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Questions about damage negation



Hello folks, 


I have just started using the HERO system for the Monster Hunter International campaign setting. I have noticed a lot of the beasties have an ability that reduces the Damage Class of attacks. Here are a short list of questions about this ability.


  • Why use this mechanic rather than just a higher defense rating?
    • Is there a mathematical difference than just giving X amount more of regular PD/ED and resistant PD/ED?
    • Does anyone know a simple conversion? 
  • How do I as the DM figure out my players damage without tipping my hat about the damage negation?
    • So far I have been actually rolling a number of dice equal to the DC of the reduction and subtracting that from the players roll so the ability continues to work but the player is none the wiser unless they make a perception check as it seems the negation is often in conjunction with a noticeable defense (semisolid or whatnot)


Thanks all,




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