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In the hero system how do I make a cryo revolver ?


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I wanted to make a weapon for a hero. This weapon is what I am calling a cryo revolver.


I wanted this gun to be able to freeze enemies in place. Also causes them damage at the same time. The revolver only holds 6 shots. The gun can also go between killing a target and harming a target depending on the settings on the gun. 


I was trying to find away to make it in the hero system do I just make it in a multipower ?


or a compound power ?



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I wanted to make a weapon for a hero. This weapon is what I am calling a cryo revolver.


I wanted this gun to be able to freeze enemies in place. Also causes them damage at the same time. The revolver only holds 6 shots. The gun can also go between killing a target and harming a target depending on the settings on the gun. 


I was trying to find away to make it in the hero system do I just make it in a multipower ?


or a compound power ?

How about you try writing up the power as you think it should be. Post it here and we can discuss your build?


L.Marcus has a good idea for the build. Also look into "clips" as part of the Charges limitation. It will allow the PC to have "Fast loads" that will allow a reload of the 6 shots for as many times as you want to spend points on.

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120 Cryo revolver Multipower, 150-point reserve; all slots Unified Power (-¼) (150 APs)

3f Cryo Shot 1) Blast 16d6; 6 Charges (-¾), Beam (-¼), Unified Power (-¼) (80 APs), Linked (Frozen; -½) [6]


3f Multi Cryoshot 2) Blast 12d6, Autofire (3 shots; +¼); 6 Charges (-¾), Linked (Frozen; -½), Beam (-¼), Unified

Power (-¼) (75 APs) [6]


4f Puts Out Fire and Heat 3) Dispel Heat and Fire 16d6, Area Of Effect (20m Radius Explosion; +½), Cumulative (+½);

6 Charges (-¾), Perceivable (-½), Unified Power (-¼) (96 APs) [6]


4f Deadly Cryoshot 4) Killing Attack - Ranged 6d6, Armor Piercing (+¼); 6 Charges (-¾), Linked (Frozen; -½),

Beam (-¼), Unified Power (-¼) (112 APs) [6]


2f Frozen 5) Entangle 4d6, 4 PD/4 ED, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+¼), Affects

Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+½); Vulnerable To Fire (Very Common; -1), 6

Charges (-¾), Linked (Frozen; -½), Unified Power (-¼) (70 APs)



I could not find fast reload in the program

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what about if I wanna make each charge like each round in the guy have 6 shots in them so each so each of the 6 cells in the gun have 6 shots in and of them self. 


so it will be more like it has 36 shots hmmm maybe that will be a upgrade for the gun do I just pick 36 for the charge ?

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what about if I wanna make each charge like each round in the guy have 6 shots in them so each so each of the 6 cells in the gun have 6 shots in and of them self. 


so it will be more like it has 36 shots hmmm maybe that will be a upgrade for the gun do I just pick 36 for the charge ?


If you put 6 charges on the pool itself, then you get 6 shots from the gun, total, any combination of slots you want.  So 6 shots from slot #1, or 3 shots from slot #1 and 3 from slot #2, or one shot from each slot, any combination.


If you put 36 charges on the pool itself, then you get 36 shots from the gun, any combination.


If you put 6 charges on each slot, then you get 6 shots from each slot.  A total of 36 shots, but only 6 from any one slot.

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what about if I wanna make each charge like each round in the guy have 6 shots in them so each so each of the 6 cells in the gun have 6 shots in and of them self. 


so it will be more like it has 36 shots hmmm maybe that will be a upgrade for the gun do I just pick 36 for the charge ?

That's what is meant by "Clips."


You would have 6 Clips each with 6 Charges.


Lucius Alexander


A palindromedary just charged past and clipped me!

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100 Cryo Revolver Multipower, 150-point reserve, all slots 128 clips of 36 Charges (+½); all slots OAF (-1),

Unified Power (-¼) (225 APs)


5v Cryo Shot 1) Blast 16d6; OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), Perceivable (-¼), Linked (Frozen; -¼), Unified

Power (-¼) (80 APs)


3v Cryo Multi Shot 2) Blast 8d6, Autofire (3 shots; +¼); OAF (-1), Perceivable (-½), Linked (Frozen;

-¼), Unified Power (-¼) (50 APs)


5f Puts out Fire and Heat 3) Dispel Fire and Heat 25d6, Area Of Effect (20m Radius; +1); OAF (-1), Perceivable (-½),

Unified Power (-¼) (150 APs)


5f Deep Chill Charged Shot 4) Blast 30d6; OAF (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Gestures (-¼), Unified Power (-¼)

(150 APs)


5f Strong Freeze 5) Entangle 15d6, 15 PD/15 ED; OAF (-1), Perceivable (-½), Unified Power (-¼) (150 APs)


2f Deadly Cryo shot 6) Killing Attack - Ranged 5d6; OAF (-1), Linked (???; -½), Perceivable (-½), Unified Power

(-¼) (75 APs)


5f Powerul Deadly Cryo


7) Killing Attack - Ranged 10d6; OAF (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Unified Power (-¼)

(150 APs)


2f Frozen 8) Entangle 7d6, 7 PD/7 ED; Vulnerable To Heat and Fire (Very Common; -1), OAF (-1),

Unified Power (-¼) (70 APs)


7v Make Brittle With Ice 9) Drain PD 10d6; OAF (-1), Linked (???; -½), Unified Power (-¼) (100 APs)


2f Make Brittle 10) Drain PD 7d6; OAF (-1), Linked (???; -½), Unified Power (-¼) (70 APs)

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So 6 clips of 6 charges each, then? (Clips in the rules sense, not the Real World one.)


OK, 6 charges are a -3/4 Limitation.


6 clips is a rounding problem, since the system works on doubling the number of clips. Let's call it 8.


Each doubling drops the limitation down one level. So:


2 clips -1/2

4 clips -14

8 clips +0


Essentially, that gives you 48 shots, divided into 8 clips of 6 shots each, for a +0 limitation. That seems fair enough, since the tradeoff is that your powers no longer cost endurance, and these are big powers that would burn a *lot* of endurance.


Also, since you aren't going to have the +1/2 advantage on the multipower, it isn't going to be quite as horribly expensive. The version you have given costs 141 points!

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You are misusing the perceivable limitation.   Power like blast, entangle, RKA, etc are already obvious.  The only possible application of this limitation to powers that are already obvious is 'loud'  (-1/4) where normally obvious powers become even more noticable, but unless your revolver sounding like an artillery piece (it's already as loud as firearm already) is somehow a disadvanagte, then you don't get any points for this.


In a game that allows 30DC attacks all your other attacks aren't going to do much.  In a game that doesn't allow those kinds of attacks, well...


Unless you buy the Variable Effect advantage, a dispel just targets a single power (e.g. blast, flight, etc).


It's improper to take unified power on the multipower pool as is, because the multipower isn't unified with anything.  Of course, you can take unified power on all the multipower slots, so that draining one slot drains them all, but that may only save you a point or two.


Here's a sample version more of less in like with a standard Champions game:



                                                                     Active Actual
Cyro Revolver  OAF (-1),                                                  70     31
                4 clips of 6 charges each (-1/4)

Ice Blast      10d6 blast,                                                50      2f
                 beam (-1/4)

Freezing       PD 2 ED 2 2d6 Body Entangle,                               20      1f
                Linked to Ice Blast (-1/2)

Make Brittle   2d6 Drain PD,                                              20      1f
                Linked to Ice Blast (-1/2)

Dispel Fire    13d6 dispel,                                               68      3f
                any one based fire effect at the time (+1/2),
                4m Radius (+1/4)
Total cost: 38 points.


Note that you can't link a 'lesser' power to multiple 'greater' powers.  So if you wanted to have both a normal Ice blast and a Killing Ice blast as main powers, you'd have to take out a 20 point multipower with the Freezing and Make Brittle powers, and jointly link it to the first multi-power.


But then your dispel would be a bit anemic, because you'd only have 50 active points available in the first multipower.


Design comments:

6 Charges is normally a (-3/4) limitation, going to 4 clips moves you up twice on the charges table, to a (-1/4) limitation.


Ice Blast: Can't apply the beam limitation to the whole multipower pool, as it doesn't apply to the dispel, entangle, or PD drain slots.  If you wanted to have a multipower with just a regular ice blast and a RKA ice blast, then you could apply beam to the power pool.


So an alternate build would look something like:




Cyro Revolver I

Jointly linked with Cryo-revolved II (-0)

OAF (-1)

Beam (-1/4)

4 clips of 6 charges each (-1/4)

Unified power (with Cryo Revolver II) (-1/4) (note that you finally have something to apply unified power to)


Slot 1 (f)

Xd6 Blast


Slot 2 (f)






Cyro Revolver II

Jointly linked with Cryo-revolver I (-1/2)

OAF (-1)

Beam (-1/4)

4 clips of 6 charges each (-1/4)

Unified power (with Cryo Revolver I) (-1/4)


Slot 1 (f)



Slot 2 (f)

Drain PD






Note that you can only use on of Freezing or Make Brittle when you blast someone.  But you do get to choose whenever your turn rolls around.  This lets you have enough active points avaialble for a larger dispel pool.




Technically, using one of the linked powers in the multi-power probably should cost a charge as well.  If you wanted to really stick to the rules, a 1 charge using power should probably be a combined slot. If your GM isn't going to let this slide, you'd have to buy two differnt blasts, and 2 combined slots of blast + entangle and blast + drain.  It would cost 2 more points, in total.

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I think you guys are overcomplicating


37  6d6 Entangle, 6 Charges 8 clips (+0), Does not take damage from limited attack (+1/4) OAF (-1)


18 45 MP Linked to Entangle (-1/2)*, OAF (-1) , 6 Charges 8 Clips (+0)

2f 3d6 RKA**

2f 9d6 Blast**




* I know linked is not suppose to be used this way, but it is the best way to do it

**A more accurate build might be to use either DOT, or Continuous and Continuing charges (A 2d6 RKA, or 5d6 AP Blast, with only 4 clips lasting 1 minute each,  would be 58 points total)

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I don't know 6th edition, but I think those Drains need to be bought with the Ranged advantage as well.


But holy crap that first gun is all over the place, power-wise.  An 8D6 Autofire EB (which will almost immediately run out of charges) and a 10D6 RKA.  One attack will knock out some Viper agents while the other will blow up the Hoover Dam.

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Question: I know you've done this by the rules, I'm questioning the rules.


Why is the 'unified power' lim allowed on a multipower? I thought the very definition of multipower is that the power are unified for no points.




The rules for Adjustment Powers make it clear that an adjustment made vs. one slot of a Framework (Multipower or VPP) does NOT affect the other slots unless it has an additional Advantage to do so.  Unified, just turns that around. It means that ANY NEGATIVE adjustment vs. 1 slot will affect ALL the slots.


Also, it is possible to create multipowers where it makes sense that the different abilities are NOT unified.



A character has a M-16 with an underslung grenade launcher.  A drain vs. the autofire attack alone shouldn't disable the grenade launcher or visa-versa.

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more on Unified...


Proper use of the Unified Power Limitation is what helps otherwise seemingly unaffordable concepts to become feasible.



Rogue from the X-men.  If the rest of the team's abilities are built with Unified then Rogue doesn't need to have a Drain with an insane level of Advantages piled on to make sense.

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