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When I abort to dodge, how long does my bonus last?"



I'm trying to find the answer to the question "when I abort to dodge, how long does my bonus last?" There was a question in forum on 6th ed rules http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/61132-abort-to-dodge/?hl=dodge which asked the question in a very specific way and steve answered it, but only for the case where a character spends his action on dodge. It leaves unanswered the situation that my GM and I disagree about, which is the one in the question.


If I have a speed 2, and I abort to dodge in segment 2, does my bonus DCV last until "the beginning of his next Phase" meaning the one I aborted in segment 6 or in "the beginning of his next Phase" meaning the next one I get in segment 12?


As a further detail, if my dex is lower than foe's, does my bonus last until the segment in which I have a phase, or does it last until my dex comes up in the initiative order?

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1 answer to this question

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If a character Aborts, any DCV bonus he gets from Dodging, Blocking, or other Combat Maneuvers lasts until the beginning of the next Phase in which he gets to act. They do not end in the Segment in which the Phase he Aborted would have occurred — he took that Phase early by Aborting, so it doesn’t occur on that Segment.


For example, suppose a character has SPD 2 (giving him Phases in Segments 6 and 12). He’s attacked in Segment 2 and decides to Abort to Dodge. The +3 DCV he gains from Dodging last until the beginning of his next Phase, in Segment 12. They don’t expire in Segment 6 because he doesn’t have a Phase in Segment 6 this Turn — he took that Phase in Segment 2.


Re: your second question, the text on 6E2 54 notes that Combat Maneuver modifiers last until the “beginning of [the character’s] next Phase.” Per 6E2 16, a character’s Phase begins when his DEX comes up in the initiative order in a Segment. So to carry the above example further, suppose the SPD 2 character has DEX 10. The person attacking him has DEX 15. When the attacker gets his Phase in Segment 12, it’s at DEX 15 in the initiative order. The target’s Phase still hasn’t been reached (he won’t get it until DEX 10), so the +3 DCV from his Dodge in Segment 2 still applies. As soon as the DEX countdown reaches DEX 10, the target loses the +3 DCV bonus.

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