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Investigators did DNA tests on herbal supplements from assorted vendors (Wal-mart, Walgreen, etc) and found that only 21% contained the plant they claimed to.  It was mostly just vegetable matter.




Not really surprising - the whole supplements thing is pretty much a giant scam: the best you can hope for is that your supplements don't actually hasten your death, so maybe it's a good thing if they are just mostly harmless vegetable pulp.


cheers, Mark

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Investigators did DNA tests on herbal supplements from assorted vendors (Wal-mart, Walgreen, etc) and found that only 21% contained the plant they claimed to.  It was mostly just vegetable matter.



great...   according to my doctor, Milkthistle has better results controlling bloodsugar levels than some prescription medications....  

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There was a Charlie Hebdo style terrorist attack here in Copenhagen over the weekend. It seems to have been a one-man, amateurish attack - the police fairly rapidly identified a suspect and tried to arrest him when he returned to his apartment. He was killed when he pulled a gun on the police. In the meantime, though he attacked a meeting on press freedom (killing one of the attendees, and wounding two police officers) and then attacked a synagogue, killing a local man who was watching the door while a Bat Mitzvah was in process and wounding two two police who responded.


The reason was probably the fact that one of the "Mohammed cartoonists" was speaking at the meeting. One of our friends was also there: on his twitter he describes the shooting and "running away once the shooting started, so fast that he could taste blood in his mouth". There's going to be a lot of followup on this: two people have been detained and charged with "supporting terrorism", but even if it turns out to be one deranged man, people are going to want to know how he got his hands on what witnesses describe as an assault rifle (and certainly the rate of shooting suggests automatic or semi-automatic fire).


cheers, Mark

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"Lesley Gore has died.  And I'll cry if I want to." -- from Twitter

You know, It's My Party was a catchy song about high school angst, I could deal with that. The followup Judy's turn to Cry is about Two Timing Johnny coming back and claiming singer girl by punching out someone who is nice to her.


She wrote other songs, such as "Maybe I know" about dating a cheater.


I was kind of put off by that as I got older. But today, I found out: she wrote her songs (sometimes with her brother) wrote It's my party at 16. Makes more sense then


Found out today, that she also wrote "You Don't Own Me." which makes up for quite a bit of the scary 50's era "romance" stuff. 


She was also in the 60's Batman Series as one of Catwoman's aids. Sang a few songs as well. don't remember that episode. Saw some clips on YouTube tonight.

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