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Mirror Master


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Anyone take a crack at Mirror Master, the DC Comics Rogue character (the Flash villain)? I'm making a villain team based on the Rogues and this one is the most challenging to me. I figure he has duplication or images. An entangle (trapping people in mirrors). Any other thoughts?


Thanks for any help.



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Study his appearances. List the things he can do. Translate them into Hero terms. See how many of them he does at a time, or in a single appearance.


I would be tempted to use either a Multipower or a VPP (Gadget pool). Unfortunately, an MP inside a Gadget pool would probably be a better representation - he only has a few mirrors available at any time (pool), but they can do a set of different things (MP). But of course, stacking power frameworks tends to get you sent to the naughty corner.


The guy himself is pretty easy, and interchangeable with most of the rogues - a fairly capable normal specialising in a particular field of 'science'. Build one such character and you can reuse a lot of him (most Flash Rogues are male) in later ones.


Anyway, research is the key. Of course, you don't have to build an exact version of the character, but instead build one that more or less has the same schtick.

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Teleport Only Through Mirror. Images and Duplication. Seems to go down with one Punch once Flash finds him. Vulnerable because he uses OAF.


"Flash And Substance" is a good example of his powers, and how other heroes would deal with them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OIF: Any reflective surface. On the nested Power pools, I had that problem a few years ago and realized the answer was very easy. You build a cosmic VPP, then limit it to act like a MP that you can switch out the slots when appropriate (My normal example is a UT Belt that you can change the 10 items on it for another 10 items, but only at base

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Let's see what I got:

Mirror Master in Flashpoitn Paradox (only uses a blast):



Mirror master disco trap in JLU (images to sight and sound, blasts):


Flash live action series:


Mirror master in the New Batman cartoo:


"The batman", Season 5, "In a Mirror Darkly"



Walk through mirrors:

It could be a Teleport, but the place behind the mirrors is regulary described as a "Mirror Dimension" (not like the Star Trek Mirror Universe). One of the rules of the Mirror Realm is that everyone can see through Mirrors into the normal world (but you still need a power to cross over)

So either Teleport or EDM "Into the Mirror Dimension", Single Dimension, Single Point in dimension (corresponding to curret position). He walks into the Mirror Dimension, travels in it, then re-emerges where he wants to be.


Mirror Duplicates:

Images are the most obvious choice, as far as non-subtantial Duplciates go. They can act and react indepently and make it impossible to target the real one, but once you hit them you know they are not real.

However when he apprears he usually shows off "Hardlight Images" for the first time. Those are more on the Duplicate side of things. However they often break when defated so Summon might be the better power to simualte this.

Sometimes he also had "Mirror Copies of the heroes". The one flaw his his duplicates/images/copies always havie is that they are side inverted, like a mirror reflection.


Seeing through a remote mirror:

Not certain if he showed somethign like this, but if he does "Clairsentience, Sight, Only through Mirrors".



Lasers and lightbeams are his kind of weapon. Usual Blast and maybe RKA powers.

Maybe a indirect slot for "Bouncing the beam of a mirror".

Know weakpoint is that they can be blocked/reflected back at him using even a small mirror.

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  • 3 months later...

Mirror Master has shown a lot of different power sets over the years.  Your writeup will need to reflect (heh heh) whichever version you choose.


Generally, I'd give the Rogues either high Dex scores or a lot of combat levels.  They are dangerous enough that they can hit the Flash in combat.  They probably aren't high on defense, because they tend to fall to one or two punches, and Flash doesn't go full on Black Hole Punch on them all the time.


Build-wise, I'd give him a multipower with the most common moves that he uses, and then a gadget VPP for his 2 or 3 one-shots that you never see again.  He's a villain so points shouldn't really be an issue.  I'd give him the following types of powers:




Energy Blast

Extradimensional movement (sometimes usable against others)


Force Wall (solid light holograms)



Mental Illusions

Mind Control (hypnotic lights)


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Build-wise, I'd give him a multipower with the most common moves that he uses, and then a gadget VPP for his 2 or 3 one-shots that you never see again.

"one- or two-shots that you never see again" are either:

Plot devices (for the Villain)


Power Skill Roll (for the Hero)


You should not account for them any more in the Writeupt then that.

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"one- or two-shots that you never see again" are either:

Plot devices (for the Villain)


Power Skill Roll (for the Hero)


You should not account for them any more in the Writeupt then that.


If every appearance he has a new "thing you'll never see again" then he may have a gadget pool.

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