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AI-Controlled Automaton: PRE and Interaction Skills



If an AI is running an Automaton body and using it to interact with the world, since AIs don't have PRE, is it able to use the body's PRE to calculate the roll for any Interaction skills that the AI has?


Could an AI buy bonus PRE that would benefit the Automaton body? Since it is the brain installed in the Automaton, would it need a Usable By Other advantage of some kind or would that bonus PRE just flow through?

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Good questions. If I ever get around to writing a book that delves into the subject of Automatons more closely (presumably The Ultimate Gadgeteer), I’ll delve into this topic much more thoroughly. In the meantime here are the short answers:


1. Yes, unless the GM rules otherwise.


2.  The AI could buy PRE that would “help” the Automaton, but it would have to buy it with some form of Usable On Others (or alternately buy an Aid PRE; that’s probably easier in the long run).

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