing with a membership card that says “Evil” on it?)


Some people don't need to think they're doing the right thing.

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I like Jessica Alba, but she was the wrong actress for the role. It wasnt believable to me that she and Evans were biologic bro and sis. And she just didnt look right the way they tried to whitewash her. Despite her European heritage, her hispanic roots show through very strongly.

The F4 characters to me could be recast with minorities relatively easily, as long as Sue and Johnny are believably related. (I noticed that they managed to fail at even this in the most recent film. )

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The only one that was able to do anything at all with their role was Chris Evans as the Human Torch. He was great in that, exactly right, and actually had some pretty good lines. .

I think Evans' Marvel work is hiding his real talent. I got halfway through Snowpiercer before I realized the lead character was him. He didn't resemble Cap or Johnny at all.

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Kevin Feige On Marvel’s ‘Spider-Man’ Plans

New ‘Spider-Man’ Will Be Like ‘a John Hughes Movie,’ Feature New Villain, Says Kevin Feige
Exclusive: Kevin Feige on the Marvel-Sony Spider-Man Connection
Cross-posted to Fantastic Four thread
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Well, making Spider-Man feel more like John Hughes is a good step, but they need to have a long talk with Sam Raimi apparently about how to get the feel right.  Or just hire him again.

Why- His movies were depressing, and while they had the "life dumps on peter parker" they had nowhere enough "I am joyful being spider man, this is Awesome" - just enought that it was there, but not enough to counteract the depressions.

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