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What is the correct cost of END? (Champions Complete vs. Excel character sheet)

Stan Bundy


I finally managed to acquire Champions Complete for my gamemaster at Gen Con last week (just wish I could have been able to afford MHI too, for my Correia-fan other GM), after months of unsuccessfully trying to order HERO 6th edition Book 1 through our FLGS (whose distributors sent wrong product or claim to perennially be in "back order").


I'm prepping my character and helping others with theirs, being the only player other than the GM experienced with HERO (going back to 3E, and I count as a friend the writer of the original "Sanctuary" manuscript that became the basis for "Neutral Ground"). However, I've hit a bit of a stumbling block, using the excel-based character sheet, and I don't have the HS Book 1 available to break the conflict to see which is in error.


The Excel Character sheet is set up for END cost being 2 END for 1 CP

The Champions Complete book says the cost is 5 END for 1 CP (page 19).


Which is correct?

Luckily, health issues for the GM has put off his first game until after labor day, so I'm not havign to get the answer by tomorrow morning... :P


Also, the person I talked to at the booth Friday took my email and said that they'd send me the PDF for Champions Complete after the con, and I was wondering how long that process might take.



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The Excel character sheet was prepared by someone (I don't know who) and might contain errors. When an outside source like that conflicts with the actual, official rulebook, the rulebook is the way to go.


It may take several weeks for Jason to send out all the PDFs from GenCon. He's got probably a couple thousand to go through. But the sooner you forward him your receipt, the sooner he's likely to get to yours.

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