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question on detect and damge




Cost: 5 Character Points for a single Sense; 10 Character Points for a single Sense Group. A nonranged Sense (such as Touch or Detect) with this Sense Modifier can perceive at Range in

a 120-degree arc with the usual Range Modifier (just like, for example, Normal Sight).


If a person has detect with Range is this treated as if detect has standard range ? Range + base points for power x10 m?


Also if a character has a blast that is touch only, Area of Effect - body surface and punches a foe, the damge done Is ED for the blast, but do they also get there STR damage due to the fact there is physical STR behind the punch, this causing both ED and PD?

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The potential Range of a Sense is technically unlimited (which models some real-world situations well). However, as noted on 6E2 11, the Range Modifer applies to PER Rolls. This effectively places a limit on the Range over which a Sense can work. Even allowing for the standard rule that a roll of 3 always succeeds, most GMs are going to apply common sense to situations involving long-distance PER Rolls and simply declare that perception is impossible beyond a certain point.


STR does not add to Blast, even if the Blast is defined as Physical. If you want a non-Ranged attack to which STR adds, use Hand-To-Hand Attack.

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