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For Fun: A Classic Look At The Variabilty Of 'Spideys Webs'


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Some thoughts on how to build this stuff (sorry if that is off topic, but I see stuff and I think about how to build it):

Strong enough to entangle the thing, Heat resistant enough to entangle the human torch

Seems to be entangles with a special focus on PD or ED respectively. The anti-torch varaint might have advantages (to coutner Penetrating/Armor Piercing) depending how the Fires of the Human Torch are build

Limited stretching - special effect why he can use it for swinging


1 Hour time limit: Was not aware it was even there to begin with. It does explain why New York looks passable, most of the time. It also makes some of the builds easier (they only need to hold 1 hour tops, not be persistent).


A barrier - see Saftey Net

As shield, Parachute, Skiis, raft, club, ball, safety net, sticky glue - most of this falls under "creating self-sustained obecets that might be given away". Always a tricky thematic.

Physical Manifesation seems a must, as might be increased time to activate (create the object). Detail on how those objects would be build:


Shield: +X DCV (depending on Size. Can be added to OCV for Block. See 6E2 211 for details about DCV/Size ratio). Might also be used as makeshift cover.


Parachute: There is one as Gliding example, 6E1 228)

Skiis: Running + Environmental Movement (ice)

Maybe a form of flight, only along surfaces (not speedster style movement, but still needs to "fly" along surfaces without touching them/thier chance to fall on them)


Raft: Swimming, Surface Only (-1)


Club: HTH-Attack. Physical Manifestaion protects from Damage shields.


Ball. Depends what you do with it. Could be a way to apply Str on Range. Could see it being used to trip foes. "TK, Physical Manifesation" might be a way.


Safety Net: Oddly enough this is perhaps the hardest to build in HERO and we had entire threads about it without consensus. It works a bit like a barrier. Yet it is not as dangerous as one. The job is to break falls without being so hard/unflexible that you impact those with serious force/danger of injury. He somtimes uses multiple in sequence because one could not properly stop the fall.

Barrier with low PD or a limitation that it deals significantly reduce impact damage (while still braking the fall according to PD and BODY).

TK, AoE, Affects Whole Object, while using the Rule to "stop movign objects" (6E2 26)


Sticky Glue: There is the option to Combine Clingign with a Damage Shield. Using AoE instead of Damage Shield would not be a stretch, but the question is if that would be balanced.

CE with penalty to movement, wich can be overcome with STR.

Entangle vs Feet only.


*streching would not the bill here, as he is not subjecting himself to much danger. "Telekinesis, Physical Manifestation" seems more fitting.

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Reflecting on the 'how to build this' is not off topic at all....


Of course, anything I might build would be based on 5th Edition....And when I first saw this I recalled 1st Edition, since when I first started with Hero System it was around the same time as the first release of The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe....which this image reminded me of. :winkgrin:

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The graphic in the OP reminds me a lot of Green Lantern's power suite, to be honest.


In a lot of ways it is.  The Web Shooters are just slightly more limited.


80    Web Shooters (worn on each wrist): Variable Power Pool, 42 base + 60 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1); all slots Persistent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (124 Active Points); Limited Power Web fluid constructs only (-1/2); all slots IIF (2 Webshooters, 1 on each Arm) (Quantity = 2 (from 6e2 page 181) 5 Real points; -1/4), Unified Power (-1/4), 2 clips of 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 20 Minutes (Increased Reloading Time: 2 Full Phases; Web Fluid; -1/4), Gestures (Must be able to squeeze palm trigger to use.; -1/4)

[Notes: (x2 number of items) Each VPP (2 Web Shooters are worn using the Equipment Doubling Rules) require a Skill Roll to change slots.  Every slot has some form of the Range Based on Strength modifier.  This means they effectively still cost the wearer END to use though the exact amount is up to the Player and GM to agree on.  The slots only appear to have 105 Active Points due to the application of Reduced End and Persistent (They are all 60 Active Points if removed from the VPP) These VPP Only Modifiers are only being used to allow the application of the Continuous Charge Modifier to represent the limited amount of Web Fluid carried.  I think this is a much easier method to track than traditional Charges or a separate End Reserve.]

0    1) Web Wall: Barrier 8 PD/7 ED, 9 BODY (up to 8m long, 8m tall, and 1/2m thick), Opaque Sight Group (105 Active Points); Cannot Englobe (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) Real Cost: 42

0    2) Web Cocooning: Entangle 4d6, 6 PD/5 ED (Stops A Given Sense Normal Sight), Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4) (105 Active Points); Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Can Be Deflected (-1/4) Real Cost: 42

0    3) Thrown Web Balls: Blast 8d6, Reduced Negation (1), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Constant (+1/2) (105 Active Points); Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Beam (-1/4) Real Cost: 42

[Notes: Constant was only included to meet requirement to fit into the VPP due to using a Continuing Charge instead of tradtional Charges or End Reserve to describe the limited amount of Web fluid carried.  I would disregard the Constant Advantage otherwise in this case.]

0    4) Web Rope: Telekinesis (40 STR) (105 Active Points); Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) Real Cost: 42

0    5) Web Rope & Web Ballooning: Flight 30m, Range Based On STR (+1/4), Usable As Attack (+1 1/2), Grantor pays the END whenever the power is used, Grantor controls the power totally (105 Active Points); Limited Power Only for Swinging or Gliding (-1) Real Cost: 35

[Notes: Not only does this slot represent Swinging and Gliding.  It also covers Stretching by way of Usable As Attack. This was the only way Ranged Based on Strength (as an Advantage in this instance) could be applied to this slot.]

Spider-Man Web Shooters for 6e.hdc

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