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Agents and Super-Agents Packages


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Basic Agent Characteristics


Male Char Female

13 STR 8

10 DEX 11

13 CON 13

10 BODY 10

13 INT 13

10 EGO 11

13 PRE 13

10 COM 10

3 PD 3

3 ED 3

3 SPD 3

6 REC 5

26 END 26

24 STUN 21

Total Characteristics Cost: 25 Points



FBI Special Agent Package


Cost Skills

3 Bureaucratics 12-

3 Criminology 12-

3 Deduction 12-

2 FB: Concealed Weapons Permit

3 FB: Federal Police Powers

3 Stealth 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

2 WF: Small Arms

3 One of the Following Skills: Combat Driving, Computer Programming, Forensic Medicine, Interrogation, Paramedic, Shadowing

Total Skills Cost: 25 Points


50 Points in Additional Skills, Characteristics, and Powers


Total Cost: 100 Points


50+ FBI Special Agent Disadvantages

5 DF: FBI Special Agent (Easily Concealable/Noticed)

10 Hunted: FBI (More Powerful/NCI/Watch) 8-

15 PsyL: Sworn To Uphold The Law (Common/Strong)

10 SocL: Subject To Orders (Occasionally/Major)

10 Points Of Other Disadvantages

Total Disadvantages Cost: 100 Points




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Most Agents and even Soldiers don't have a lot of Hand To Hand Combat ability.  Most rely on a Firearm and occasionally a Nightstick or Rifle Butt.  Elite members of the organizations like Navy SEALS, Green Berets, FBI Hostage Rescue Team, and the Secret Service Presidential Protection detail would have some martial arts skills.

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I would disagree with female characters having higher DEX and EGO---I am curious as to your rationale for that.


Also, why do men have above average STR for men while women have average STR for women?  IIRC, Hero System used to have men's base STR at 10 and women's base STR at 8. I would suspect that any physical training program that increased men's strength above average (to 13 in your package) for men would also increase women's strength to above average for women.


Biologically speaking if you feel a need to create a gender difference, I would have DEX and EGO be equal while men would have higher STR and women higher CON.  For example, male agent STR 13, female agent STR 10.  Female agent CON 13, Male agent CON 10. 

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My rational is that Men and Women are different.  Men are stronger while women have more dexterity and willpower.  The Skilled Normals represent those who are both physically and mentally fit.  While they are not much more a threat to super humans then normals, they are very effective taking on unskilled normals.

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UNTIL Basic Agent Package


25 Points in Characteristics


Cost Skills

3 Bureaucratics 12-

2 FB: Concealed Weapons Permit

5 FB: International Police Powers

1 FB: Passport

3 Lang: Fluent English (or other is English is Native)

2 WF: Small Arms

9 One of the Following Packages

Defender - Concealment, Stealth, Tactics

Investigator - Conversation, Criminology, Shadowing

Technical Services - Bugging, Computer Programming, Systems Operation

Total Skills Cost: 25 Points

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