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Combined Attack + Delayed Effect



I may have found something a little ridiculous that I wanted to ask your opinion on. My GM has set an active point cap of about 2/3 of our total points. So I wanted to make an incredibly powerful Mage keeping that in mind. One thing that I found was the combination of Combined Attack and Delayed Effect. Delayed Effect, as you know, allows you to store spells for later use. Depending on how high the advantage is for delayed effect determines how many spells you can store with the Delayed Effect advantage. So with the advantage set to 1.25 you can have 64 spells stored with a base of int/5 starting number of spells stored at once. If you have 20 int. Now Combined Attack states that using two or MORE powers or similar abilities once against a single target counts as a type of strike and doesn't have an OCV or DCV penalty as well as not taking a full phase to perform. In this sense, it forces all powers and abilities used like this to be made with a single attack roll. My question is, can I use all 64 spells I have stored at once using Combined Attack? And if so, how does damage calculation work for something like that? Thanks in advance.

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If a character wants to make a Combined Attack (as defined on 6E2 74) with powers he's bought with the Delayed Effect Advantage, unless the GM rules otherwise he can only use the powers that he currently has "active" or "available" at that time (typically, but not always, defined as INT/5 number of powers). He is, of course, subject to any other rules or campaign guidelines governing the use of those powers. For example, it may not always be possible for a character to use two or more powers with certain Limitaitons (like Concentration or Gestures) simultaneously (see the rules for those Limitations for more information). For campaigns using the Spell Limitation described in FH, that Limitation prevents multiple spells from being cast at the same time unless the GM rules otherwise.


Re: damage, you determine it as per normal for a Combined Attack -- each power damages the target separately, with defenses (if any) applying separately to that individual attack.

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