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1 hour ago, Pattern Ghost said:

I think RDU Neil was joking about the dog locking him in.


On a more serious note: A good reason to carry a Resqme or a Lifehammer.


Could be.  Lots of things like this look really idiotic on first glance, tho, and generate kneejerk responses like that which may just be showing the writer's ignorance and malice.  NOT saying that's the case here, just something we do see regularly...even without reading the tweets of a certain elected official.  (I really should avoid CNN like the plague.  It does my blood pressure no good, and makes sure my humor radar is maximally obscured.)


Or even have just a regular ol' cell phone.  Even with NO sim card.  I upgraded my phone last year...kept the old phone cuz it wasn't worth trading in.  I use it as an ancillary Hue controller, the clock app, maybe weather...it just sits there.  No SIM card of course...but...it CAN make emergency calls.  And you can kinda think the guy panicked to a degree as well.  Mind, I'm not criticizing...been there too many times when anger, irritation, fear, what have you shuts down the thinking part of your brain for MUCH too long.  So there's LOTS of ways this could've played out much less dramatically, to be sure.

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11 hours ago, unclevlad said:


Could be.  Lots of things like this look really idiotic on first glance, tho, and generate kneejerk responses like that which may just be showing the writer's ignorance and malice.  NOT saying that's the case here, just something we do see regularly...even without reading the tweets of a certain elected official.  (I really should avoid CNN like the plague.  It does my blood pressure no good, and makes sure my humor radar is maximally obscured.)


Or even have just a regular ol' cell phone.  Even with NO sim card.  I upgraded my phone last year...kept the old phone cuz it wasn't worth trading in.  I use it as an ancillary Hue controller, the clock app, maybe weather...it just sits there.  No SIM card of course...but...it CAN make emergency calls.  And you can kinda think the guy panicked to a degree as well.  Mind, I'm not criticizing...been there too many times when anger, irritation, fear, what have you shuts down the thinking part of your brain for MUCH too long.  So there's LOTS of ways this could've played out much less dramatically, to be sure.


Seriously dude. A joke. Dogs get locked in hot cars all the time... a bit of a turn on that, is all.

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French President Macron has officially announced that France used torture during the Algerian war of independence, and specifically the torture and murder of young mathematician (and Algerian Communist Party member) Maurice Audin by the French Army in 1957.  The wording makes clear this was an established, officially sanctioned program, not a one-off by out-of-control individuals.



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4 hours ago, Cancer said:

Meanwhile, the tabloid press and the random conspiracy theory generator that is the IntArWebz seem to be going nuts over NSO in Sunspot (only 134 road miles from Roswell!  Must be ALIENZ!!!!one!!)


The National Solar Observatory happens to overlook White Sands Missile Range and Holloman Air Force Base, which would make it an excellent location from which to spy on either.

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33 minutes ago, Old Man said:


Apache Point Observatory is just as good, and the spooks haven't locked them down.  I think NMSU has another telescope or two in that mountain range also, but I am not positive of that.

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4 hours ago, Cancer said:


Apache Point Observatory is just as good, and the spooks haven't locked them down.  I think NMSU has another telescope or two in that mountain range also, but I am not positive of that.


Perhaps there is no suspicion of nefarious activity at those particular observatories.

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4 hours ago, death tribble said:

Tomb of Mehu opens to the public


My concern about hearing this is that there are people in Egypt who view this part of their history as offensive, and are not that keen on Western tourism in their country in general. I wonder what they will do to express their displeasure.

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The site has apparently been an "archaeological site" for years, if not decades. With things still to learned from it, I'm concerned about vandalism not just from violence, but from the ignorance that seems endemic among tourists. 


and I wonder what will happen to the economies and people of places who depend on tourism when it becomes clear how non-sustainable such an economy is likely to be.

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Simon Yates wins La Vuelta a Espana. This is the third and last Grand Tour of the year and what is remarkable is that he is the third British rider to win a Tour this year. Chris Froome won the Giro and Geraint Thomas won the Tour de France. The Spanish and French have all done this feat as well but not with three different riders.


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