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Evil Flesh to Stone effect but is it legal?



A long time ago, I turned a player to stone, sort of. As a GM, I created an entangle which blocks all 5 sense groups (sight sound, touch, smell, and taste). The hero targeted had no special sense groups. He gets hit by the 3d6 entangle and I tell him that "He sees, feels, smells, hears nothing. He can't move." Players see him encrusted in stone, frozen in place. He tries to move around but his arms won't move (he isn't trying hard thus I rule he isn't using his full 30 strength). Since it blocks all feeling, I rule that he can't feel he's in an entangle nor feel if its breaking.


Now I know I, as GM, have final say; but am I overly using block all touch senses on the entangle? The entangle isn't invisible, anyone outside the entangle can see the attack and you know you were hit by an attack and by whom. You just don't know what the attacks effect on you is.


PS: He eventually figured it out as I kept asking what he wanted to do on his phase (after much aggravation).

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You're certainly within your rights as GM to interpret things that way. We can all sort of guess what happens when you're blinded, because we've all been in situations where we couldn't see, but few (if any) of us have experienced a situation where we lost all sense of touch, so it's hard to know for certain what the effects would be. That's why we have GMs. ;)

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