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DC vs. Marvel?


DC vs. Marvel?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you MORE a DC or Marvel person?

    • DC
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I have noticed that most examples here tend to be based on DC characters.


That got me to thinking, while I know most or many of you may like/have/read both DC AND Marvel, which side do you fall on when push comes to shove?


I have probably 50 times the Marvel comics over DC, so I squarely fall in the Marvel camp; but, I wonder about the rest of you?  If you HAD to pick one, which camp would you say you fall in?

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I'm a DC.


I have a huge collection of Superman, Flash (my 1st ever purchase in the 70's), JLA & New Teen Titans plus various other solo DC stuff thrown in.  I biggest runs of Marvel stuff are some Thor, Hulk, Spider-Man, Silver Surfer (original Infinity Gauntlet era), FF, X-Men, Avengers & X-Calibur with other various solo stuff thrown in.  The DC stuff outnumbers the Marvel by at least 3-1 and at most 5-1.  My favorite stuff has art by George Perez (like Avengers vs JLA/JLA vs. Avengers).

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I'm pro comic book. What matters is that they tell good stories and not just churn out crap to force customers to buy more.


As am I.  I can't tell you how lucky I feel to see movies finally start to resemble the comics I grew up reading and loving.  But your last comment is what made me quit comics in the mid-90's; the 6 different covers of the same X-men comics, and the three X-men teams (all watered down to an extent in my eyes).  That, and I met Rob Liefield at a con, and made the mistake of talking about Logan's (Wolverine) origins before they were all teased out; and he explained that every writer just did whatever they wanted, there was no major continuity editors and that Logan's origin wasn't determined, until someone was hired to write it...  Those items finally got the ink from my veins...


I have always been more of a DC person, but I believe a lot of it depends on your childhood.  In my early years I remember watching the Batman TV show and being taken to see Donner's Superman in the theaters.


I would agree to this to some extent.  I think it may have a lot to do with which camp you start in as well, and start to learn about the various characters.  I also tend to believe that it may have somewhat to do with personality; as I would say (very generally) DC fans tend to be a little more "super" in their stories, and Marvel (in my collecting days of late 70's to the mid 90's) more "gritty" and to some extent more anti-hero focused.


Tough call. Grew up on the campy batman with allen west and the old superman cartoons, but collected alot of old X-men comics back when I was into comics(I prefer the graphic novels now).


I'd have to say marvel right now.


I watched that when I was a kid too.  But was also a teen when the cartoons really started to get real, and an adult when the movies finally started to catch up; so I'm all over the place.

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I can't actually think of many DC characters I like enough I would read the books/watch the shows. Wonder Woman  and Green Lantern are about it in the mainstream DC universe. Different story when we're talking Vertigo comics where I like a lot of what comes out there. Especially Astro City.


Whereas I like loads of the Marvel heroes. From Namor and Cap. America to Thor and the Avengers. Excalibur was a fave back in its early days. X-men but not the whole damn stable. I'm with you echo3niner - the brand got watered down with so many titles. Some of the X-men I actively dislike and would avoid any book/show with them in it. A certain Cajun PITA comes to mind. I like 3 quarters of the Fantastic Four (can't they get rid of Reed?) I really like Silver Surfer and Doc. Strange for a good dose of cosmic/otherworldly weirdness. And then there's Spidey, my all time favourite spandex clad fool.


So on the balance of things - colour me Marvel.

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I'm a 70's child (Literary. I was born in 1970.) So I missed Bat-Mania (but seen reruns of Adam West's Batman). Basically I grew up on Spiderman cartoons, The Incredible Hulk TV show, and lots of Marvel Comics. In fact, I really did not have much intrest in DC till Crisis on Infinite Earths. Now days...I'm a manga guy. But Marvel still has a soft spot in my heart. It's just that Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon are ahead of Marvel.

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At this point both companies have lost so much quality and have annoyed me so greatly that I don't even read anything either puts out.  In the past I was more of a Marvel fan, but there were always DC titles I enjoyed.  In truth my favorite comics were the independent ones from the late 80s from companies like Eclipse, Comico, and the like.

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It's clear to me that if it's DC vs. Marvel, Marvel wins.  DC has Superman, yes, but Marvel has dozens of cosmic-level superheroes and just outguns the entire DC roster.  Supes would be hard pressed to take out Thor, let alone Thor, Quasar, Nova, Captain Marvel, Silver Surfer, etc. all at once.  DC has no one else at that power level.  It's not even fair.




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I love Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Huntress, Catwoman, Black Canary.


DC's main weakness is the lack of continuity and their tendency to destroy the universe every few years or so.  Plus they tend to make unnecessary changes in their characters to make them more "Realistic".



I do like some Marvel characters and respect their continuity.  The Mutant repression seems to be a played out plot device.  Marvel is also too clever by half retconning characters like Jessica Jones and the Sentry into their continuity.


I do love Iron Man, Captain America, Ms. Marvel, She Hulk, Shanna The She Devil.

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It's clear to me that if it's DC vs. Marvel, Marvel wins.  DC has Superman, yes, but Marvel has dozens of cosmic-level superheroes and just outguns the entire DC roster.  Supes would be hard pressed to take out Thor, let alone Thor, Quasar, Nova, Captain Marvel, Silver Surfer, etc. all at once.  DC has no one else at that power level.  It's not even fair.





Don't forget Supergirl, Power Girl, Green Lantern, Dr. Fate, Wonder Woman, and Spectre.

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I like the concept of the DC heroes more than Marvel.  I love Superman and Batman, in theory.  I don't actually want to read their comics, but I remember them from my childhood and I have a very soft spot in my heart for them.  Marvel characters are much less iconic, but their stories tend to be more interesting.

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I've always liked the idea behind Marvel more, that there are people behind the masks who are occasionally fallible and make mistakes. Marvel is far more adept than DC at telling "human stories". At it's best, Marvel can be poignant and clever. At it's worst, it's garbage. At it's best, DC is over the top theatre. At it's worst, it's still garbage.


That being said, I gave up on Marvel after Dark Reign. I gave up on DC after Justice League New 52 #14. I was tired of Marvel having characters make dumb decisions. But I was actually offended by Superman and Wonder Woman doing the horizontal mambo in a cornfield.

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Marvel is far more adept than DC at telling "human stories".

This. This is why my favorite superhero is Peter Parker, even though I think his power set is kind of goofy. I've actually seen Bruce Wayne written this way*, but it's rare, and almost never happens.


But I was actually offended by Superman and Wonder Woman doing the horizontal mambo in a cornfield.

I take it you don't condone portrayal of vegisexuality in comics then?




* One issue springs to mind wherein a badly sleep deprived Bruce Wayne screws up two relationships and Wayne Enterprises and doesn't remember any of it.

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Frankly, the two companies borrow from each other, not just in storylines but in creative talent, so much that many of the differences have faded. It's all really a matter of which one is going what direction THIS cycle. I grew up more on Marvel in the 70s, and then shifted to DC in the 80s, and then...well, in the late 90s I dropped comics. Now I tend to zip back and forth trying to find the type of stories I like.

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