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New Fantasy Fiction From Steve: "The Wolf Sentinel"

Steve Long

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Howdy folks! The latest anthology to feature one of my stories has just been published, so I am once again beating the publicity drum. ;)


It's called Hero's Best Friend, and is a compilation of stories about heroes' animal companions. My particular contribution is a tale called "The Wolf Sentinel." "It tells the story of Swift Grey Lord of the Forest, a former pack-leading wolf who's been driven away from his pack due to age and weakness. When a noble human (Vorgath the warlock, the main character in my perpetually-in-revisions novel) is injured by his enemies in the forest, Greylord "adopts" him as his new pack and helps and protects him until he can fend for himself once more.


You can pick up a copy (in various formats) here:






I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think! And of course, if you like it, a review on Amazon would be much appreciated by both myself and the publisher. ;)



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