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NCM gates



If someone sets up an NCM gate do people moving through that gate suffer NCM penalties on emerging?


Let's now consider an ordinary everyday gate:


Does that gate affect everyone/everything who moves through that hex?


Does it affect unwilling people? Do they just get to walk through the hex and beyond without teleporting?


Does it affect willing people the caster of the gate doesn't want to let through (pursuers/aggressors/someone really heavy he doesn't want to pay the end cost for)?


Suppose the gate is set up in front of an oncoming train, does the mass multiple need to be large enough for the entire train or can it handle it one car at a time?


Do people approaching the gate from the opposite side (from the 'back' of the gate) also get teleported just with the opposite facing?

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1 answer to this question

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1. Unless the GM rules otherwise, no.


2.  Per 6E1 301, a Gate is defined as occupying a 2m Radius Area. Therefore, technically speaking any character moving through that Area is affected by the Gate. However, allowing for both dramatic and common sense, a GM could certainly allow a character to avoid one (perhaps if he succeeds with an appropriate roll) if he wanted to.


3-4.  Yes, a Gate affects unwilling people, even though it's not built with Usable As Attack. That’s one of the purposes of the rule — to create an effect that has physical properties characters can interact with. Whether the creator of the Gate wants someone to use it is irrelevant; that’s why it gets the Gate (-½) Limitation (which specifies “anyone of the proper size and mass can move through [a Gate]”).


5.  If a Vehicle tries to move through a Gate, the Gate has to be able to handle the Vehicle’s mass, as stated on the Vehicle’s character sheet. Due to common and dramatic sense, Vehicles that consist of multiple “parts” – whether that’s a train of multiple cars, a motorcycle and sidecar, a cruise ship carrying lifeboats, or what have you — counts as a single mass. Similarly, if necessary the GM should account for any passengers or cargo the Vehicle carries, though I think that in approximately 99.97% of cases that’s far too much detail for most campaigns and the GM can just handle it as he wishes.


6.  Typically no matter which “side” a character approaches a Gate from, it transports him to the same destination. Whether his facing differs based on his approach is up to the GM.

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