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Who Would Win?


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I recall one crossover between Batman and Captain America and Batman won.

While I am ok with Superman beating the Hulk (even though I like the Hulk more) I don't believe Batman should be able to beat Captain America.

If it's the Amalgam crossover, Bats won by the thinnest of margins (hurled shield vs hurled batarang, and the shield was deflected by a fluke). And the contest was decided by fan vote.
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One of the most defining traits of Superman is that "he is as strong as the writer needs". The source of his power is the Yellow Sun and the more light he absorbs, the stronger he get's. He can get really strong by bathing in the Sun (literally).


So basically, what you're saying is that Superman should trade his cape and costume for a thong.



As for Cap vs. Bat, I give it to Batman, who as a gadgeteer has greater versatility. Which is too bad, because I like Cap better.

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I think Batman would win for the simple reason that aside from killing and protecting innocent people he has no rules. He's take Captain America when he's least expecting it, using his Criminology and Deduction to crack his Secret Identity and come at him when he's out of uniform.


Between Superman and Hulk is a bit more difficult. Superman would at first try to reason with him, and then would be concerned with protecting innocent people if the Hulk went on a rampage. Those factors would make Superman vulnerable to an enraged Hulk's beat down.



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Just for fun.


Who would win, Punisher or Aquaman?

Aquaman is a fast swimming brick, who can also summon "Poseidons Trident" (wich shoots lightning and acts as melee weapon) and controll the creatures of the Seas. On top of that he comes from a warrior culture, so he certainly knows how to fight. He can easily win a fight by taking it underwater.

His possible weaknesses include Pride, Overconfidence and a dependance on Saltwater.

In Justice League it was shown that while he is a brick, his durability limit is under what a rocket launcher can exert (not superman level, propably around wonder woman). So a single surprise strike could take him out cold.


Punisher is a normal human, who uses weapons. His greatest weapon is preparation. His greates weakness is that he is "only human".

Punishers goals is proper preparation. He need to be able to seperate aquaman from access to water (wich means he can win a long fight or at least limit how fishes can help aquaman), have flamethrowers and perhaps prepared traps to lure him into.


Aquaman is not an easy opponent:

He can pretty much kill a normal human if he get's into hand range.

If he get's to water, he can escape easily (so it might be a idea to prepare electrocution traps in obviosu escape routes).

But just because you stay away from him does not make you save: The trident of poseidon allwos very powerfull ranged attacks and aquaman will likely not hesistate to use them. He can also use his strenght to throw stuff at you or colapse the buildign under you.

If punisher isn't able to take out oder seriously damage aquaman with his first strike or his first 1-2 traps, he is likely to loose as aquaman will expect further traps and just keep his distance.

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The Superman of my youth (silver age) is so ridiculously off the scale that it isn't a contest. But honestly, that's a bad character. More recent versions would have Superman unwisely getting into a fistfight with the Hulk, which would be to the Hulk's advantage. If Superman gets away in time, then he realizes he must use mobility, speed, and his various other super powers. The Hulk in turn does so much carnage that Superman would have to spend his entire time protecting innocent bystanders. Hulk leaps away, Superman pursues belatedly, and is misdirected by the rather frazzled looking bystander, who is,of course, Bruce Banner. Banner decides to carry some Kryptonite for the next encounter because otherwise Superman will out-think the Hulk the next time.


For Batman, the trick is getting past the shield, which is basically super-powered. Does his utility equipment accomplish that? Stun? Shield. Batarang? Dodges. Gas? Holds his breath to the peak of human ability and moves out of the gas cloud. If Cap is still holding his shield when they get to melee range, Batman loses. Neutralize all gear and Cap eventually,if narrowly, wears him down (perfect beats as perfect as one can get without quite being perfect). Batman says the heck with this and escapes (smoke grenade). He then reads about the campaigns of Trajan vs. the Dacians and applies the lesson by spending a few million dollars coming up with Anti-Captain America gear, and wins round two. The gear is promptly forgotten about for the next issue.

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I think the most recent version of the characters in movies and comics would be be pretty even but with the edge to Superman (speed and mobility). The movie version seem to on about the same "power level" physically. I can't be as certain about the recent comic version as I have largely second and third hand knowledge. But I'd still give the edge to Superman though it could reasonably go either way. The Hulk is insanely difficult to put down for any length of of time without doing extreme things that Superman might be reluctant to do (like throwing him into orbit) and the "The madder I get the stronger I get" ability makes any prolonged battle with the Hulk a risk.
DC powered him back up? I had no idea.
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Hasn't yet been concluded, but I highly recommend watching them fight on YouTube:



My favorite version of a fight between Superman and Hulk is from the Justice League Animated episode guest starring the Defenders (Dr. Fate/Strange, Aquaman/Namor and Grundy/Hulk).


OMG, I didn't get that! Then again I didn't get Police Academy's Commandant Lassard joke until 2004.
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Why have Punisher fight Aquaman ? Surely Sub Mariner would be the obvious opponent ? On the other hand , how about Punisher vs Deadshot ?
Because every single "versus" listed in this thread is Marvel versus DC. Because they were being silly and naming a completely weird match up while most of the others listed are somehow comparable.
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Hasn't yet been concluded, but I highly recommend watching them fight on YouTube:



My favorite version of a fight between Superman and Hulk is from the Justice League Animated episode guest starring the Defenders (Dr. Fate/Strange, Aquaman/Namor and Grundy/Hulk).


Geez, I didn't get the Defenders parallel either until just now! :o
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Just for fun.


Who would win, Punisher or Aquaman?


I personally think Punisher vs Batman would be more even.

I'm aware of two published Batman/Punisher encounters: the independent story Deadly Knights, and an off-panel fight during the JLA/Avengers miniseries. In both cases Batman pretty much manhandled Punisher.



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Hasn't yet been concluded, but I highly recommend watching them fight on YouTube:



My favorite version of a fight between Superman and Hulk is from the Justice League Animated episode guest starring the Defenders (Dr. Fate/Strange, Aquaman/Namor and Grundy/Hulk).


Switch the last three letters of Lassard with the second, third, and fourth.
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