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Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD (Spoiler Alert)


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The 2 engines in the back only make sense if they are for some type of VTOL feature.  Otherwise they are each too close in line with the exhaust of the 2 engines in front of them.



If you look closely at the blueprint, they are labeled as 'VTOL ramjet engines'.  ;)


It really bothered me when they had the plane land on a dirt strip and the forward engines and wheels were blowing all kinds of dirt and rocks into those rear engines...

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Don't ramjets need to be at speed before they start working
the SR-71 has turbo fans infront of the ramjets to fet the plane in the air and up to speed so the ramjets can work

Being for VTOL kinda defeats the purpose(being at speed)

I'd say since they did not go VTOL when they needed to escape the rebels they are for STOL{short take offs and landings)

And yes COOL LOOKING trumps aerodynamics(look at the helicarrier and Lola using pure thrust to stay airborne and the helicarrier only needs 3 to stay aloft)

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If you look closely at the blueprint, they are labeled as 'VTOL ramjet engines'.  ;)


It really bothered me when they had the plane land on a dirt strip and the forward engines and wheels were blowing all kinds of dirt and rocks into those rear engines...


You're not the only one. Watching a plane that large land on a dirt strip completely destroyed my willing suspension of disbelief. Plus, yeah, SIX jet engines? That's kind of excessive, isn't it? And VTOL ramjet engines? Only two? On the rear of the plane? How's THAT supposed to work?


Eh. I find Agent "Generic White Guy" Ward coma-inducing in his boringness. I like Coulson. I like Melinda May (I like watching Ming Na). Fitz/Simmons are okay. Skye is okay.


As for Coulson: my favorite theory of how he survived:


1. He just survived. In modern combat, a huge percentage (high nineties) of soldiers who reach a field hospital survive. That's been true since Korea. The helicarrier no doubt has a first class medical bay/team. Fury lied to the Avengers to motivate them (or maybe he technically didn't lie, since Coulson's heart stopping briefly could be considered as dying).


2. He spent a long time recuperating, and his trip to "Tahiti" was actually just a Matrix-like simulation he experienced while his body was being repaired.

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As for Coulson: my favorite theory of how he survived:


1. He just survived. In modern combat, a huge percentage (high nineties) of soldiers who reach a field hospital survive. That's been true since Korea. The helicarrier no doubt has a first class medical bay/team. Fury lied to the Avengers to motivate them (or maybe he technically didn't lie, since Coulson's heart stopping briefly could be considered as dying).


2. He spent a long time recuperating, and his trip to "Tahiti" was actually just a Matrix-like simulation he experienced while his body was being repaired.

I'd definately buy into this....Especially the second part......


And yeah, while it does cause my 'Captain America-esque/true blue hero sensabilities' to cringe a bit, I'll totally buy that Fury was manipulating the Avengers.....


Though now I find myself wondering: Anyone know if (in the existing Marvel Universe) it is possible to transfer a human personality/mind/what-have-you into an LMD (which, from my reading(s), are virtual clones - thus basically modified organic forms and explains how Agent C could be bloodied in episode #2.....)?


So, what he 'can never know' is that he is the mind of Agent C in the form of an LMD.




-Carl- (off to re-read my old (circa 1980's) issues of The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe)

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You have to look at the tools the Marvel Cineverse has.


I think they hooked him up to one of Tony Stark's artificial heart devices for a while and then used the same surgery that Stark got at the end of Iron Man 3.


But...explanations abound. It is just as likely that they used the Tesseract to pull him forward in time while he was dying or just before he died.


By the way, did anyone notice the Rising Tide symbol looks like someone took the Hydra symbol and smushed it? :)

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Much more elegant and luxurious, though. Obviously the product of a construction company with a higher budget. 


Fury reading Coulson the riot act over damaging the plane last episode seemed a bit petty to me, but it did serve as a reminder that Phil still has to answer to higher-ups. Although I did love his last-line call at the end of the episode: "Cancel the fish tank." :snicker:

I still think Fury would have ridden anyone other than Coulson a lot harder. Still, it does prove that Coulson doesn't have carte blanche to do whatever the heck he wants without consequences.


Still, if Coulson was ever a "the book is always right" guy, he isn't now. He's gotten away with involving Skye, for example -- something I can't imagine anyone else in SHIELD being able to do. I don't know whether he's prepared for when Skye has to choose her loyalty between SHIELD and Rising Tide or not. Perhaps he sees a larger threat that Rising Tide might actually be (unwillingly and ideally unknowingly) helpful in dealing with.

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Indeed, Coulson may want Skye in-house so that he knows exactly where the Rising Tide mole is.  And if he can feed her info to get Rising Tide to work on SHIELD's behalf by doing what they want to do, so much the better.

And, of course, Skye might well eventually become a true double-agent: serving both SHIELD's interests and Rising Tide's depending on the situation and whose side makes most sense at the time. Of course, on either side only a fool would trust her implicitly and Coulson is no fool.

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Life Model Decoy

The name says it all
It is suppose to mimic life, and I would say also death

As a decoy if it got it's head blown off and you saw robot parts you would know that the target is still alive

They are meant to be shot at

In Coulson's case it also gets you to retain a very experienced agent and can add to that experience


This is also a Marvel comic book how many times have we seen characters brought back from what was certain death 

Well at least Uncle Ben is still dead


I'd say he is just another Captain Jack and let's see how many ways we can try and kill him

Only to have him come back to haunt the villains

Or a red shirt to test the many new and deadly weapons out there

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