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What is your superpower?


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I am a computer wizard. Give me a bunch of bugging computers, I straighten them out. After short time they will have learned thier lesson and fix themself before I had any chance to get them (so the error does not appear whne brought before me or anytime after). This can lead to whole rooms of formerly buggy computers to become absolutely docile and stop them from producing any more errors.

Some form of mind control, healing touch or transform (remove complicatioN). Or perhaps a reputation among computers - they just choose to not annoy me anymore.


If I see a buggy programm, I can estimate it's code and where the original programmer failed. I can peer into the black box. So either clairsentience or transdimensional on "Detect Code". But the whole thing is only vague (not decompiler effectiveness).

Thier are only two corporations - Microsoft and our local Telekommunication Provider - where I might stand in front of a buggy programm or router and ask myself "How, how, HOW could anyone produce this error intentionally. Because there is just no bovious way in a dozen of language and so I have no idea how they could have caused that unintentionally.".


Give me a operation and I can think of 5 different ways to automate it. I also seem to have an inherent ability to prevent myself from producing bad code. When I read a "good practice" rule about Adminsitration or Programming I think "ah, that is why X is a bad idea. Nice to know the reason behind it, even if I had never done this mistake anyway".

Some form of Detect (Bad appraoches in Computer Sciences). Maybe Precognitive Clairsentience (to detect future problems).

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I also seem resistant to cold, always showring at temperatures considered "cold" by my fellows. I still only carry thin clothing when others are already warming up thier winter parkas.

Unfortunately I seem to have a vulnerability to heat, resulting in lethargy in summer.

I often joke that I am "like a CPU" when temperature is considered - I don't mind it cool, but heat is my arch enemy.

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I am kinda lucky - when it comes to career related things (lottery is not for me). I usually get nice jobs, sometimes even without asking, in one instance even while basically rejecting it! But then I am a guy who worries a lot beforehand so coming out on top is easy when you contrast it to the anticipated catastrophe that wasn't likely to happen in the first place. BTW: That is a good way to come out ahead - naive optimism, "can-doerism" and chalking failures and bad luck up as "experiences" that "make you grow" because you "learn" from them is irrational, will make you depressive (I have experiences while other people have successes) and will give you a brain-tumor the size of a lemon - which isn't so bad because that is an experience that makes you cherish the (meager) rest of your life more which you can use to make tumorlade ...


But I have quite a high Presence Attack - even adults are sometimes startled when I am telling unruly pupils off. But that is probably a mixture of Perk: Head of Department Year 7/8 ( school principal), Reputation: Don't f**k with him 11- (I am new in my school; used to be 14-) and appropiate setting (my office/ school) - so that alone plus PS: Teacher/ Principal should give me a +3D6 at least.


But I also had to practice it against a bunch of drunken Russian and Jugoslavian youths who insulted a friends' wife. Was a tough one and I almost got the crap beated out of me but in the end everybody was calm and they apologized and headed their way.

In game terms that was:

-1D6 at a disadvantage (outnumbered 3 to 1 at least and the other guys on my side were 55 to 65, so no help really)

-1D6 Presence attack againts existing mood (their mood was "Fuck you" and they were under the influence of alcohol

+1D6 I probably made my appropiate Interaction Skill Roll (Oratory or PS: Teacher (they were 15 to 19)


Let's say they had a PRE/ EGO of 10 and I was at -1D6 and I still got Target's PRE+10 (may comply with order "Apologize and behave!").


And I am usually the guy who is "naturally" picked when it comes to presenting things in front of an audience - which is a piece of cake for me. I am NOT a slaesperson but I can give a speech in front of a TV-camera or address a crowd at the drop of the proverbial hat.


So I guess my PRE is at least 15, maybe 18-20 gamewise.

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I'm OK with heat, so long as I don't have to wear much.  A supervisor gave me all excellent marks, except attire, holding forth at length about the latter.


"It's usually 82 degrees in here, not good for these computers, let alone me.  5,000 years ago, my ancestors lived in caves, where it's 50 degrees.  If it were 68 degrees here, average U.S. office temperature, I'd wear a blazer at least once or twice a week."


Yeah, you already saw my icon is a snow leopard.

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Minor Precognition. It works better in conjunction with my KS: Political Science and KS: Military Strategy skills, but it doesn't always have to. I have been able to predict the downfall of the Soviet Union and several other regimes with a fair accuracy to time, although not the specific events that caused the fall. I instinctively knew Iraq would degenerate into a faction-filled quagmire. There's usually some minor event in the news that I sense will be the trigger or a sign of the imminent fall.


Personally, I knew that my Mom's 65th birthday would be her last, and that I felt that I and she should leave on the best of terms. Turned out her minor illnesses were worse than anyone thought at the time, but I could sense her increasing frailty. I'm glad I told her I loved her - it was the last time I saw her alive.


I could sense my Dad was behind me when Lady Tigereye and I were sitting out on the deck of a vacation house where we were having a family reunion, and she asked me why I mistrusted him. I said nothing to them at the time, but that was because I could feel his presence near me. It was pretty creepy.

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High IQ

Great Spatial Intelligence

Creative Problem Solver

Technological Intuition with advanced Google fu

Great levels of Creativity which gives me reality warping powers with in my writings

I really good with swords mostly Katanas but I can use any type.

Everyone in my family are naturally really strong even if we don't work out

Really Great eye sight

and maybe immortality but then again how would you ever know unless you tried to die and I never tried. It would be awesome to be immortal. 

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It would be awesome to be immortal.

I'd have to disagree with that one. Think how it would feel to know everyone you care about is going to die and you would never be able to join them in the Next Great Adventure. Think about how bored you would get with existence, as once you've tried everything, it becomes trite and monotonous. Ever see a movie you liked so many times you don't want to watch it again? Imagine that for every facet of your live. Nothing would feel novel or new.


And as I know from experience: Boredom leads to f***ery. Which is just my way of saying Idle Hands are the Devil's Tools. If you get bored, you are going to try to find ways to fill the monotony. Eventually you'd start tearing down the world around you (murder, rape, building bombs, etc) simply because it would be something to do.


So no, I would not care to be immortal. It would eventually turn a person into a Sociopath.

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I'd have to disagree with that one. Think how it would feel to know everyone you care about is going to die and you would never be able to join them in the Next Great Adventure. Think about how bored you would get with existence, as once you've tried everything, it becomes trite and monotonous. Ever see a movie you liked so many times you don't want to watch it again? Imagine that for every facet of your live. Nothing would feel novel or new.


And as I know from experience: Boredom leads to f***ery. Which is just my way of saying Idle Hands are the Devil's Tools. If you get bored, you are going to try to find ways to fill the monotony. Eventually you'd start tearing down the world around you (murder, rape, building bombs, etc) simply because it would be something to do.


So no, I would not care to be immortal. It would eventually turn a person into a Sociopath.

Or worse it would feel like the movie Groundhog Day.

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