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I never watched that movie.



Do you like horror films? Because that is a f___ing horror film.

But it is a very good portrayal of what it is like to be a sapient wild rabbit. Watership Down is a great animated film that deserves to be seen. But it isn't a children's film in the traditional sense.


And given that every Easter films about a lingering, hideously painful public execution are virtually mandatory, and people frequently demand that these be shown to their children....


Which raises the question of whether Christians do their children any favors when they try to teach about the Crucifixion and other horrible but important Biblical events (like the Flood) in a sanitized form. Gathering cute animals into an ark is easy to display, ewxcept of course for the fact that 99.9% of the human race is wiped out in the flood. And for Jesus to rise from the dead he first had to die, in a torturous and humiliating manner. As adults Christians have learned that the suffering is one of the most important parts of the Easter story -- in my congregation it is dealt with throughout the year and stated that Jesus taking all ther sins of mankind onto himself and enduring all the pain experienced by billions of people over the course of two millenia is a vital part of the path to salvation. It is stated in talks all the time, with children in the congregation hearing it. The Atonement is so vital to the Christian faith, so how do you convey that without traumatizing an eight-year-old?

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