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Can you help you cut this character down to only 400 points ?


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And a person with an INT of 10 can come up with the same theories/principles/discoveries as a person with an INT of 20. It will just take them longer to work it out.

Had overread this part about int in the book tnx there (also got the info about the bookpart in the chat). 

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Only if you over-think it. Make a VPP with defined limits of what can be pulled out of the Zeist pocket. I wouldn't use a summon for it.

I used a Summon for it as the original Description sounded more like a Summons ability. If the want a number of mundane items to be pulled out from it then it does need to be a VPP, but that won't fit in a Multipower and will then be beyond what the PC can do.

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As a Hero System GM your first job is to decide power level. Unfortunatly for you "Standard Superhero" doesn't really do a good enough job of explaining the powerlevel to build the PC's on.

Which is why I always recommend starting with Average Powerlevel. The idea is that everyone's characters will average out to the campaign powerlevel. Some archetypes will be built right on the averages (like an Energy Projector like the OP or a Mentalist), Some will be built with somethings higher and others lower (ie Bricks tend to have lower DCV and Spd and tend to throw more dice of damage, Martial artists and Speedsters tend to do less dice of Damage but have higher OCV, DCV and SPD scores. Keeping those averages in mind allows Players to create characers that will succeed in combat. Otherwise you end up with PCs' that are all over the board with everything. Also you end up with Characters who can't hit a Villain and others who can't BE hit by a villain. Others who don't do enough damage to overcome even the weakest badguys and the flip of that who always Stun opponents and Prematurely KO opponents.


IMHO it's very important that the GM has average powerlevels for everything and uses that to build their campaign.

When I look at a PC. I first look to make sure that their attacks fall within 1-3 + or - of DC, CV and DEX average and Defenses are at least average and no more than 15pts higher than campaign average. SPD should be within 1 pt or so of average. I also make sure that the PC isn't the highest in everything. I then look at power conception and make sure that all powers fit within conception. My perforance if for PC's that are simple and just aren't a laundry list of abilities. Powers that feel like the come from a comic and make sense. Again Fit within Campaign Power levels, and fit within over all Concept and theme of PC.

The thread asked for help trimming a character to 400pts. Which I did mostly by removing redundant abilities. I also increased Character flexability by removing non combat powers from the Multipower and reducing the size of the MP to 63 Active points. If this was a PC in my game, I would have the Player redesign the PC from the ground up. First by building a character that could function without superpowers. Rebuild the character (The stats seem to be ok currently) with a mind to removing power clutter and trying to NOT be the everything character. Also think about being a HEROIC PC. (ie Heroes don't tend to teleport chunks of villains off of them, aka No Killing Attacks) Martian Manhunter characters suck in a Team RPG. Choose a Speciality and stick with it.

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Okay, first I am going to have to disagree with several people. Tom, if you are more comfortable putting Characteristidcs in the Powers section of the sheet if they are derived from or justified by the character's superpowers, in my opinion, that's what you should do. It may not be what I do, or most other people do, but it makes perfect sense and if it helps you make sense of a character, I think it's a good idea.


Now, as for putting Unified on the Characteristics and all those Powers - this means that the character is going to get real helpless real fast any time someone manages to Drain those Powers. There are a number of things I disagree with Tasha about but she's right that a character needs to be able to do something interesting when their main Powers are shut down.



Now, about this "Teleport to get out of taking damage" idea - I don't think anyone would say that's going to work. A Trigger is based on something happening, not "about to happen." So sure, you can have a Triggered Teleport that goes off when you take damage - and then you are somewhere else, and damaged. Now, you CAN have a Triggered Teleport, possibly one that you can choose to set off if you think you're about to get hit - but you have to commit to that before the attack roll is made.


edit: The Power used to erase damage is Healing. You might consider allowing Triggered Healing with a Side Effects: Teleports 1d6 Meters in a random direction.



One thing you CAN do is buy Martial Arts as "Teleport Tricks." The default Weapon Element is "Spatial Manipulation Powers."

Block: Teleport out of the way (but remaining in the same hex) or jump forward in time a split second so they miss or bend space so the attack goes around you etc.)

Throw: Teleport someone into the air so they fall prone

Dodge: see Block

Disarm: Teleport weapon away




About the necessity for two slots of Teleport: I'd probably do it as THREE.

A tactical Teleport with maximum meters of movement.

An intermediate Teleport, with few meters base but many Noncombat Movement doublings.

A really long range Teleport, with Megascale.


Why three? Because you can't have one that does what all three do, nearly as well. For example, Megascale and Noncombat drastically reduce combat values and require more time.



It's okay to have ideas for Powers a character can grow into. (I guess now I'm talking more to Basic than to Tom.) Don't try to start with every possible application of the character's Power defined.



I'm probably going to post my own version later, and everyone can pick that to pieces too. Hopefully, there will eventually be a version that goes on to be an instrument of much fun for the player, the Game Operations Director, and the other players.



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary already ate this post once, let's see if I can get it past the beast this time

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When I read the champions power book (basic mentioned it I think 2 days ago) I found something that would come near to the first and last iterations of what the blink power should be like (in between was something like spider sense):

A combination of blink teleport and reflex teleport.


Thus he gains +8 DCV (costs endurance) and if the dcv would be enough to get him out of the danger (even for AOE attacks) then reflex teleport kicks in and teleports him away (thus that dcv helps also against AOE and he gets to teleport if he manages to avoid the damage thanks to the increased dcv). what do you think there? 





Now, as for putting Unified on the Characteristics and all those Powers - this means that the character is going to get real helpless real fast any time someone manages to Drain those Powers. There are a number of things I disagree with Tasha about but she's right that a character needs to be able to do something interesting when their main Powers are shut down.

I saw that as one of the possible weaknesses of the char (one of a few), Then again superman has a similar problem with kryptonite near. 



One problem I see though when I reread the char is the "spatiolock" in combination with teleportation unified. not a "real" problem more a thinking prob there (which is also true for the power by itself): What happens if someone is 200 years old and gets his immortallity power blocked/drained? Does he die immediately, just start aging again,.... ? Or depends on what is most appropriate?



One thing on that also: Basic mentioned yesterday he wants an immunity to time line changes. Thought there of an item in the empress book:Change environment(that temporal effects dont affect im), aoe with 2m and no range and persistent 

or would there be other ways to do this? 

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When I read the champions power book (basic mentioned it I think 2 days ago) I found something that would come near to the first and last iterations of what the blink power should be like (in between was something like spider sense):

A combination of blink teleport and reflex teleport.


Thus he gains +8 DCV (costs endurance) and if the dcv would be enough to get him out of the danger (even for AOE attacks) then reflex teleport kicks in and teleports him away (thus that dcv helps also against AOE and he gets to teleport if he manages to avoid the damage thanks to the increased dcv). what do you think there? 



I saw that as one of the possible weaknesses of the char (one of a few), Then again superman has a similar problem with kryptonite near. 



One problem I see though when I reread the char is the "spatiolock" in combination with teleportation unified. not a "real" problem more a thinking prob there (which is also true for the power by itself): What happens if someone is 200 years old and gets his immortallity power blocked/drained? Does he die immediately, just start aging again,.... ? Or depends on what is most appropriate?



One thing on that also: Basic mentioned yesterday he wants an immunity to time line changes. Thought there of an item in the empress book:Change environment(that temporal effects dont affect im), aoe with 2m and no range and persistent 

or would there be other ways to do this? 


Hmmm for me I would think it depends on how the power works. Like if they are powering it wit the souls they seal once the souls are taken they would die and turn to dust.I think it depends on the GM and the Player

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Hmmm for me I would think it depends on how the power works. Like if they are powering it wit the souls they seal once the souls are taken they would die and turn to dust.I think it depends on the GM and the Player

It depends on how the character is built.


By default, if the Life Support power making the character immune to aging is Drained or otherwise shut down, the character begins to age normally.


Look at it this way. If I'm in a field of radiation that does 1d6 damage per turn, but I'm not taking damage because I have an Immunity to radiation, and you negate that immunity ("Hey! That's my protective environment suit you just slashed open!") I DO NOT immediately take 10d6 damage because I'd been standing there for 10 turns. I only take 1d6 damage per turn as if I'd just got there, and probably won't linger long if I can help it.


If the character is going to fall to dust, that would either be a Complication or a Limitation on the Power.


Lucius Alexander


Life Support: Immune to Palindromedaries

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Tasha I disgree with your statement about killing attacks and being HEROIC. Having the ability does not make you unheroic it how and when you use the power determines if its heroic.

I don't disagree with you, but I have dealt with too many mad slasher PC's though the years. I am really fed up with them and the easiest way to prevent the 40billionth iteration of the Wolverine clone is to say in the Campaign rules "No Killing Attacks". Yeah, I know that a 12d6 normal attack vs a normal will pretty much pulp the normal (12 body average - 2 Def = 10 body putting a normal anywhere from 0 body to -2 body). People who build PC's with Normal attacks as their primary tend to want to play the character differently from the PC that is built around Killing attacks. IIRC The OP PC had 3 Different Killing attacks all with varioius Advantages to make the doing of body more likely. I don't think that Teleporting an opponents Spleen or Heart away is very heroic.

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BTW +8DCV does nothing to prevent damage from standard AOE Attacks. Those skill levels would have to be applicable to Dive for Cover rolls. There are some AOE attacks that must hit every targer's DCV, that's just not the default.

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I don't disagree with you, but I have dealt with too many mad slasher PC's though the years. I am really fed up with them and the easiest way to prevent the 40billionth iteration of the Wolverine clone is to say in the Campaign rules "No Killing Attacks". Yeah, I know that a 12d6 normal attack vs a normal will pretty much pulp the normal (12 body average - 2 Def = 10 body putting a normal anywhere from 0 body to -2 body). People who build PC's with Normal attacks as their primary tend to want to play the character differently from the PC that is built around Killing attacks. IIRC The OP PC had 3 Different Killing attacks all with varioius Advantages to make the doing of body more likely. I don't think that Teleporting an opponents Spleen or Heart away is very heroic.

Fwiw, for every Wolverine clone I built for my games (which werent many) all had a HA option which i encourgaged. Plus did the mad slashers understood the genre you were going for? I had no idea when Shadow was created that killing attacks were unheroic in a Silver Age setting. I was asked what typeofcharacter Iwould like to play and I wanted a ninja. A ninja from the '80s craze. Let the comedy ensue. Now if your mad slashers did know what you are going for and still went a-hacking we shall go....then I totally agree with you.

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BTW +8DCV does nothing to prevent damage from standard AOE Attacks. Those skill levels would have to be applicable to Dive for Cover rolls. There are some AOE attacks that must hit every targer's DCV, that's just not the default.

I know that is why I had the idea to extend the trigger of the teleport away power to also include AOE if and only IF the increased dcv would have been enough to avoid them.


I had thought about dive for cover but the problem is that that would be an action thus active while a dcv increase is purely passive and takes up nothing actionwise. 


to also not unbalance the teleportation away part of the 2 powers to make it so that you are autoimmune to aoe I would have put the trigger that way.  


but question is though is there a better way to do that (with only passive powers)? 

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Killing attack like his deadly Aportation can do alot more then kill people. You get creative. Example I teleport lets say a bunch of marbles into a steel beam cutting it or maybe I teleport the lead from a bullet into the gun destroying it and so on. 

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and why not jusst teleporting the slidehammer (or however it is called and spelled) out of the gun?

Easier to do and the gun is useless afterwards



and for the steel beam....teleporting away parts of the beam (or better teh whole beam teleported away ;)

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you mean isntead of the other 2 powers? then we would have the same situation as before again as we have an autoimmunity against physical attacks,... 

(also desolied doesnt work against gasous powers)


the mainprob is also with the original idea of basic that it would be autoimmune (the 14- roll is no 14- roll but a skillroll so we can see 18- there after some sessions).

And autoimmune is something that I want to avoid as from experience that always leads to an arms war between the player involved and the gm (have it seen quite a few times 

and heard of it in additional cases).  also that reminds me a bit too much of mmo's  (immune to physical attacks......use the tank to distract him and then use sorcerers only) 



also a desolification trigger + a teleport trigger that are there to avoid damage are in effect a 100DC damage negation or a 100% damage reduction and that for almost no cost

compared with those (and like I mentioned before also all things pc's can do theoretically npc can do and I dont think a pc is happy when he hears "Ok I managed the skillroll of 16- so youra ttack is completely negated because of my trigger" despite the PC hitting him with a roll of 18 with his strongest attack that leaves him unconscious afterwards) 

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Not automatically.


In specific cases the GM can rule there are.


In other cases, they can be built into the character. In this case I wouldn't, since I don't see it as something happening more than once in a blue moon.


So this would be a GM's decision.


YMMV, naturally.


(To build it in, combine an Entangle and an RKA or EB. But I wouldn't.)

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