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A Question About Darkness and Teleportation Limitations



Just bought Champions Complete and working on creating some characters in anticipation for recruitiing players.


Two questions so far from character creation:


If a character has darkness that has the area effect of self, in that it radiates outward from the character but then remains wherever it was created even if the character moves, is that a limitation?


I have a teleportation where the destination has to be in Shadow/Darkness. What sort of limitation modifier would that be?


Thanks very much in advance.

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1 answer to this question

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1. That's up to the GM, but usually the answer is no. Typically No Range Darkness would work as you describe automatically, but the GM could choose to let the "darkness field" move with the character instead (or he might require the character to pay for this, in the full 6E rules).


2. Again, that's up to the GM, since how often that condition occurs depends on the nature of his campaign setting. In published books the Limitation "Only In Darkness/Shadow" for Teleportation is typically given a value of -1/4 (especially when the character has a Darkness power that lets him create his own areas into which he can Teleport). It might increase to -1/2 if the character can't do that and the GM doesn't believe he'll encounter that circumstance very often.

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