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Teleports gate and the area affect options



I had a rules clarification / quesion about the specific types of area of effect that are available regarding teleportation gates.  I'm hoping that you can help me determine a few things about their rules.


Per the rule book on teleportation gates: Characters can use Teleportation to create “Gates” — fixed “teleportation fields” that Teleport anything that can fit in them and doesn’t exceed their weight limit. To create a Gate, a character must buy Teleportation with the Advantages Area Of Effect (2m Radius), Usable On Others, and Constant.


Were one to create a freestanding gate which has faces that open north and south, and the other end of the gate one mile west with the faces also facing north and south, it would make sense that when you enter by walking north in the east gate, you exit the west gate also facing north, and vice versa (unless the position shift were purchased).  This implies that for each gate there are four 'faces', one on either side of each physical location.  


Is there a reason that the only area of effect shape available is radius?  It would seem to make sense that you could also define the gate 'mouth' as being on a surface as well, or perhaps other shapes.  Example:  rather than as a free standing gate hanging in the air you have a gate anchored directly to a wall.  This mandates that if you enter the gate in that location you will always leave facing a specific direction.


I was also curious about an intervening gate blocking line of site.  If two characters are standing opposite each other in the above example, with the gate hanging in the air between, they should not be able to see each other.  The character on the south side of the gate would see what is to the north  and one mile west.  The character on the north would see through the gate one mile west.  This lack of line of site implies that they would be unable to attack each other from their current positions.  Am i correct in that assumption?

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1 answer to this question

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1. What types of Area Of Effect to allow with a Gate is up to the GM. The rules specifically mention using a larger AoE so that larger objects (e.g., a vehicle) could come through. If the GM wants to allow different shapes of AoE as well, I don't think anyone will get upset about it.


2. Generally speaking you're correct in your assumption about a Gate blocking Line Of Sight in the situation you describe, but again it's up to the GM. Depending on the special effects involved, the way the GM envisions Gates as working, dramatic sense, and most especially whether the Gate is actively in use, it may not affect LOS.

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