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NCC question



Working on a character with a VPP that's she has no control over..basically a trigger that happens when someone comes within X inches and is attacking her.


The question : she is attacked in a phase she acts but by someone with a higher speed.. When it's her turn to act would the VPP be considerd her action? Or would the NCC make it a seperate action and she would then have a action of her own as well?



Not trying to get a free extra action, just seems that she would get one not " knowing" about the other power

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1 answer to this question

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The answer lies in the fact that based on your description, you’re using the wrong Power Modifier to build the power. No Conscious Control means the power typically only works “when the GM chooses” — not whenever a specified condition occurs. If you want the power to work whenever someone attacks her from within X distance, you should use the Advantage Trigger. Given the way you describe it, I’d suggest defining the Trigger as “takes no time to activate” and “immediately, automatically resets.” That eliminates the issues raised by the question.


If the character has no control over the power, some form of the No Conscious Control Limitation may also be applicable — I can’t say for certain without knowing more about the ability. The fact that the power only works “when someone... is attacking her” suggests to me that the “lack of control” really isn’t a significant problem and thus merits little, if any, Limitation value. But I may not know the whole story.


However, the specifics of your issue aside, you do raise a question that I should answer even if it doesn’t apply to your situation. I’m going to restate it in general terms so it’s clear to everyone:


Q:  If a character has a power with the No Conscious Control Limitation, when that power activates (per the GM’s decision), does that use up some or all of a character’s current or next action?


A:  If the power with NCC is a typical one that requires a Zero Phase Action to activate/use, then when the GM activates it, it does not use up any of a character’s current or next action (even if it activates in a Segment when the character ordinarily wouldn’t get an action, or before his Phase occurs in a Segment).


If the power requires a Half or Full Phase Action to activate/use, then the resolution of this issue is up to the GM. Typically it will use up that portion of a character’s current action, or if the character doesn’t have one of his next available action. But given the uncontrolled nature of the power the GM may choose to waive or elminate that outcome.

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