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The next 72 hours are going to bring freak weather here.


Monday:  may set a record high.

Tuesday:  may set a record high.

Tuesday:  may see a 50 degree swing from the afternoon high and the overnight (early morning) low.  

Wednesday:  earlier forecasts were called for as much as a 35 degree drop, but that was AccuWeather;  their models frequently over-predict changes on the 5-7 day scale and back off from it later.  Still, Weather Channel, NWS, and Weather Bug are all calling for upper 60s to low 70s.

Wednesday:  may see a record low for the date


I questioned the forecasts, but the prediction is a massive shift in the jet stream.  Instead of the usual west to east, up by the US-Canada border, it's expected to dip insanely.  In front of it, that's where the extra heat comes from.


Could be worse;  Denver's forecast high is 93 for tomorrow;  the forecast low is 31.  Tuesday high...37, with snow.  That's gonna do some hurt to plants;  it's WAY too early for this kind of temp, and the change is going to be extremely sudden.

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2 hours ago, tkdguy said:

Happy Birthday, Bazza!


In other news:


Novak Djokovic disqualified from US Open for accidentally hitting line judge with ball


Is there a way to not merge my replies? I didn't want this article joined with my birthday wishes to Bazza.


I don't care for this latest forum change where it randomly merges responses.


Personally I erase whichever comment I want in the thread the least. Then if I remember a few hours later, I repost whatever I erased to the thread.


I remember maybe 20% of the time.



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2 hours ago, tkdguy said:

Happy Birthday, Bazza!


In other news:


Novak Djokovic disqualified from US Open for accidentally hitting line judge with ball


Is there a way to not merge my replies? I didn't want this article joined with my birthday wishes to Bazza.


Thank you. Yes. You have to wait about 5 mins between posts for them to be seperate. 

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Djokovic does have a history of some kinda bizarre stuff.  This was just thoughtless.  I totally believe him, that hitting the linesperson wasn't intentional...but intent there only factors into the second phase of the punishment.  The first...DQ, loss of all points and all money won in the event...only checks to see if hitting the ball (or throwing a racket) was intentional.  Had THAT been the case, much larger fines and suspensions come onto the table.


20 hours ago, archer said:


While you might be correct, I defy you to give me the reading on a thermostat from 101,000 years ago at 2 pm.


Sorry, the Wayback Machine purged that info last year;  their storage capacity is finite, after all, and no one had checked on that info for 15 years....


But if you look at the national temperature maps over at NWS...wow.  You can REALLY see the change moving.  

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23 hours ago, archer said:


While you might be correct, I defy you to give me the reading on a thermostat from 101,000 years ago at 2 pm.

Sadly, modern global temperature recordings only go back to 1850, though you can get temperature recordings from England and parts of Europe as far back as 1657.  


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On 9/6/2020 at 3:15 PM, megaplayboy said:

LA is currently the hottest it's been in....125,000 years.

I live in Woodland Hills.  121 f on Sunday. I win!   

It took me two days to post this because I've been hiding under wet towels ever since.  When I was a kid, 106 was the worst  scorcher imaginable. Now we're cookin'!

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4 hours ago, kukuli said:

I live in Woodland Hills.  121 f on Sunday. I win!   

It took me two days to post this because I've been hiding under wet towels ever since.  When I was a kid, 106 was the worst  scorcher imaginable. Now we're cookin'!

Never forget to baste. :(


If it had gotten that hot in my part of the country, especially during a pandemic, I would probably be dead from heat. I domn't even think I could have survived in my apartment, because it hasnop AC and ould have been like a firepit.

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