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Summoning questions and clarifications



A character has the ability to summon some forms of lesser demons. That demon enters combat and is KO'd, for a LONG time (GM's discretion). What happens to that summoned being? Does it just remain there until the combat is over and resuscitated? Does it retain all of its remaining command obligations?


If nothing is done to revive the summoned demon and it still has command obligations will it stay in the spot forever awaiting a command? Or until the summon is used again? (Albeit potentially summoning the same type of demon yet a different entity.) In that way is it possible to summon multiple demons over a lengthy period of time?


I understand that some of these questions may be discretionary but I would still really appreciate your insight.




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1 answer to this question

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That really depends on the GM, his setting, and how summoning abilities work there. Typically, under the rules, what matters is the number of tasks a Summoned being performs, not the amount of time that passes since he was Summoned. However, common and dramatic sense also have to factor in. I could see a Summoned being waiting around for long periods of inactivity in a wizard's sanctum, for example, but not on a city street (aside, perhaps, from the humor value in that). As a GM I'd probably rule that the passage of a specific amount of time without any command being issued constituted "one task," so that eventually the Summoned being has fulfilled its obligations.


I'd suggest posting this question in the Discussion area as well; other gamers may have useful perspectives or suggestions. :)

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