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Need help with finding a translation of a Hebrew word

Major Tom 2009

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Hello, all.


As the topic title says, I need some help with finding a translation of a Hebrew word. I'd recently gotten the

three Roll Call character books for the Silver Age Sentinels RPG, and one of the characters described in

one of the books was an Israeli superheroine called Azure Star who recieved her powers as a result of a

version of the same process that created the American Sentinel (later just Sentinel). According to the text,

the project was called Ha'rishion; I've tried to find an English translation of the word, but haven't had much

luck so far.


Can anyone tell me what the word means?



Major Tom 2009 :hex:

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It looks like a misspelling (intentional?) of Ha-Rishon which means "the first."  Adam HaRishon refers to the Biblical "first man," Adam. Sounds like it might be appropriate.


You were right about the mispelling; I added an i to the word thinking that was how it was spelled. In my defense,

I didn't have the book in front of me at the time to check my spelling.


Thanks for the info and the help.




Major Tom 2009 :thumbup:

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