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How Mobile Are Your Superheroes?


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My PCs tend to have at least x8 NCM, with higher (or MegaScale) if fast travel is an emphasis of their design.


One thing I've noticed about published Champions supers since Fifth Edition, is that they're often painfully slow Non-Combat. I've seen characters who can travel faster than light outside the atmosphere, but would take hours to get into orbit.

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My two current characters are on both ends of the spectrum. The Silver Bullet is a speedster capable of moving thousands of mph (forget actual number) out of combat. The Foreman, however, has no movement powers at all, and relies on a team transport or a motorcycle (normal; bought with cash, not points).

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Well let's see...


Centurion in his first armor had noncombat flight speed of just over 400 kph. By the time he was in his last as a PC he was up to 1,200.


Patriot rode a motorcycle, a suped up Walker Automotive American Classic that was good for 360 kph.


Nighthawk primarily used the Nightcruiser with a top speed of 552 kph. But it was jet propelled. He also had the plane, boat and bike, but the car was what he used most.


All of them had their own transportation but Centurion and Patriot sometimes flew in the Strike Force team vehicles the Sting-ray, the Sea-ray, and the Star-ray. Nighthawk was a solo hero.


Nighthawk was based in Hudson City and stayed pretty close to home as a rule. Centurion and Patriot were based in Boston (Centurion later got a second home base when he bought Hong Kong) but Strike Force was a global team so they could end up anywhere.

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I've always tried to build some sort of decent noncombat movement into each of my characters--Flight or Teleportation that takes a turn or two to wind up, for example.  Sometimes I just can't work it into the concept, though, and then we have to go the vehicle route.


I remember one campaign the team vehicle was (generously) bought out of the gadgeteer's points.  It was a boring transport hoverjet type of thing, and it got totalled whenever possible.  ;)

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I haven't statted her up yet (so I haven't figured out the exact numbers), but Mantis is pretty fast. She's not quite speedster-level, but she's got the proportionate speed of a praying mantis adapted to a human form. Think like Spider-Man's powers, but a praying mantis instead. So she's very, very fast on her feet and especially in close range, with reflexes and such. She can wall-crawl and super-leap/glide (or low-level flight, if you prefer), and with her agility it lets her get around pretty quickly. I'll have to figure out the exact stats when I stat her up.

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I came up with this a while back.


Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2), [Megascale 1km, 1/2 END, or Use Underwater Only (-1/4)]


Cost 24 Points


This version of flight not only works underwater, cost 1/2 END in combat, but also allows the character to fly 10 times the speed of sound.


Navigation [Air] is recommended.



For those who want superspeed running just take the above the limitation "Only In Contact With A Surface" (-1/4) and save 4 points

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It's varied a lot. My Dark Champions gadgeteer Repairman was no faster than his motorcycle could carry him, but he relied on sniping from ambush anyway. At the other extreme, the demigod Chrysaor could fly around the world in less than an hour; but he was in a very high-powered campaign. The fastest character in any campaign I was in (another player's PC), Sky Marshal, was "the living embodiment of flight" and could be anywhere in the world in minutes.



Campaigns I've run or been in also vary. While there's usually a home city, some have featured a lot of travel. The Supermage playtest campaigns routinely bopped around the world and through other dimensions: Thanks to multiple characters with EDM, and generous use of Babylon as a shortcut for travel around Earth, these were probably my gaming group's most mobile campaigns.


I hope for my new campaign, Avant Guard, to feature a lot of travel. One theme for my new setting is that the world is a lot less centralized in the 21st century: Just as economic/political divisions such as "Developed World" vs. "3rd World" are breaking down and multiple centers of power are emerging, heroes and villains can arise anywhere and go anywhere. The super-action isn't focused on a few hot spots like the US, let alone a single city (the way Marvel tends to focus on NYC). Sure, villains tend to follow the money, so the US, Western Europe, Japan and other wealthy regions see more than their demographic share of action; but many heroes and villains stay home, too. In particular, India and China have their own heroes, and plenty of villains for them to fight.


Dean Shomshak

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Iron Maiden, her as-yet-unnamed half-sister, Hell's Angel and Silverstreak all have a megascale flight power for when they have to get there Right Now.

Inferno and Tempest can fly, but not at great speeds.

The Dark, Raven, Le Fantome, Black Mask, Alexei Torshin and Lahar Vulcan (a villain) all have teleport with varying ranges and SFX.

Doctor Syence, Iron Maiden (a villain with the same name as my heroine--yes, it's confusing) and Marauder all have powered armor with flight.


The rest of my characters (more than half) do not have any kind of flight/teleport power, and must rely on leaping, running, or a vehicle of some kind for swift or long-distance travel.

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I've got three characters I would like to play.


One is a power armoured heroine. She can fly in her suit but for long distance she uses her flying motorcycle. It's pretty fast, but not mega-scale fast.


One is a flying energy projector. He's fast in combat but not much faster out of it.


The last is an alien soldier who fights in space. He has decent tactical flight. His megascale flight only works in space, and even then it's really only fast enough for tactical movement in a space battle. He would still need a vehicle to go from planet to planet in any reasonable time.

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