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I expect most here have heard the news, but as I see no mention of it: Development in Russia takes another turn for the worst as leading opposition politician Boris Nemtsov is gunned down in open street.


The guy was once a candidate to replace Boris Yeltsin as Russian President, in competition with Vladimir Putin. The road not taken, and all that.

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So nobody is suggesting that Putin is actually behind the shooting?  Normally when a politician is assassinated that is one of the first suggestions (that the rival is behind it, that is.)


I heard rumors it was done by Islamic radicals, but no evidence.

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So nobody is suggesting that Putin is actually behind the shooting?  Normally when a politician is assassinated that is one of the first suggestions (that the rival is behind it, that is.)


I heard rumors it was done by Islamic radicals, but no evidence.

Actually lots of people are saying that Putin is behind it - and ultimately he probably is: people who challenge him publicly tend to end up murdered or in prison - but proving it is going to be virtually impossible. The Russian media is saying that it was probably islamist radicals or "gangsters" ... but odds are, we will never know who is responsible.


Cheers, Mark

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So nobody is suggesting that Putin is actually behind the shooting?  Normally when a politician is assassinated that is one of the first suggestions (that the rival is behind it, that is.)


I heard rumors it was done by Islamic radicals, but no evidence.


No-one in Russia, no, it seems. The official stance seems to be that Nemtsov was assassinated by people in his own camp, to embarrass Putin and destabilize Russia. The investigators have released a list of five main lines of inquiry that they're pursuing -- to nobody's surprise, the theory that the Kremlin could be behind it, on whatever level, is absent.


Personally, I get the feeling that someone low down in the Putin support group hierarchy -- FSB or semi-fascist footpads --  wanted to do the Big Man a favor by removing a would-be rival.

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No-one in Russia, no, it seems. The official stance seems to be that Nemtsov was assassinated by people in his own camp, to embarrass Putin and destabilize Russia. The investigators have released a list of five main lines of inquiry that they're pursuing -- to nobody's surprise, the theory that the Kremlin could be behind it, on whatever level, is absent.


Personally, I get the feeling that someone low down in the Putin support group hierarchy -- FSB or semi-fascist footpads --  wanted to do the Big Man a favor by removing a would-be rival.


I had nothing to gain from Nemtsov being shot, and everything to lose. Therefore, the people who shot Nemtsov were out to get me, personally. The only way to show your shock and horror at the assassination is to send me all your money.



Lawnmower Boy, c/o Mrs. Aposdoupoulous, 

213 Stevens Street,

Vancouver, B.C.


No small bills, please, USD preferred.

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Fair to moderate, not critical. Still, the guy is 72 and just coming off a broken ankle.


Ford has been known for his piloting activities in the aviation community for some time. He's one of the few men alive who can actually afford the hobby, and has been known to assist in search and rescue missions for lost hikers.

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