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Not Your Usual Goblins and Hobgoblins


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I was reading Wikipedia today, studying up a bit on goblins and hobgoblins, where it surprised me to learn that a hobgoblin was a more kindly form of household faerie than a goblin was, the latter being an evil trickster creature.

This probably comes from my gaming background of D&D and reading Tolkien. A hobgoblin was a stronger, tougher goblin in D&D, not a household faerie.


That said, I would like to use the idea of hobgoblins as larger, stronger forms of goblins, but not have them be Tolkien-like Uruk-Hai. Left on their own, while goblins are more intrinsically evil and Unseelie-like by nature, hobgoblins in my world would be no more evil than the average human but more vulnerable to being swayed into evil. How could one show that as a racial complication? A PRE attack vulnerability? A Physical Complication of some kind?


Hobgoblins were often used by the Unseelie as their foot soldiers in service to the Dark Lord, but a large portion of their population remained Seelie, fearsome warriors with a code of honor, something like Klingons became in later versions of Star Trek.


Perhaps I could use orcs as Unseelie versions of hobgoblins?

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In this sense, I would say Hobgoblins are soldiers looking for a general...


Perhaps have a racial psychological disad that they are unwavering loyal to the first person to inspire them...


So once they have chosen a leader, they follow that leader no matter what. Even if said leader were to die, they continue to pursue their master's goals.


Of course, since young hobgoblins would probably be raised in a crèche, the odds are pretty good that when dad comes home from war he'll inspire his sons to follow the leader.

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I like the idea of hobgoblins as soldiers looking for a general, but it seems to imply a race of natural followers with few natural leaders in their ranks.


That could be done by giving them low PRE defensively, but maybe adding a Talent to reflect that it is difficult to scare them. Drop PRE too low, and a farmer with a pitchfork would scare them.


They'll follow an inspiring leader, but that leader does not necessarily have to terrify them into following. I suppose this could be done with a Psychological Complication. Maybe a vulnerability to certain types of presence attacks?

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Or you could just accept the low PRE. That would mean that they were actually pretty useless as soldiers unless they were led by a strong leader - or driven by fear, for example an ogre with a spiked whip in the back ranks. That's actually pretty typical for the "dark races" in modern fantasy - without a strong leader, they are, by nature, skulkers. Once the leader is removed the army tends to fall apart.


If you want to get detailed, give them a low PRE but also some striking appearance - they are scary to ordinary people, but if challenged by a stronger force, they tend to cower.


cheers, Mark

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A lower PRE and Striking Appearance would work. Perhaps they have a PRE Aid when they are in a group of when following a strong leader? They thus won't break ranks. But when they are alone, or maybe a small group without a strong leader, they can be more easily intimidated.


The PRE Aid could even be dependent upon their numbers. A squad would not be as brave as a platoon, and an entire legion would be like an unstoppable tide.

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Something like this might work better than Aid/Succor:




3 Striking Appearance: +5 PRE; Offensive only (-1/2)

5 Confidence in Numbers: +10 PRE; Defensive Only (-1/2); Dependent upon Warband Size (+1 PRE per 10 total Companions -1/2)

5 Easily Inspired: +10 PRE; Defensive Only (-1/2); Dependent upon having a leader with high PRE (-1/2)

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You don't really need it: a leader with a high PRE will cow them into whatever he wants them to do. That only becomes a problem if he's absent for a long time, or his forces are challenged by someone with an even higher PRE. Since most Dark Lords, take the "terrifying" package, that's rarely going to be a problem.



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You don't really need it: a leader with a high PRE will cow them into whatever he wants them to do. That only becomes a problem if he's absent for a long time, or his forces are challenged by someone with an even higher PRE. Since most Dark Lords, take the "terrifying" package, that's rarely going to be a problem.



Terrifying Package


Terrifying Aspect: +4/+4d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)


Commanding Voice: Oratory


Knows how to inspire minions: +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. [Goblinoids])


Unrelenting Fear: Uncontrolled (+1/2) (10 Active Points) applied to PRE

(Assumes base PRE 20)

(Effects of a PRE attack do not fade, until something else makes an even bigger PRE attack)


Do NOT fail me: Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Persistent (+1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; Out to earshot; +1), Usable Simultaneously (all targets standing within 10 meters of Grantor; +1 1/2) (65 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 1/4), Limited Power Only while serving the Terrifying One's purposes (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) applied to PRE

(Assumes base PRE 20)

(Minions add the character's PRE of 20 to their own)



Lucius Alexander


Go forth, my palindromedary riding legions, and conquer!

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